Читать книгу Fairytales for adults in the fourth dimension - Slava Sarazhin - Страница 2



To the reader

It is happening, and your heart is beating inside of your mother's womb. At the same time the inexorable countdown to your end has already begun. Everybody has their own lifespan.

Some timepieces are covered with magnificent ornaments of gold, silver and precious stones, and some are simple and unpretentious, but they all bring you closer to your death.

The hidden mechanisms of self-destruction tick away inexorably. Every precious drop of your life drips away into the ocean of time. Every drop represents a moment of your life; every drop represents the amount of time you have left, like a poison.

So, from being a nice cute child, you grow up to become an independent human being. In the beginning, you find everything exciting, but with each passing drop of your precious time you become an adult. This disease relentlessly undermines you. At first, it shows no signs, but then you notice the first wrinkle. The symptoms are relentless. This disease is called old age. This is the only illness that depends on your lifespan in hours, minutes and seconds, and it batters away at you day and night. Every birthday and anniversary brings you closer to the inevitable.

But you feel full of energy, powerful and in control, because in the end you are a human being, and you are responsible for everything around you, and you create it only for yourself.

Listen to your body clock. This is not the sound of your heartbeat. It's a different sound. It's the sound of your personal time bomb. Feel the movement of the cogs and springs, as this perfect mechanism is inside of you, and it defines who you are.

Take some time, and slow down the pace of the rat race. You do not need to be afraid of time. You do not depend on the movement of the cogs and springs, you do not depend on the program of self-destruction. You are your own god, and you can pause the heartbeat of this mechanism inside your body itself. Firstly, slow down the pace of your life, enjoy the miraculous changes in your body, and then throw the broken mechanism away, because you think that you are immortal. You have no control over the metered steps leading you into oblivion. You have no control over when you look in the mirror and no longer recognize the unfamiliar person on the other side.

Try to remember that you are not free from restrictions, especially restrictions on the time that you have left. The date of your death has already been set, you've done it yourself and you move towards it deliberately with a smile on your face, trying not to think about the great void that lies beyond. A natural fear, a fear of death, lives within you. A program created by your ancestors, who died according to plan, makes you follow after them, feeling like you are just like everybody else.

Get out of that mindset! Get out of this system of belief and look back on those who remain in the system. Look them in the eye. They still have that fear that you have stepped over, after throwing away the broken mechanism designed for just one life. The system consisting of the cogs and springs of society which has forged the stereotypes.

Enough. Listen to me, enough is enough. Enough of self deception. You are not a self-destructing time bomb. You are free. Just remember that, and when you do remember, listen… What do you hear? This is the state of total freedom and silence in the void. A feeling that God exists inside of you and for you, out of time and space.

Fairytales for adults in the fourth dimension

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