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Everything Should Be Natural


Turn Off the Inner Critic

How often, before you start to say something, you begin by saying it in your head? Gotcha! This is how your inner critic works. He wants you to look good. This is a defense mechanism. On the one hand, it helps adapt socially, but on the other hand, it limits our ability to think outside the box.

This inner critic is very conservative. He always issues his critique along the same lines. Look around. How many people are going around and around in circles? They continue to do what they have always done, because their censor sits on his throne, and ruthlessly erases any rebellious thoughts from their first and natural reactions and impressions.

But we want to smash this circle and this requires breakthrough ideas. And such ideas originate from primary, sincere and original thoughts. But how do we get to them? By moving this inner critic to the background and giving a voice to the part of the mind that gives rise to ideas. Our goal is to achieve the natural functioning of the mind.

However, a fair question arises. Why waste the paper when there are other ways to express thoughts, like telling a friend by phone? Here’s why. Writing is important for two reasons.

Why write?

First, moving a pen across the page or hitting computer keys focuses the mind, which needs a physical object to focus on. Otherwise, one’s attention will jump from one subject to another. As a result, he or she begins to fantasize and the writing session ends unproductively.

Second, freewriting is about creating a transcript of thinking. Those familiar with programming might think of it as a log file. This is a file in which the program registers the actions that have been taken. It can be used to find errors if they occurred while executing the code. Such a log file of person’s thinking process prevents valuable thoughts from being lost in the far corners of the mind. How can thoughts written down on paper be helpful? This allows a person to see his or her strengths and weaknesses. Because when problem solving, a person should leverage his or her strong points. It is much more pleasant and easier to work with one’s strengths.

"Use what is given to you, because it is your wealth," philosopher Ralph Emerson once remarked. Mark carried this quotation with him in his wallet for a long time. It helped him to achieve what was important to him, which in turn allowed him to appreciate his mind and use it to its full potential.

Weaknesses provide a clue as to what needs to be improved. When thoughts are written down on paper, the author will always understand where he has been, where he has yet to go, and what is his final destination is.

Getting Your Thoughts Down on Paper

Freewriting is a system that includes several rounds. One flows into the next with a view to finding a possible solution to a given situation. Here is what the analysis of the problem looks like scientifically.

▶In the first round, you jot down on paper everything that is in your head. Take a specific situation, clarify why you are writing about it. Explore it from a point of view that is close to you. Establish the facts and your attitude towards them. Figure out exactly where your facts, behaviors, and thoughts are working for you.

▶In the second round, write about where thoughts and actions can do you harm. Here a critical mass of the emotional and logical factors of the situation is reached and becomes sufficient to evoke constructive associations. If this doesn’t occur explore further.

▶In the third round, you can ask: "What situations from my past are similar to this one?" These can be moments from your own life, as well as the lives of other people, both real and fictional, including metaphors from the world of nature, science or art.

It’s worth remembering that this is not a search for an deal answer. The point is to fill the page with ideas. Before ending the session, summarize your thoughts. What would you do based on what you have written down?

Freewriting can be compared to the scientific method. You observe, formulate a hypothesis, conduct an experiment, collect and analyze the results, then put forward a new hypothesis. Here, as in any game, there are rules and freewriting is no exception. Below you will learn about the six principles of freewriting. If you stick to them, your creative process will begin producing impressive results.

Summary: Accidental Genius. Using Writing to Generate Your Best Ideas, Insight and Content. Mark Levy

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