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2.3 Networks


A social network is a structure composed of a set of entities, some of whose members are connected by a set of one or more relations. These two fundamental components are common to most network definitions; for example: “a network contains a set of objects (in mathematical terms, nodes) and a mapping or description of relations between the objects or nodes” (Kadushin, 2012, p. 14). Different types of relations identify different networks, even where observations are restricted to the same set of entities. Thus, the friendship network among a set of office employees very likely differs from their advice-seeking network. Stating that connections exist among members of a network does not require that all members have direct relations with all others; indeed, sometimes very few dyads have direct links. Rather, network analysis considers both present and absent ties and possibly also variation in the intensities or strengths of the relations. A configuration of empirical relations among entities identifies a specific network structure, the pattern or form of that network. Structures can vary dramatically in form, ranging from isolated structures where no actors are connected to saturated structures in which everyone is directly connected. More typically, real networks exhibit intermediate structures in which some entities have more numerous connections than others. A core problem in network analysis is to explain the occurrence of different structures and, at the entity or nodal level, to account for variation in linkages among entities. The parallel empirical task in network research is to detect and represent structures accurately using relational data.

The first researcher credited with using the term social network was John A. Barnes (1954), an anthropologist who studied the connections among people living in a Norwegian island parish. Barnes viewed social interactions as a ‘‘set of points some of which are joined by lines’’ to form a ‘‘total network’’ of relations (Barnes, 1954, p. 43). The informal set of interpersonal relations composed a ‘‘partial network’’ within this totality. Barnes drew on the work of Jacob Moreno (1934), whose hand-drawn sociograms of lines and labeled points displayed children’s likes and dislikes of their classmates. We discuss methods for representing networks visually as graphs and mathematically as matrices in Chapter 4. From anthropology and sociology, network ideas and methods diffused over the past half century to many disciplines, which adapted them to prevailing theories and problems. For historical overviews of the origins and diffusion of network principles, see Freeman (2004, 2011); Knox, Savage, and Harvey (2006); Kadushin (2012); and Scott (2017).

If network analysis were merely a conceptual framework for describing how a set of actors is linked together, it would not have excited so much interest and effort among social researchers. But, as an integrated set of theoretical concepts and analytic methods, social network analysis offers more than accurate representations. It proposes that, because network structures affect actions at both the individual and systemic levels of analysis, network analysis can explain variation in structural relations and their consequences. J. Clyde Mitchell’s (1969, p. 2) definition of social networks emphasized their impacts on outcomes: ‘‘a specific set of linkages among a defined set of persons, with the additional property that the characteristics of these linkages as a whole may be used to interpret the social behavior of the persons involved.’’ The first edition of this book underscored this perspective: ‘‘The structure of relations among actors and the location of individual actors in the network have important behavioral, perceptual, and attitudinal consequences for the individual units and for the system as a whole’’ (Knoke & Kuklinksi, 1982, p. 13). Similarly, Barry Wellman (1999, p. 94) wrote, ‘‘Social network analysts work at describing underlying patterns of social structure, explaining the impact of such patterns on behavior and attitudes.’’

Social Network Analysis

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