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A Chronology

of Thomas Merton’s Life & Publications1

1915 - 31 January - born at Prades, France, son of Owen Merton (artist from New Zealand) and of Ruth Jenkins (artist from USA)

1916 - moved to USA, lived at Douglaston, L.I. (with his mother’s family)

1921 - his mother dies - from cancer

1922 - in Bermuda with his father who went there to paint

1925 - to France with his father, lived at St. Antonin

1926 - entered Lycée Ingres, Montauban, France

1928 - to England - Ripley Court school, then to Oakham (1929)

1931 - his father dies of a brain tumor

1932 - at Oakham School he acquired a scholarship to Clare College, Cambridge

1933 - visited Italy, spent summer in USA, entered Cambridge in the fall - study of modern languages (French and Italian)

1934 - left Cambridge and returned to USA

1935 - entered Columbia University

1937 - at Columbia - editor of the 1937 Yearbook and art editor of The Columbia Jester

1938 - graduated from Columbia, began work on M.A.

1938 - 16 November - received into the Catholic Church at Corpus Christi Church

1940 - 1941 - taught English at St. Bonaventure College

1941 - 10 December - entered the Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani, Trappist, Kentucky.

[Note: 31 January, 1915 to 10 December, 1941– nearly 27 years before entering monastery. Dies on 10 December, 1968 - the 27th anniversary of his entering Gethsemani.]

1944 - 19 March - made simple vows, published Thirty Poems

1946 - A Man in the Divided Sea

1947 - 19 March - solemn vows, published Exile Ends in Glory

1948 - Publication of best–seller autobiography, The Seven Storey Mountain and What Are These Wounds?

1949 - 26 May - ordained priest; Seeds of Contemplation; The Tears of the Blind Lions; The Waters of Siloe

1951 - 1955 - Master of Scholastics (students for priesthood)

1951 - The Ascent to Truth

1953 - The Sign of Jonas; Bread in the Wilderness

1954 - The Last of the Fathers

1955 - No Man is an Island

1955 - 1965 - Master of Novices

1956 - The Living Bread

1957 - The Silent Life; The Strange Islands

1958 - Thoughts in Solitude

1959 - The Secular Journal of Thomas Merton; Selected Poems

1960 - Disputed Questions; The Wisdom of the Desert

1961 - The New Man; The Behavior of Titans

1961 - Emblems of a Season of Fury; Life and Holiness

1964 - Seeds of Destruction

1965 - Gandhi on Non–Violence; The Way of Chuang Tzu; Seasons of Celebration

1965 - 1968 - lived as a hermit on the grounds of the monastery

1966 - Raids on the Unspeakable; Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander

1967 - Mystics and Zen Masters

1968 - Monks Pond; Cables to the Ace; Faith and Violence; Zen and the Birds of Appetite

1968 - 10 December - died at Bangkok, Thailand, where he had spoken at a meeting of Asian Benedictines and Cistercians.

Posthumous Publications:

1969 - My Argument with the Gestapo; Contemplative Prayer; The Geography of Lograire

1971 - Contemplation in a World of Action

1973 - The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton; He is Risen

1976 - Ishi Means Man

1977 - The Monastic Journey; The Collected Poems of Thomas Merton

1979 - Love and Living

1980 - The Non–Violent Alternative

1981 - The Literary Essays of Thomas Merton; Day of a Stranger, Introductions East and West: The Foreign Prefaces of Thomas Merton (reprinted in 1989 under title “Honorable Reader“: Reflections on My Work)

1982 - Woods, Shore and Desert: A Notebook, May 1968

1985 - The Hidden Ground of Love: Letters on Religious Experience and Social Concerns (Letters, 1)

1988 - A Vow of Conversation: Journals 1964–1965; Thomas Merton in Alaska: The Alaskan Conferences, Journals and Letters

1989 - The Road to Joy: Letter to New and Old Friends (Letters, II)

1990 - The School of Charity: Letters on Religious Renewal and Spiritual Direction (Letters, III)

1993 - The Courage for Truth: Letters to Writers (Letters, IV)

1994 - Witness to Freedom: Letters in Times of Crisis (Letters, V)

1995 - Run to the Mountain: The Story of a Vocation (Journals, I: 1939–1941)

1996 - Entering the Silence: Becoming a Monk and Writer (Journals, II: 1941–1952); A Search for Solitude: Pursuing the Monk’s True Life (Journals, III: 1952–1960); Turning Toward the World: The Pivotal Years (Journals, IV: 1960–1963)

1997 - Dancing in the Water of Life: Seeking Peace in the Hermitage (Journals, V: 1963– 1965); Learning to Love: Exploring Solitude and Freedom (Journals VI: 1966–1967)

1998 - The Other Side of the Mountain: The End of the Journey (Journals VII: 1967–1968)

1999 - The Intimate Merton: His Life from His Journals

2001 - Dialogues with Silence

2003 - The Inner Experience. Seeking Paradise: The Spirit of the Shakers

2004 - Peace in a Post–Christian Era

2005 - In the Dark Before Dawn: New Selected Poems of Thomas Merton; Cassian and the Fathers

2006 - The Cold War Letters; Pre–Benedictine Monasticism

2008 - Introduction to Christian Mysticism; A Life in Letters: The Essential Collection

2009 - The Rule of St. Benedict. Compassionate Fire: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Catherine De Hueck Doherty

2010 - Monastic Observances

2012 - The Life of the Vows

2014 - Thoughts in Solitude and New Seeds of Contemplation - audio books; Seven Storey Mountain, Centenary Edition

2015 - Ishi Means Man; What Are These Wounds; Exiles Ends in Glory

1 Source: “Merton Center web site: http://merton.org/chrono.aspx. Used with permission.”

Thomas Merton's Poetics of Self-Dissolution

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