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Wound Types

Arterial Leg Ulcer

Diabetic Foot Ulcer

Mixed Leg Ulcer

Pressure Ulcer

RectalPelvic Abscess – includes Pilonidal Sinus, Perianal Abscess, etc.

Surgical Wound Open

Surgical Wound Closed

Venous Leg Ulcer

Other Wound – includes all other wounds such as burns, skin tears, etc.


Blood Vessel

Fat Tissue


Acute Wound

Proceeds normally through the repair process from injury to healing. Acute wounds are caused by trauma or surgery and usually require limited local care to the wound site. Acute wounds heal in a predictable period of time and most will go on to heal within 2-8 weeks. This time frame can be longer in the presence of infection.

Chronic Wound

This wound takes longer than usual to heal because of underlying conditions such as pressure, diabetes, poor circulation, poor nutritional state, immunodeficiency or infection. These wounds have significant delayed healing due to difficulties in removing, correcting or compensating for the cause and/or influencing factors delaying healing.

Palliative Wound

A palliative wound is the result of an incurable disease such as cancer that has metastasized to the skin. Tumors may surface on the skin and are referred to as fungating, metastatic, malignant or oncological wounds. These wounds negatively impact the client’s quality of life either through disfigurement or pain. Palliative wounds can also be a result of non-cancer diagnoses such as inoperable gangrene. Care i directed towards minimization of pain, risk of infection, bleeding and odor.

Surgical Wound

Open and Closed- Surgical wounds can be considered to be acute or chronic wounds. Surgical wounds heal according to the following schema:

Primary Intention Healing of Acute Surgical Wounds: The edges are approximated and the wound is closed by sutures, staples or glue. These usually heal rapidly with possible re-epithelialization within 24-48 hours (Hulten, 1994). These wounds generally heal undisturbed and may only require cleansing and protection which are tasks easily taught to a client/ caregiver.

Secondary Intention Healing: Wound has either been left open at the time of surgery to heal by means of connective tissue repair (granulation or collagen deposition) or has opened subsequent to surgery and must heal by connective tissue repair. This is a chronic wound.

Tertiary Intention Healing: Wound has been left open for a period of time with the intention of returning for surgical closure. This is a chronic wound until final surgical repair.

Arterial Ulcer

Wound Care (Speedy Study Guides)

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