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This alphabetical listing of medical abbreviations is intended to help you better understand commonly used abbreviations and acronyms in your medical records or used by medical staff as they speak to you, or around you.
Medical Abbreviations and Acronyms Every Caregiver Should Know
Ac: before meals
ad lib: at will, as desired
adm: admission, admitted
ASAP: as soon as possible
Bid: twice a day
Bm: bowel movement
BP: blood pressure
BRP: bathroom privileges
C: Centigrade, Celsius
Cap: capsule
CC: chief complaint
cc: cubic centimeter
c/o: complains of
C02: carbon dioxide
CPR: cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CXR: chest x-ray
d/c: discontinue or discharge
ECG or EKG: electrocardiogram
EBL: estimated blood loss
ER: emergency room
F: Fahrenheit
Fb: foreign body
fx: fracture
gtt: drop-liquid measurement
H & P: history and physical
HR: heart rate
hr: hour
hs: hour of sleep (bedtime)
H20: water
i: 1
ii: 2
iii: 3
iv: 4
v: 5
I & 0: intake and output
IDDM: insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
IV: intravenous
IM: intramuscular
Mg: milligram
ML: milliliter
MVA: motor vehicle accident
NPO: nothing by mouth
NTG: nitroglycerin
02: oxygen
OD: right eye
OS: left eye
OU: both eyes
post-op: postoperative (after surgery)
pre-op: preoperative (before surgery)
po: by mouth
pt: patient
prn: as needed
pc: after meals
qd: everyi day
qh: every hour
qid: four times a day
qid: every other day
Rx: prescription, treatment
sc/sq: subcutaneous
s: without
sx: symptoms
s/s: signs and symptoms
stat: immediately
SOB: short of breath
tab: tablet