This compilation highlights the unique role of work in the Integral Yoga. The book is organised into four sections that cover topics such as how to prepare yourself, have the right attitude, and then offer your work; how to face the difficulties in your daily work environment; and how to move away from the illusions of ego-centred work toward becoming a true instrument for the Divine’s work.
Sri Aurobindo. All Life Is Yoga: Work
Publisher’s Note
Chapter 1. Significance of Life and Existence
Chapter 2. Work – Importance and Nature
Chapter 3. Power of Right Attitude
Chapter 4. Is Business Something Tainted?
Chapter 5. Sri Krishna’s Answer to Arjuna
Chapter 1. Meaning of Right Spirit
Chapter 2. The Spirit of Self-consecration
Chapter 3. Renunciation of All Attachments
Chapter 4. Equality in the Mind and Soul
Chapter 5. Abolition of the Sense of Ego
Chapter 6. Divine Perfection Must Be the Aim
Chapter 1. How to Know What Is to Be Done
Chapter 2. The True Attitude: Remember and Offer
Chapter 3. Desire and Self-offering in Works
Chapter 4. Perfection in Works
Chapter 5. How to Work
Chapter 6. Working With Others
Chapter 7. The Condition of Success
Chapter 8. Meaning of Work in the Integral Yoga
Chapter 1. Divine Works
Chapter 2. The Divine Worker
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“All life is Yoga.” – Sri Aurobindo
Sri Aurobindo | The Mother
If you don’t do anything, you cannot have any experience. The whole life is a field of experience. Each movement you make, each thought you have, each work you do, can be an experience, and must be an experience; and naturally work in particular is a field of experience where one must apply all the progress which one endeavours to make inwardly.
If you remain in meditation or contemplation without working, well, you don’t know if you have progressed or not. You may live in an illusion, the illusion of your progress; while if you begin to work, all the circumstances of your work, the contact with others, the material occupation, all this is a field of experience in order that you may become aware not only of the progress made but of all the progress that remains to be made. If you live closed up in yourself, without acting, you may live in a completely subjective illusion; the moment you externalise your action and enter into contact with others, with circumstances and the objects of life, you become aware absolutely objectively of whether you have made progress or not, whether you are more calm, more conscious, stronger, more unselfish, whether you no longer have any desire, any preference, any weakness, any unfaithfulness – you can become aware of all this by working.