Читать книгу God Is Going to Marry You - S.Stephen Ph.D Mogagabe - Страница 5

Your caring and loving husband God was dishonored, bruised, wounded, chastised, betrayed and murdered by blind Jews so he can save you for himself (Isaiah 53:3-7,9, Acts 5:28-30, 3:14-15, 7:52). He went through it all, as a humbled lamb to save you BEAUTIFUL ONE! He is the only true ‘hero’ here; hereafter and for all eternity!


God your husband fulfilled the prophesied words which read: “God will provide himself a lamb”. Indeed he literally provided himself; manifesting himself in the flesh (1 Timothy 3:16) just for you! He did that so it could be said of you: “your sins [wrongs, crime, faults and misdeeds] and iniquities will I remember no more” (Hebrews 10:17). He loved you so much for himself, he enthusiastically decided this way just to have you as his perfect bride: “As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed your transgressions [wrongs] from you”(Psalms 103:12). You are so special; you have been told of a prepared place by GOD your husband (Rev 12:14). That beautiful free unrestrictive place is going to be yours forever with God your ever-loving devoted husband. God is going to marry you for sure darling; reason being because he has lovingly loved and forgiven [pardoned] you for all your sins, crimes, faults and transgressions. Now you are a sin-less forgiven bride awaiting the wedding day when God will be rejoicing with a crown on his head and you [a royal diadem] on his hand.

I was naturally born a royal child of King. The supreme King of the Bakwena Bamare-A-Phogole, in South Africa. Being a king's first born child has helped to open my eyes to see when lies, accusations and falsehood were spoken in my father’s courts. I was arrested for a lie my relative spoke about me, so I hate lies and deception for all eternity. Now, what you are going to read herein is without doubt true, brace yourself for an eternal truth impact.

God is more than what you think through your sacrilegious spectacles and twisted believes. He is GOD who is going to get married; and more so GOD who has a big marriage banquet prepared. His divine banquet is going to take place in a ready set up- in a better HEAVENLY COUNTRY which offers real and active citizenship (Philippians 3:20, Hebrews 11:16). However the majority of thoughtless people think this will not happen, nor does such a reality exist; thus their perpetual-adamant refusal (Ezekiel 2:7, 3:7-11); to the call of return lovingly given and the only great invitation ever given to all human beings and races equally.

I don’t have to see heaven first to know it exists or reject the call like others do. My biological royal father’s courts exist- it does not mean if you have not seen them, they are not real because I grew in them. I saw my father sit and judge matters as an earthly King. I have personally seen him [my Kingly father] utter a word and his royal servants and workers would go about telling his people what the king decreed without him having to tell the people what he said in person.

As my father’s first born, I have always looked at people who doubt GOD’s existence; and I want to surmount with King David’s words when he ascetically said: “Only fools say in their hearts, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, and their actions are evil; no one of them does good!” (Psalm 14:1, 53:1). I want to take it further on to say: “a fool will say God does not exist and neither will he marry or have a wife”. Such is a fool, palpably because he does not have intelligence of mind enough to see the truth laid bare and unfastened [not hidden] before his or her wide-opened eyes.

Such is the nastiest and most horrible of blindness mankind can ever have. Just as GOD said: “leave them ALONE, they are blind guides…let the blind lead the blind” (Matthew 15:14, 23:24 Luke 6:39, Jeremiah 5:21-22). What will happen when two blind people are leading each other? The answer is vividly clear: “both will fall in the ditch [pit, hell]”. In my personal life, I have always done away with ‘blind leadership’, so as to avoid falling into a ditch [hell] as God declared! Read Matthew 13:10-17 for a detailed study on blind leadership.

I am thee promised and sealed to be heavenly celebrated WIFE OF GOD. You can be the wife of God if you choose to accept God’s love and salvation today! I will show you how; nonetheless you will not be GOD’s wife by being a ‘nun’ or ‘monk’ or a ‘pope’ or a ‘scientist’ either - keep on reading. I have found the secret of getting MARRIED to GOD. For now; let me take you through the study of GOD who owns you the readying WIFE.

The truth echoes noticeably: “God is espoused [engaged] to you and is going to be married to you his gloriously adorned wife forever! I have been promised just as the scripture records: “I promised you to one HUSBAND, to Christ so that I might present YOU as a pure virgin to him” (2 Corinthians 11:2).

I know this book will be read by searching skeptics and critics like you. In fact, I wrote this epitome truth for you too dear ‘critic’ and Mr(s) Gossip. The idea was so you may know what will happen without you IN THE FUTURE unless you accept the call to return, and heavenly proposal to be married by God. I wrote this book to tell you an eternal truth which will NEVER be stopped, not even by theologians, physicians, scientists, institutions or businesses, satan or you for that matter. Now, let me tell you the soon GOING TO HAPPEN reality!

The seriousness of this endless melodical truth is that all newspapers and most importantly CNN, ABC NEWS, BBC, SABC, TBN, New York Times, Fox News and all news and entertainment broadcasting networks are going to miss the GOD MARRIAGE-WEDDING! All these labels and name tags will never be able to capture a ‘single camera shot’ of God’s big wedding. Why? ...simply because they are not invited like you, me and those who will be born (1 John 5:4, 1 Peter 1:23, John 3:5-7) after us. Secondly; it will happen in the twinkling of an eye when all mankind least expects his eminent return! There isn’t a single advanced worldly camera and camera man who is ready to capture the quickness of that public twinkling and up-taking of God’s engaged [espoused] wife in the sky. God’s coming will happen “in a flash [moment], in the twinkling [blink] of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown” (1 Corinthians 15:52).

This GOD WEDDING can be attended live and alive; not by sending someone on your behalf, or depending on NEWS stations to broadcast it. It will never be on radio, television, google or yahoo or twitter or facebook bulletins. It can only be conducted ONCE in heaven. However you have to be there to see it for yourself live and in majestic heavenly colors!

GOD has already told us that His kingdom is not of this malady [diseased] world (John 18:36). Unfortunately for all MEDIA HOUSES, you won’t be able to grasp or confiscate a single ‘clip’. It’s not going to be here cherished folks! This earth is too ‘filthy’ to host such a BIG EVENT! God is not ‘filthy’ but pure and holy. He will NEVER attempt to celebrate his beautiful, clean and bright wife on a place destroyed by mankind (Revelation 11:18). God has promised to destroy those who destroy the earth he has created.

In point of absolute truth this earth is going to be utterly destroyed with FIRE just as GOD who created it has solemnly and emphatically promised: “but they deliberately forget that long ago by GOD’S WORD the heavens existed and the earth formed…by the same WORD the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire”(2 Peter 3:5-7). Notice what will happen to this earth; GOD says: “heavens and earth are reserved for fire”…“since EVERYTHING will be destroyed IN THIS WAY, what kind of people ought ye to be?...“the heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be DESTROYED by fire, AND THE EARTH and everything in it will be laid bare” (2 Peter 3:10-11).The rigmarole conjunction text often out looked by deliberately forgetful distortionists [preachers] in this declaratory verse is the text ‘and’ in the above stipulated scripture. The phrase is obviously clear; however erroneous interpreters prefer to erase and/or block the phrase ‘and the earth’ out of the promise word of God your never-lying husband.

They don’t want to accept what GOD has irrevocably decreed which is: “the present heavens and earth ARE reserved for fire”. God your husband created this earth (Genesis 1:1) and he will also destroy it by fire because he made it without anybody’s help. He has the final say over what he creates and created. No amount of ‘distorting’ this phrase will erase the fact that GOD is going to destroy this earth by the fire he has long reserved by his word which formed it. God is not going to keep ‘a man-destroyed earth’ for anybody, neither for his BEATIFUL darling BRIDE.

God is not getting married on this man-destroyed-junk earth which in your bigoted view, call ‘the best place to be! The EARTH is included in the reserved fire for utter destruction. GOD has a better plan, A NEW HEAVEN AND A NEW EARTH. That is why “in keeping with his PROMISE we look FORWARD to a New HEAVEN and a New EARTH, the home of righteousness” (2 Peter 3:13).

“And I saw a new heaven and a NEW EARTH, for the first heaven and the FIRST EARTH had passed away” (Revelation 21:1). This earth will never be refurbished but burned and destroyed to pieces [elements]. This promise is such that it will pass away. This earth is not going to be here for long folks; very soon it will pass away being destroyed in God’s reserved fire just as He seriously promised and in-line with 2 Peter 3:5-7.

To pass away means to be ‘destroyed’. This is literal as literal means it will never exists anymore, since the elements will melt with fervent heat. However; hell and death being laid bare [open] at the melting of the elements as stated in 2 Peter 3:11 will continue to exist, being cast into the lake which burns with forever (Revelations 20:14).

It will be the best of excellence, thee gallant; big than anything big never seen in this tiny world. YOU CAN RESERVE YOUR SIT by choosing to honor the invitation and willingly deciding to accept the proposal to get married to GOD your maker. Without which, you cannot be included in the MARRIAGE AND WEDDING OF GOD.

You still have a chance today to consciously DECIDE, either or to abscond like ‘fools’ who will exist to BE TORMENTED alive and kept alive to regret their decision inside the lake which burns with fire and brimstone (Revelation 21:8). Don’t be fooled, or get deceived by satan [devil]. For those who choose to follow or marry him [the devil] in his wretched deception; there is an unending penalty, which is to be thrown inside the lake of burning sulphur (Revelation 20:10, 14-15). Once you are in the lake of fire, hell and death, THERE is NO way OUT. No way of escape, “for neglecting SO great salvation which was first spoken by GOD [the Lord] your husband himself” (Hebrews 2:3). There is no escape route if you DON’T want to receive what I am going to tell you.

ENTRANCE AND REGISTRATION is still open to everyone who wants to COME to the wedding and marriage of GOD who engaged [espoused] me. However, the condition is: “Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does shameful and deceitful, but those whose name are WRITTEN in the Lamb’s book of life” (Revelation 21:27).

THE ENTRANCE is the GATE (Matthew 17:30, John 10:9) and the DOOR, called JESUS CHRIST; the only WAY (John 14:26). Without HIM you are not going to make it to the WEDDING. You ought to fully trust this living door and gate with all your wide opened heart! He is the only gate and door that will guarantee your place in the MARRIAGE celebration of the only TRUE and great GOD. “I am the gate whoever enters through ME will be saved. He will COME IN” (John 10:9). The unchanging guarantee of God your husband is such that- an entrance still stands; the trustworthy door is Jesus Christ- use him to go in and be saved.

Is your name in the registry BOOK of GOD-the book of life? The registry book is not full yet, neither is heaven full like liars called the Jehovah’s witnesses devilshly claim. You can still have your name written. GOD desirously wants you to ENTER the beautifully garnished heaven, the God marriage and wedding celebration VENUE for all eternity. Thee choiciesed place for the BIG EVENT EVER hosted by the ONLY TRUE GOD Jesus Christ!

THE DRESS CODE: God is not going to welcome every dress code fools like to put on. You can’t just budge in into God’s wedding celebration or come wearing ‘rags’ like you do when you go to your relatives and friends best parties. This is holy GOD I am speaking about; and only his preferred attire will be worn by everyone who will be attending his majestic great supper. The King has already desired to JUDGE on dress codes- for those who TRY TO APPEAR fake and unprepared (2 Peter 3:14). God my husband from deep within his ever-knowing Spirit sees what you are currently thinking and saying in your heart (Mark 2:8).

“When the king came to see [inspect] the guests, he saw a person who was not dressed in the wedding clothes provided for guests. He said to him, ‘Friend, how did you get in here without wedding clothes? The man had nothing to say. The king told his servants, ‘Tie his hands and feet, and throw him OUTSIDE into darkness. People will cry and be in extreme pain there’. Therefore, many are invited, but few of those are chosen to stay” (Matthew 22:11-14).

There won’t be a normal traditional attire from your myopic culture, not a black tuxedo and a tie, or nakedness, or leather suits and Caribbean party clothes. Stylish bikini or mini-skirts WILL NEVER BE ALLOWED. The Dress code is heavenly white- only pure white robes which will be provided to the all eternal King’s guests! The clothes are already made for you; you just have to accept the invitation of JESUS CHRIST by faith saying “Yes; wholeheartedly!” Use your ‘yes’, for the best event ever! “Let your yes be yes, and let your no, be no!” (Matthew 5:37, James 5:12).

God has YOUR perfect size and measurements records; these were taken long time ago when he created you in his image and likeness (Ephesians 1:4, 11). This was before the world began! Your measurements were taken before you were knitted together in your mother’s womb (Jeremiah 1:4-5). This was done before you came to being! This kingly chosen attire will be given to you to wear because it has your perfect measurements to the dot (Revelation 19:8). YOU just have to say “YES”, and you will be in and chosen to stay. The dress code is GOD-VIRTUOUS DESIGNED HEAVENLY WHITE ROBE; not man’s worldly idiotic filthy attire. His design shines with emanating glory and beauty no dress-maker and fashioner designer has ever seen. The virtuous fabric and attire is the righteousness [purity] of the SAINTS (Revelation 19:8). It is fine linen, bright and pure clean robe; without spot, blameless, without wrinkle, blemish or any such thing.

Caring Sovereign GOD has everything planned from the beginning to end; you don’t have to worry about anything. THE SPEEDIEST TRANSPORT is already available for you. It is called a FREE lift ride escort with and by angels and chariots of fire (Luke 16:22, 2 Kings 2:11-12). The WAY is open, the GATE is truly wide open, the DOOR has been long swung wide for you, you can come to JESUS CHRIST and be LOVED and CHERISED forever more. He won’t let you go because he has promised to accept ALL who come to him dressed in pure wedding robes provided for the guests (Matthew 11:28-30, 19:14).

You don’t have to EXPERIENCE extreme pain, hatred of hell, nor the gnashing of teeth, hell fire and torments of eternal damnation and utter darkness, when GOD is still offering you grace and salvation opportunity, more so when he is standing now at and before your heart’s door knocking (Rev 3:20), proposing and inviting you today for his kingdom marriage. HIS LOVE is ETERNAL and unending for you BEAUTIFUL ONE! Why miss the wedding when you have nothing to pay for? All has been paid for (Matthew 22:4) by JESUS CHRIST, who shed the required price [his blood] (1 John 1:7, 5:8, 1 Peter 1:19, Hebrews 9:12, Romans 5:9) and water (1 John 1:7, John 19:34). Why did he do that for you? So you can be WASHED, WELCOMED, ACCEPTED AND CHOSEN TO STAY! (Matthew 22:14, John 6:37) So you can BE MARRIED BY GOD your lover and husband who said: “for I am YOUR HUSBAND. I will choose YOU” (Jeremiah 3:11-14).

You will be cleansed in precious water if you say “YES”. The water called the water of the washing of the WORD is enough for you (Ephesians 5:26). You will be saved in and through the washing of rebirth and regeneration by the Spirit (Titus 3:5). You will have all the WATER you need to be pure and ready for GOD. No payment is required because the water came from your husband’s side when he was pierced on your behalf (John 19:34, Revelation 21:6). All you need is to have a believing faith in your husband to qualify for a pure cleansing. The living water will be given to you abundantly. The living water will run in YOU (John 7:38). You have to come to the real water, the living water which no man will ever give you in order to live forever. This is the LIVING WATER you have forsaken when you decided long time ago to follow broken cisterns that hold no water (Jeremiah 2:10, John 4:10). When you have washed in this Jesus life-giving water, only then can wear your pure wedding clothes and be ready for the great supper and God’s banquet.

You have to be washed in Jesus water first before you dress clean royal and heavenly white robes; because “except a man be born of water and of Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God” (John 3:5).

You don’t have to worry about WINE when you believe in your husband God -Jesus Christ (John 7:37-39). The Holy Spirit will be given to you at the moment of believing (Ephesians 1:13, Galatians 3:2, Acts 10:44-46, 19:6). You will have all you want to drink and to be full (Acts 2:3). The HOLY SPIRIT and God’s love is your wine now and forever (Songs of Songs 4:10). You will drink to the full and your cup [soul] will run over in complete eternal satisfaction. The Wine will live in YOU and you in God (1 John 4:15). You will be drunk with the Holy Spirit; not with this disgusting ‘alcoholic’ wine made in this filthy and evil-world to dull men’s minds from the truth to debauchery (Ephesians 5:18). That kind of “filth” is NOT in heaven’s great supper and wedding banquet hall. The wine I am speaking about is bought without MONEY. “Come, buy wine and milk without money” (Isaiah 55:1). Wine without alcohol will be poured into you the new wine skin (Matthew 9:17), until you are full. You will be full of the HOLY SPIRIT (Acts 1:8, 2:4) like all who began [started] speaking in cloven tongues of fire. You will speak with new tongues because the HOLY SPIRIT will give you utterance (Acts 2:4). In believing your husband God Creator; out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water…but this spake he of the Holy Spirit. This wonderful Holy Spirit is given to you who believe on him and for that you will limitlessly receive (John 7:38-39). This as a pledge as it has been recorded: “for the promise of the Holy Spirit is unto you, and your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call” (Acts 2:38-39).

You need these new tongues because through them you WILL BE ENABLED TO SPEAK to God your husband without tiring- the GOD communication tongue (1 Corinthians 14:2). When you have this HOLY TONGUE, don’t allow man to stop or forbid you from using it, because a warning is written: “and forbid not to speak with tongues” (1 Corinthians 14:39). But you must get the HOLY SPIRIT now, because without him you are NOT GOD’s. To be his you must have the SPIRIT of CHRIST JESUS your husband. For it has been decreed: “If the Spirit of GOD LIVES in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ he does not belong to Christ” your husband God ((Romans 8:9).

You will without toil [hardwork] receive this WINE and GIFT for free because it is written: “you will receive the gift of the HOLY SPIRIT” (Acts 2:38). The HOLY SPIRIT is not purchased with money like sorcerers and satan’s children think in their evil-filled hearts (Acts 8:20). The Holy Spirit will live in you and you will become the temple [house, carrier, container] of the HOLY SPIRIT (1 Corinthians 6:19, John 14:16) without paying a single dime or cent. The Holy Spirit is seen by those who know and receive HIM (John 14:17). His Spirit will be poured OUT on you abundantly (Joel 2:28-29), and when he has come upon you, you shall RECEIVE POWER (Acts 1:8). You will be filled with the Holy Spirit to the full without debauchery (Ephesians 5:18). You will be your husband’s witness, Jesus Christ the only GOD!

The Holy Spirit is JESUS CHRIST’s helper (John 15:26). You don’t have to worry about a helper, your husband’s helper will be YOURS too because you are his chaste virgin, bride and unquestionably HIS WIFE forever. He will take what belongs to your husband JESUS CHRIST and declare it to you (John 16:14). When you have the HOLY SPIRIT; nothing will remain a mystery but GOD’s secrets will be known and given to you freely because the same HOLY SPIRIT “searches ALL things, yes, the DEEP THINGS OF GOD your husband” (1 Corinthians 2:10, 12, John 16:14). The Holy Spirit will tell you what has been freely given to you from your husband without delay, interruption and hindrance. He will teach you (1 John 2:27). The Holy Spirit will also seal you as thee promised wife [bride] to GOD (Ephesians 4:13-14).

He is the HUSBAND who literally came for you and me, AND FOR ALL who will be born (1 John 5:4, 1 Peter 1:23, John 3:5-7) long after we are gone from this world. He is the husband to whom YOU are espoused [engaged] (Ephesians 1:13-14) as chaste virgin and forgiven holy one.

HE is readily faithful and just to forgive [pardon] you of all your crimes [evil, sin] and wrongdoings (1 John 1:8-10). He forgives everyday; everyone who repents [confesses] and speak to him about their wrongdoing [sin and secret hidden shameful deeds]. He listens carefully to those who request pardon and grants it willingly without payment whatsoever. He loves you dearly with love no man or woman has ever loved you with to this very day.

HIS LOVE is genuine; it’s called the unchanging forgiving-love. HE loves you from the crown of your head to the sole of your feet. HE is thoroughly interested in you forever more. HE is mindful of you every single day and second (Hebrews 2:6). GOD loves you more daily than men of this world do their ‘temporary’ wives.

GOD is thee only true lover of your soul, life, heart, spirit and mind. GOD’s love is eternal to you and for you. He is love himself (1 John 4:16). He is full of love everywhere in himself. He desires to shower you with his unending-love now, until you feel loved and know love. The truth is; you will never be alone or feel neglected anymore. “This is LOVE: not that we loved GOD, but that GOD LOVED US” (1 John 4:10). He has joyful love and great peace for you. He loves for you to experience first-hand the peace you have never seen or heard about. This kind of peace is called the peace that surpasses [transcends] all human understanding (Philippians 4:7).

He is not stingy and greedy, he is beyond and above generous! He never says “NO” to his darling believing wife. All your eternal husband’s promises to you are “YES” and “AMEN” (2 Corinthians 1:20), which is to say once God says it, it is DONE. You can trust HIM! He is unreservedly gracious to you (Isaiah 30:18).

This eternal GOD will remain your husband and loving FRIEND (John 15:13), thee truest friend who laid down his life for you. God is not the betraying sort of friend, or the backstabber, the gossip, but “a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24). A friend who has your best interests at HEART! This is GOD who wants to see you completely saved. He is the only One friend who has truly given EVERYTHING to see you ransomed from death and damnation which comes upon those who doubt Jesus Christ-your husband and Creator God.

POEM: WHO IS YOUR HUSBAND? I am in the light, in GOD, IN CHRIST, IN THE LIVING GOD, inside THE ETERNAL GOD, in the glory, in grace, enveloped by mercy, in the blood, in the new testament, in the life of the SPIRIT, in the Holy Ghost, in the ETERNAL, the life predestined for ME, not in a Pharisaical church of hypocrites, or Sadducees club, not in the occultic church which worships man of sin (2 Thes 2:3-4); above Jesus my husband, I am not in a man-made church- or man founded church-I’m in the third, first and second heavens of the highest heaven, I’m before the throne with boldness; to receive grace and help in times like these, I am in MY everlasting FATHER, in the husbandman, I am in the WINE, in the WORD, in the SPIRITUAL, where few DARE TO GO. I am not a bishop-"with a desire"-BUT I am called, chosen an appointed, a DIETY born from my HEAVENLY MOTHER-the mother of us all, a royalty, I am more than satan, I have satan under my feet, I am a royalty and a priest to rule on earth, I am born in POWER-the Spirit of Holiness, I am in the ALMIGHTY GOD, the one who was, who is and is to come, I am more than what you think about me, I am not FLESHLY like mortals who die in their sins and forgetfulness of God, I am IMMORTAL in Christ alone-where are you now? For Christ brought IMMORTALITY and LIFE through the GOSPEL! From what level are you speaking? DONT MIX ME with a commoner –I am GOD'S beauty-IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF GOD. I have overcomed satan, AND YOU CAN BE REST ASSURED-I will OVERCOME YOU TOO-and all demons [devils] and liars IN THE WORLD. I am thee WIFE of CHRIST-I am special- I am not an ordinary wife-MY HUSBAND DIED AND ROSE AGAIN, he is GOD-I am thee only WIFE of GOD-my Christ Jesus-is thee ONLY husband I WILL KNOW-who is your husband? I'M DIETY’s beautiful wife- I am ENGAGED TO DIETY GOD and sealed by the Holy Spirit. Our marriage celebration is COMING SOON in heaven. Will you be there to see me in glory? I’M happy to BE Christ's. No MAN will ever own me. Not even the devil will HAVE OR TOUCH ME.

God Is Going to Marry You

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