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Table of Contents

Leaf Butterfly in flight and repose (from Mr. A. Wallace's "Malay Archipelago") … 31

Walking-Leaf Insect … 35

Pleuronectidæ, with the peculiarly placed eye in different positions (from Dr. Traquair's paper in Linn. Soc. Trans., 1865) … 37, 166

Mouth of Whale (from Professor Owen's "Odontography") … 40

Four plates of Baleen seen obliquely from within (from Professor Owen's "Odontography") … 41

Dugong … 41, 175

Echinus or Sea Urchin … 43, 167

Pedicellariæ of Echinus very much enlarged … 44

Rattlesnake … 49

Cobra (from Sir Andrew Smith's "Southern Africa") … 50

Wingbones of Pterodactyle, Bat, and Bird (from Mr. Andrew Murray's "Geographical Distribution of Mammals") … 64, 130, 157

Skeleton of Flying-Dragon … 65, 158

Centipede (from a specimen in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons) … 66, 159

Teeth of Urotrichus and Perameles … 68

The Archeopteryx (from Professor Owen's "Anatomy of Vertebrata") … 73, 132

Cuttle-Fish … 75, 141

Skeleton of Ichthyosaurus … 78, 107, 132, 177

Cytheridea Torosa (from Messrs. Brady and Robertson's paper in Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., 1870) … 79

A Polyzoon, with Bird's-head processes … 80

Bird's-head processes greatly enlarged … 81

Antechimis Minutissimus and Mus Delicatulus (from Mr. Andrew Murray's "Geographical Distribution of Mammals") … 82

Outlines of Wings of Butterflies of Celebes compared with those of allied species elsewhere … 86

Great Shielded Grasshopper … 89

The Six-shafted Bird of Paradise … 90

The Long-tailed Bird of Paradise … 91

The Red Bird of Paradise … 92

Horned Flies … 93

The Magnificent Bird of Paradise … 93

(The above seven figures are from Mr. A. Wallace's "Malay Archipelago")

Much enlarged horizontal Section of the Tooth of a Labyrinthodon (from Professor Owen's "Odontography") … 104

Hand of the Potto (from life) … 105

Skeleton of Plesiosaurus … 106, 133

The Aye-Aye (from Trans, of Zool. Soc.) … 108

Dentition of Sabre-toothed Tiger (from Professor Owen's "Odontography") … 110

Trilobite … 135, 171

Inner side of Lower Jaw of Pleurodont Lizard (from Professor Owen's "Odontography") … 148

Solenodon (from Berlin Trans.) … 149

Tarsal Bones of Galago and Cheirogaleus (from Proc. Zool. Soc.) … 159

Squilla … 160

Parts of the Skeleton of the Lobster … 161

Spine of Galago Allenii (from Proc. Zool. Soc.) … 162

Vertebrae of Axolotl (from Proc. Zool. Soc.) … 165

Annelid undergoing spontaneous fission … 169, 211

Aard-Vark (Orycteropus capensis) … 174

Pangolin (Manis) … 175

Skeleton of Manus and Pes of a Tailed Batrachian (from Professor Gegenbaur's "Tarsus and Carpus") … 178

Flexor Muscles of Hand of Nycticetus (from Proc. Zool. Soc.) … 180

The Fibres of Corti … 279

On the Genesis of Species

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