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to be supported by angel's shoulders, executing their charge with great integrity of mind; careful of their own, and zealous of the saving of their neighbors' souls: who, by their holy doctrine and exemplary lives, preach to the Christian world a reformation ; who spare no pains or tedious travels, to propagate the faith of Jesus Christ to heathens and infidels ; who courageously labor in Almighty God's vineyard, exposing their lives for the name of Jesus. Indies, both east and west, are witnesses of
the great purity 'required to priestly function saying, "Sacrosancta religio quæ Catholicam continet disciplinara, tantam sibi reverentiam vendicat, ut ad earn quilibet nisi pura conscientia, non audeat pervenire; nam, tjuomodo ad divini mysterii consecrationem ccelestis spiritus invocatus adveniat, si sacerdos et qui earn adesse deprecetur criminosis plenus aetionibus reprobeturl" 1 q. I c. Sacrosancta. Altliough a wicked priest doth consecrate and administer the sacraments truly, yet he sinneth grievously in consecrating and administering unworthily : " Sacrificia impiorum eis ipsis oberunt qui ofFerunt impie." 1 q. 1 c. Per Isaiam. "Necesse est, ut esse munda studeat manus, quae diluere sordes curat: ne tacta quaeque deterius inquinet, si sordida ipsa stercorislutum tenet." Greg, in regesto. 1. 1. Epist. 24, et ponitur 1 q. 1 c. NECESSE EST.