Читать книгу Darcy and the Single Dad - Stacy Connelly - Страница 2

A faint chime echoed from down the street.


Nick watched as Darcy opened her shop door and stepped out. Her hair was pulled back in a high ponytail, waving in the breeze like a red flag, and every ounce of testosterone in his body was urging him to charge.

Their eyes met and the impact hit hard—a swift kick of desire straight to his gut. Just the sight of her sent him back to that moment in her kitchen. A moment he still couldn’t decide had really happened or not. But he did know one thing for sure: he should have kissed her. If he had, he wouldn’t be wondering now … He’d know.

For a brief moment he’d forgotten about his daughter beside him … and the tangled mess of the Clearville grapevine. Darcy had that effect on him. So what if, for a split second, he wasn’t a single dad, worried and scarred? With Darcy, he was something else. A man interested in a woman …

Darcy and the Single Dad

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