Читать книгу Project Management For Dummies - Stanley E. Portny - Страница 5
List of Illustrations
Оглавление1 Chapter 1FIGURE 1-1: The relationship between the three main components of a project. FIGURE 1-2: Mapping principles, phases, and knowledge areas to performance doma...
2 Chapter 3FIGURE 3-1: The steps in Stage 1 of a project’s life cycle (starting the projec...FIGURE 3-2: The tangible and intangible benefits of tailoring a project. FIGURE 3-3: Tailoring for the project can include and be influenced by one or m...
3 Chapter 4FIGURE 4-1: The beginning of a sample stakeholder register for an annual blood ...FIGURE 4-2: A sample stakeholder register format. FIGURE 4-3: Involving stakeholders with different levels of power and interest ...
4 Chapter 5FIGURE 5-1: A sample scope statement.
5 Chapter 6FIGURE 6-1: Developing a work breakdown structure. FIGURE 6-2: The hierarchy of deliverables and activities for surveying people t...FIGURE 6-3: A product component scheme for a WBS for preparing to open a commun...FIGURE 6-4: A functional scheme for a WBS for preparing to open a community-bas...FIGURE 6-5: A useful scheme for identifying your WBS components. FIGURE 6-6: The components of an activity code. FIGURE 6-7: Drawing your WBS in the organization-chart format. FIGURE 6-8: Drawing your WBS in the indented-outline format. FIGURE 6-9: Drawing your WBS in the combined organization-chart and indented-ou...FIGURE 6-10: Drawing your WBS in the bubble-chart format.
6 Chapter 7FIGURE 7-1: The three symbols in an activity-on-node network diagram. FIGURE 7-2: An example of a network diagram. FIGURE 7-3: An example of a network diagram with earliest and latest start and ...FIGURE 7-4: Starting your picnic-at-the-lake network diagram. FIGURE 7-5: Continuing your picnic-at-the-lake network diagram. FIGURE 7-6: The completed picnic-at-the-lake network diagram. FIGURE 7-7: Getting gas at the full-service island and cash at the nearby ATM. FIGURE 7-8: Making sandwiches while driving to the lake. FIGURE 7-9: Getting gas at the full-service island while getting cash at the ne...FIGURE 7-10: Getting to your picnic at the lake in 45 minutes. FIGURE 7-11: Representing your picnic-at-the-lake schedule in a combined milest...FIGURE 7-12: Representing your picnic-at-the-lake schedule in a combined WBS, r...FIGURE 7-13: Representing your picnic-at-the-lake schedule in an Interface Gant...
7 Chapter 8FIGURE 8-1: Listing skills and knowledge that may be required to perform activi...FIGURE 8-2: Displaying the skills and knowledge required to perform the activit...FIGURE 8-3: Displaying people’s skills, knowledge, and interests in a skills ma...FIGURE 8-4: Displaying personnel needs in a human resources matrix. FIGURE 8-5: Planning to work on several activities during the same time period....FIGURE 8-6: Eliminating a resource overload by changing the allocation of hours...FIGURE 8-7: Eliminating a resource overload by changing the start and end dates...FIGURE 8-8: Showing total person-hours for a project in a summary person-loadin...FIGURE 8-9: Using person-loading charts to plan your time on several projects.
8 Chapter 9FIGURE 9-1: An illustration of a non-personnel resources matrix. FIGURE 9-2: An example of a non-personnel usage chart for computer use. FIGURE 9-3: An example of a non-personnel summary usage chart. FIGURE 9-4: A project budget estimate for a company brochure.
9 Chapter 10FIGURE 10-1: Illustrating a simple decision tree.
10 Chapter 11FIGURE 11-1: A functional structure for administering projects. FIGURE 11-2: A projectized structure for administering projects. FIGURE 11-3: The general matrix organization structure.
11 Chapter 12FIGURE 12-1: A responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) displays project roles. FIGURE 12-2: The New Product Needs Assessment project team organization chart. FIGURE 12-3: A hierarchy of RAMs.
12 Chapter 13FIGURE 13-1: A typical work-order agreement.
13 Chapter 14FIGURE 14-1: A combined activity and milestone report. FIGURE 14-2: A progress Gantt chart. FIGURE 14-3: A typical weekly time sheet. FIGURE 14-4: A labor report. FIGURE 14-5: A cost report.
14 Chapter 15FIGURE 15-1: An example of a project progress report.
15 Chapter 19FIGURE 19-1: Monitoring planned value, earned value, and actual cost. FIGURE 19-2: EVM performance indicators. FIGURE 19-3: Three ways to define earned value.
16 AppendixFIGURE A-1: A flowchart of the activities and information in a project plan. FIGURE A-2: A flowchart of routine activities and the information produced when...