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Gadolinite (Ytterbite).


—Gadolinite is a silicate of iron, beryllium, and the yttria earths, of the formula 2BeO,FeO,Y₂O₃,2SiO₂, which may be written FeBe₂Y₂Si₂O₁₀. According to Groth, it is a basic orthosilicate, Be₂Fe(YO)₂(SiO₄)₂, derived from the acid H₈Si₂O₈. The beryllium content varies considerably, and some authors recognise two varieties of the mineral, one rich, and one poor in beryllium; but Scheerer pointed out in 1840 that iron and beryllium are probably vicarious constituents.

Analysis gives silica 21·8 to 25·3 per cent.; yttria earths 22 to 47 per cent.; ceria earths 5 to 31 per cent. In a variety from Ytterby, the rare earth Scandia was first found, forming up to 0·02 per cent. of the mineral. Small quantities of thoria, ThO₂ may be present, and traces of helium were found by Ramsay, Collie, and Travers. According to Strutt it contains also uranium and radium. Like cerite, it does not often occur crystalline, being usually found in amorphous masses.

The crystals are monoclinic; a: b: c = 0·6273: 1: 1·3215; β = 89° 2612´.

Common forms are—Ortho-, clino-, and basal pinakoids, a {100}, b {010}, and c {001}, hemi-prisms m {110}, v {120}, clino-prisms w {012}, q {011}, and many others; and various hemi-pyramids {hkl} and {h̅kl}.

Angles am = 32° 6´, cq = 52° 53´, c ∧ (101) = 64° 9´.

Crystals commonly prismatic, terminated by c. Faces rough and coarse; lustre vitreous to greasy, seen only on freshly-broken surfaces. Brittle. No cleavage. Fracture conchoidal to splintery. Hardness 612-7; sp. gr. 4·0-4·5.

Colour black, greenish- and brownish-black; green and transparent in flakes. The crystalline variety has strong positive birefringence, with the plane of the optic axes parallel to (b), the plane of symmetry; the amorphous variety is of course isotropic. The brown variety shows very distinct pleochroism, i.e. the colour as seen by transmitted light varies with the direction in which the light traverses the crystal; the green kinds have much weaker pleochroism.

Gadolinite is of common occurrence in the pegmatite veins of the Scandinavian granite. It was first found in a felspar quarry on the island of Ytterby, near Stockholm, by a Lieutenant Arrhenius[24]; it is also found, together with a large number of other rare earth minerals, at Fahlun. It occurs in Norway on the islands of Hitterö and Malö, and in Germany in the Riesengebirge and the Harz. Probably the largest deposit is that in Texas, at Barringer Hill, near Bluffton, on the west bank of the Colorado River, Llano County, now owned and worked by the Nernst Light Company of Pittsburg; in 1904 a mass of very pure gadolinite weighing 200 lb. was found here.[25]

[24] Vide Geijer, Crell’s Chemische Annalen, 1788, 1, 229.

[25] See U.S. Geol. Survey (Minerals), 1904, 1213.

In the same place a decomposition product of gadolinite was discovered by Hidden and Mackintosh in 1889. They named it Yttrialite or Green Gadolinite. It contains no beryllium, and twice as much silica as the parent mineral, and approximates to the formula R₂O₃,2SiO₂, where R₂O₃ is chiefly yttria oxides; it is thus similar in composition to the newly found scandium silicate, Thortveitite (q.v.). It is amorphous and massive; and is often found in continuous growth with gadolinite. Pieces up to 10 lb. in weight have been obtained.

As stated above, Gadolinite was discovered by Arrhenius in 1788. Geijer examined it in the same year, and described it as a black zeolite. In 1794 it was analysed by Gadolin, who declared it to be a silicate of iron, aluminium, and a new element which he called Ytterbium. In 1797 Ekeberg examined it, and confirmed the discovery. He proposed the name Gadolinite for the mineral, and Yttria for the new earth; these names were accepted by Klaproth, who examined it with Vauquelin in 1800, and by the French crystallographer Haüy. In 1802 Ekeberg showed that the oxide originally taken for alumina was in reality beryllia; in 1816 Berzelius showed that ceria was present with the yttria.[26] About 1838 Mosander began his classical work on the earths in gadolinite. In that year he announced the separation of Lanthana,[27] and in 1842 that of Didymia, which he had actually discovered eighteen months earlier. In the latter year he announced[28] the separation of erbia and terbia. In 1842 also Scheerer[29] declared that the yttria from gadolinite was a mixture of earths, from its different behaviour on heating in closed and open vessels; but when Mosander announced the discovery of didymia (the announcement appears to have been hastened indeed by Scheerer’s observation) it was agreed that the colouration observed was probably due to that earth. The further history of these earths must be continued elsewhere (vide p. 111).

[26] Schweigg. J., 1816, 16, 405.

[27] Berzelius (a letter to Pelouze), Pogg. Ann., 1839, 46, 648.

[28] Berz. Jahres., 23, 145; 24, 105.

[29] Pogg. Ann., 1842, 56, 483.

The behaviour of gadolinite on heating is of great interest. When heated uniformly, in closed or open vessels, the mineral suddenly glows very strongly at a definite temperature (according to Hofmann and Zerban[30] at 430°C.), with considerable alteration in properties. The amorphous variety exhibits the phenomenon much more markedly than the crystalline form. The change in the two cases is entirely distinct, the only effect in common being that both varieties are rendered insoluble in acids after the glowing. The amorphous variety, in the act of glowing, changes to the crystalline form.

[30] Ber., 1903, 36, 3095.

This phenomenon of phosphorescence, or glowing, on heating, with a change in properties, was first observed by Berzelius in 1816. He found that the oxides of many metals, e.g. chromium, tantalum, and rhodium, became denser and insoluble in acids after being heated. Later in the same year he observed the glowing, with a similar change in properties, in the case of a gadolinite from Fahlun.[31] Apparently without knowledge of this observation, Wollaston published a similar account of the glowing of a gadolinite in 1825. In 1840 Scheerer noted an almost identical change in the case of the mineral allanite (q.v.). Scheerer made a careful study of the phenomena in the cases of allanite and gadolinite.[32] In each case he found that the variety of lower specific gravity showed, on heating, a very strong phosphorescence, accompanied by change of colour and optical properties, and a marked increase of specific gravity. Gadolinite suffered no appreciable loss of weight, but allanite had lost a little water after the change. Careful measurement of the specific gravity before and after the change showed, in the case of two varieties of gadolinite and one of allanite, that the volume had decreased in the ratio 1: 0·94. Scheerer assumed that this ratio was constant for all such cases, and advanced a general explanation. We know now that numerous cases of similar phenomena occur, in which the change of volume is quite different; but Scheerer’s explanation is so ingenious, and so foreshadows some modern theories, that it is given here in full.

[31] Schweigg. J., 1816, 16, 405.

[32] Pogg. Ann., 1840, 51, 493.

He ascribes the alteration to ‘interatomic change, involving change of relative position of atoms and decrease of interatomic distances.’ (Scheerer and the chemists of that period understood by atoms the ultimate particles of a body, making no distinction between elements and compounds; in this case he meant by atoms what we mean by molecules, and the word ‘molecule’ has therefore been substituted for ‘atom’ in what follows.) The change is simply one of closer packing of the molecules, which take up a more stable position with liberation of energy as heat and light. He imagines his molecules as uniform spheres arranged in horizontal layers, as shown in Fig. 1. In placing one layer vertically over another there are three possible arrangements, of which only two concern us. In the arrangement for closest packing, B, say, a molecule of any one layer touches three molecules in each of the layers above and below, which with the six it touches in its own layer make twelve altogether. In the next closest arrangement, A, say, a molecule of any one layer touches only two molecules in each of the layers above and below it, so that one molecule is in contact with ten others altogether.

Fig. 1

Now it can be shown that the volumes of equal numbers of molecules in the arrangements A and B will be to one another as the height, H, of an equilateral triangle, to the height, h, of a regular tetrahedron whose edges are equal to the sides of the triangle, a length R (which will be equal to the diameter of a molecule).

Then H = 12R√3, h = R√23.

Then vol. in arrangement A : vol. in arr. B H : h
i.e. √32 : √23
1 : 0·943.

That is, the volume changes in the ratio 1 to 0·943, the amorphous variety of gadolinite consisting of molecules in arrangement A, which go over to the closer packed arrangement B in the change to the crystalline form.

More extended work has shown that this ingenious and interesting explanation is not of general application. Thus H. Rose[33] found that samarskite (q.v.) exhibited the phenomenon of glowing, but that the specific gravity was actually less after the change than it was before, i.e. there was an increase of volume. Damour observed glowing in the case of zircon from Ceylon (q.v.) with increase of density, the volume change being from 1 to 0·922, i.e. even greater than for gadolinite. Again, Hauser[34] observed in the case of his new rare earth mineral risörite a sudden change at a red heat, the mineral losing water, becoming very brittle, and increasing very considerably in specific gravity (the volume changing from 1 to 0·90 approximately), but without glowing. Ramsay and Travers[35] found that fergusonite (q.v.) glowed strongly when heated to 500°-600°, with decrease of specific gravity (5·62 before to 5·37 after), evolution of all its helium, and very considerable evolution of heat; they suggested that helium was present in combination, in an endothermic compound decomposed by heat, but in view of the properties of helium, this hypothesis seems hardly tenable.

[33] J. pr. Chem. 1858, 73, 391.

[34] Ber. 1907, 40, 3118.

[35] Zeitsch. physikal. Chem. 1898, 25, 568.

It appears unlikely that any one explanation can cover all these interesting facts; there are in each case peculiar factors to be taken into account. In 1841, Regnault,[36] considering the case of the oxides observed by Berzelius, inferred that the development of light and heat denoted that the bodies possessed a lower specific heat after the change than before. The experimental difficulties encountered in attempting to dry the oxides prevented him from confirming this view. He measured the specific heats of the minerals calcite and aragonite (CaCO₃), and of the two allotropic modifications of phosphorus, but could observe no appreciable differences. H. Rose (vide supra) showed by experiment that considerable heat was evolved on the glowing of gadolinite, with a decrease of about one-fourteenth in the specific heat. In the case of samarskite there was, however, no appreciable evolution of heat, nor could he determine any difference in the specific heats before and after glowing.

[36] Pogg. Ann. 1841, 53, 249.

Probably the only inference that can be safely drawn is that in most cases the change is due to some molecular re-arrangement. The evolution of water, helium, etc., in some cases, may possibly be due to intramolecular change, but on the one hand the current view at present is that the helium is mechanically held in radio-active minerals, and on the other hand it is not known that the water evolved is water of constitution; in an intermolecular change at fairly high temperature, these might be evolved without disruption of the true mineral molecules. The question of the energy involved, and consequently of the specific heats, appears to depend on factors peculiar to each case, of which at present no accurate conception can be formed; and the change in specific gravity is probably bound up with these. The loss of solubility in acids is a factor not always connected with glowing, as it is frequently observed in the laboratory after ignition of compounds, but here again no adequate explanation is forthcoming.

The possibility of chemical change in one or two cases, however, must not be ignored. Thus ammonium magnesium phosphate, NH₄MgPO₄, on heating glows, and is converted to magnesium pyrophosphate, according to the equation:

2NH₄MgPO₄ = Mg₂P₂O₇ + H₂O + 2NH₃

A case possibly analogous to this is that of the mineral sipylite (q.v.), R´´´₂Cb₂O₈, with ‘basic water’ (i.e. R´´´ partially replaced by H). Before the blowpipe this decrepitates with loss of water, and glows brilliantly. The specific gravity after the change does not appear to have been determined. Mallet explains the glow as due to a change to the pyrocolumbate.

Similar explanations may possibly hold in the cases of allanite and risörite, but it must be remembered that we are really ignorant of the part played by the water in these minerals.

The Rare Earths: Their Occurrence, Chemistry, and Technology

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