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Princeton Theological Monograph Series

K. C. Hanson, Charles M. Collier, D. Christopher Spinks,

and Robin Parry, Series Editors

Recent volumes in the series:

Paul G. Doerksen

The Church Made Strange for the Nations:

Essays in Ecclesiology and Political Theology

Lisa M. Hess

Learning in a Musical Key: Insight for Theology in Performative Mode

Jack Barentsen

Emerging Leadership in the Pauline Mission: A Social Identity Perspective on Local Leadership Development in Corinth and Ephesus

Matthew D. Kirkpatrick

Attacks on Christendom in a World Come of Age: Kierkegaard,

Bonhoeffer, and the Question of “Religionless Christianity”

Michael A. Salmeier

Restoring the Kingdom: The Role of God as the “Ordainer of Times

and Seasons” in the Acts of the Apostles

Gerald W. King

Disfellowshiped: Pentecostal Responses to Fundamentalism

in the United States, 1906–1943

Timothy Hessel-Robinson

Spirit and Nature: The Study of Christian Spirituality

in a Time of Ecological Urgency

Paul W. Chilcote

Making Disciples in a World Parish:

Global Perspectives on Mission & Evangelism

Resurrection, Apocalypse, and the Kingdom of Christ

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