Читать книгу Faking It / Forbidden Sins - Stefanie London - Страница 21




MOST PEOPLE DON’T know this about me, but I make decisions with care and consideration. No one expects the joker to have much going on upstairs…but I do. I let my head take the lead, instead of other less reliable parts like my heart, or my dick.

Tonight, however, is a rare exception.

My head is literally screaming at me to back away from this bad decision. But all the blood in my body is currently supporting another appendage. Hannah—posing as a sexy researcher named Annabel—slides from her bar stool, her eyes never leaving mine, and I’m done for. No amount of worrying about the case—about tomorrow—is going to stop me from taking the delicacy she’s dangling in front of me.

I follow her from the bar and help her into her coat the second the night air hits us. It’s colder now, spitting with rain, and I tuck her close against my body. “Where does your research take place, Ms. Annabel?”

She looks up at me and I see the cogs turning. She’s considering whether we should go back to the apartment. That’s not a good idea. A hotel will make it easier to keep sex and the job separate.

“I’ve got a room we could use,” I say, leaning into my role of anonymous travelling businessman. “If you don’t mind working out of a hotel.”

“That sounds great,” she says breathlessly.

We walk along the river’s edge, our heads bowed to the fine, misting rain and our hands entwined until we reach the Crown Entertainment Complex. The hotel here is swanky to the max and has a price tag to match. The only room available is a suite and the nightly rate makes Hannah’s eyes bulge—but I hand over my credit card and within seconds we’re whisked up to heaven. The room boasts an incredible panoramic view of Melbourne, with glistening lights and a luxurious white sectional facing the window.

I can already see how incredible she’ll look laid out on it—naked, with the moonlight dancing on her skin—while I feast on her. My body is tightly coiled, like a spring. There’s a pressure building inside me that’s been growing for years.

“Please remove your coat,” Hannah says in a formal voice. She’s already hung hers on a stand by the front door. “If you could also remove your shoes and socks, that would be most helpful.”

The clipped, efficient tone makes me smile. I bend and untie my dress shoes, toeing them off and removing my socks, as instructed. She hangs my coat next to hers and when she walks back to me, she’s holding a tie in her hands. It looks to be made of the same fluffy white material as a bathrobe.

“I’m going to blindfold you now, so we can begin.” She waits a moment and I give her a quick nod, letting her know it’s okay to proceed.

I’ve always known Hannah to be a take-charge kind of woman, and it thrills me to know it transfers to the bedroom. I love being in charge, too, but there’s something insanely hot about a woman who wants to take pleasure into her own hands. Tonight, I am willing to be her test subject—to play this role and revel in whatever that mysterious brain of hers has planned.

She wraps the blindfold over my eyes, tying it in a secure knot behind my head. And then nothing. I can’t detect her movement, because the plush carpet absorbs the sound of her stilettos.

She makes me wait.

The seconds tick by and my desire grows like a storm, swirling and building, rising until it fills me completely. When her soft touch brushes the front of my pants, I’m hard as stone and aching for her.

“Ready?” she asks, her lips brushing my ear.

“I’ve never been readier.”

We’ve both waited a long time for this.

Faking It / Forbidden Sins

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