Читать книгу The Shadow Of The Bell Tower - Stefano Vignaroli, Stefano Vignaroli - Страница 2


Stefano Vignaroli


The shadow of the bell tower

©2015 Amici di Jesi

©2020 Tektime

All rights of reproduction, distribution and translation are reserved.

The pieces about Jesi’s story have been taken and freely adapted from Giuseppe Luconi’s texts

Illustrations by Prof. Mario Pasquinelli, kindly granted by his legitimate heirs

Translated by Fatima Immacolata Pretta

Cover: Jesi - Portal of Palazzo Franciolini - Photo by Franco Marinelli

Website http://stedevigna.wix.com/stefano-vignaroli

E-mail for contacts stedevigna@gmail.com

The Shadow Of The Bell Tower

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