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“Would you like to go out for coffee with me?”

Gayle wanted to say yes. To sit with this man, to have his attention focused on her would be wonderful…but only if she was prepared to face the consequences if she let something slip.

She stalled for time, trying to decide if she should take the risk. “When?”

“Whenever our schedules allow. What about Sunday?”

After today’s fishing trip, and Adam’s obvious improvement, Nate might not be around much longer. Yet she was just a little sad at the thought of not seeing him. The good news was that without Nate around, her secret would be safe.

“Okay, next Sunday it is,” she said, trying to sound casual while her pulse danced against her throat.

She watched him leave and felt the loneliest she’d felt since arriving in Eden Harbor. And she knew with certainty that this feeling came from the awareness that she could never have more than coffee with him.

What would it be like to have a romantic relationship with someone like Nate? Someone whose presence sent fissions of awareness and light-headedness spiraling through her?

She couldn’t let herself think about the impossible. To have a real relationship based on trust and caring, she’d have to reveal her past.

And to admit to her past was to admit to lying…

To Protect Her Son

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