Читать книгу The Rising - Stephanie Doyle-Cocchi - Страница 1

Chapter 1


Bobby pulled slowly up the street. In the distance he could see a mob; a sea of people who were clogging up the road. He took a deep breath and slowly approached. He made the Pathfinder continue through the crowd who were reluctant to move, but eventually created a path and he pulled into the driveway. The driveway was a quite long and there were people all over, finally he pulled up in front of one of the garage bays and put it in park. Securing the leashes of both dogs he took a deep breath and opened the door slowly. Again the crowd parted for him to do so, but barely. Both dogs hopped out after him. He slammed the truck door and headed toward the house.On the other side Thomas jumped out and followed quickly behind. There were arms, microphones and flashbulbs in his face along the way. He kept his head down and continued on his mission. When he got to the porch and turned the handle it was locked. He was about to knock when the door flew open, they were all ushered in quickly and the door was slammed shut as quickly as it opened. The woman standing in the foyer looked simultaneously annoyed and relieved. She gave both men a kiss on the cheek and then whispered loudly "What took you so long?"

"As soon as I saw the news I packed up, picked up Thomas and headed here. The world is still functioning as usual at least for now and there was traffic." he smiled at her. "It's OK I am here now and I am prepared to stay until we see what the repercussions are going to be. The movement wants to go to war. They feel this was orchestrated to look like an innocent accident, but was actually a well thought out execution. I have managed to hold them off and my priority is here, but I don't know how long the PEACE will last."

Her mood softened "I know I'm sorry, we just feel trapped and helpless here. We can't go out...she was interrupted by another loud knock on the door. She hurried to peek out the curtain and then pulled the door open and shut it as quickly as before. The foyer was filled by the 6 foot 5 inch man who had just entered. He gave the woman a big hug and then shook hands with both men. "Traffic was bad and this chaos outside is worse!"

They all nodded in agreement. "So, what's first boss?"

The sound of the word boss made Bobby cringe the death if his brother in law put him in charge. This was something he always knew could be possible but never actually expected. In addition he never thought he would inherit this powder keg. He took a few seconds to gather his thoughts."OK, first Reggie you and Thomas take the girls and the dogs outside to the yard. Let the girls run around and play you guys watch the girls and the dogs. 15 minutes TOPS, but it is a beautiful day and they need fresh air." Thomas nodded. He turned to the woman who had let them all in. "TVs OFF unless it is a DVD no commercials or new breaking news interruptions and get Jake on the phone. See if he can get someone from local law enforcement to come move these idiots back across the street where they belong. They are going to kill her flowers!" The woman laughed. This is why he needed to be here. He could handle himself without being emotional. "I will deal with her and I need coffee, can I get some?"

Everyone headed to the kitchen, which was full of people. A collective sigh seemed to fall over the room at seeing Bobby. Marilyn was in the kitchen, the smell of brownies filled the room, Another woman, Rachel, got up from the table and hugged him. Suddenly, there were two sets of arms wrapped around his legs. He hugged each of his nieces and sent them out to play.

Someone handed him a large cup of black coffee. "Marilyn" she didn't turn around, she continued to shuffle around the kitchen. "Marilyn" she took a deep breath.

"What?" her voice was barely a whisper she looked terrible. Her eyes were red and swollen, her hair was stringy and stuck to her face.She was wearing over sized sweats and a tank top with no bra. She looked like she had not slept in days.

"Come here." he walked toward her and opened his arms.

"No." she turned around and started to wash dishes. He walked up behind her, turned off the sink, turned her around and held her. Less than 30 seconds later she was crying; crying harder than seemed humanly possible. He spoke into her hair "Did the girls see it?"

"No, they were at school. Mr Meyers collected them from class and I picked them up. They know he is dead, but they didn't see it...Thank God." she was still crying ad trying to pull away from the vise grip hug.

"You shower and a nap!" he snapped. "When did you last eat?"

"I made Ziti last night."

"But did you eat it? I don't care how many other people you fed. What about you." She shook her head "no" into his chest. "OK, first food. Maggie one of the other ladies at the table was headed to the fridge. Marilyn sat down at the table and a plate of warm pasta was placed in front of her. She started to pick at it as the door flew open and in ran two beautiful girls with raven black hair and bright green eyes followed by 4 very goofy dogs, all different ages, breeds and sizes. Behind them was two grown men who looked exhausted. Marilyn started to get up. Bobby put a hand on her shoulder "eat" we can all share in the hostess duties." she continued to pick at her pasta, but as the first real bite went into her mouth she realized how hungry she really was and she wolfed down the plate quickly along with several pieces of Italian bread. She stood up and was headed back toward the kitchen when he stopped her and steered her in toward the bedroom, which was right off the kitchen. He stopped before they entered the room. He motioned to Reggie who looked in and headed right past them, he checked each window and the sliding door, making sure each was locked and the blinds were closed, he disappeared briefly to check the bathroom as he emerged he nodded to Bobby who sent Marilyn into the bathroom. "run a tub if you want, shower whatever, but get clean!" he smirked at her. I'm going to sit outside here and check on you to be sure you don't fall asleep in there!

Looking up at her older brother made her feel like she was 12 again, older by several minutes, he never let her forget that, but he was her protector and always knew how she felt and what she needed. People would often ask in casual conversation about the "twin thing" and she used to tell them she doesn't know why, but yes they do often have the same moods etc. In fact the entire time she was pregnant he ate the same weird foods and he was a hundred miles away. So she would not discount the "twins thing". She turned away and went into the bathroom closing the door behind her. She started to run the tub and added Lavender bath salts. The steam was forming over the tub, the hot water reacting to the cool air conditioned temperature of the room. She stripped off her clothes and dropped them in the hamper. She looked at herself in the mirror; she looked like shit, Bobby was right she needed to clean up and try to get some sleep. There was a knock at the door.

"You OK in there?"

"Yes." she answered, she couldn't believe he was really sitting outside the door. She lowered her body into the steaming tub and sat back. The feeling of the water rushing over her body was amazing. She settled in and breathed in the sweet lavender sent. Then she once again started to cry.

Outside Bobby tapped on the door so she knew he really would be checking on her. Then he went back into the kitchen to see what else he needed to attend to. When he got there he saw Teresa the woman who had let them in finishing the dishes in the sink. She turned her attention toward him "Is she asleep?"

"Tub, but it is a step. Next, where are the girls?"

Reggie pointed to the basement "they wanted to go down and play. I put in the Little Mermaid so they wouldn't have to worry about seeing news."

Bobby laughed "was that their pick or yours??"

"Hey, I can't help that I have an affection for cute red heads!" everyone laughed.

Bobby turned back to Maggie who was sitting at the table again. "Is Johnny here? Your kids? How long are you staying? Sorry, too many things running through my head."

Maggie laughed, "he is picking the kids up at my mother in law's and heading here late tonight. He wanted to clean up the house a little. The kids and I are staying here until further notice, he is concerned some agency will be knocking in the next few days and he wants us not to be there. There are whispers that he was set up, that somewhere high up in the cause there is a rat. He isn't necessarily buying into that, but he wants to be careful just in case. The house is clean, and he always follows the rules, but here seems the least likely place for anyone to be harassed at the moment. This way I can also help Marilyn out, She shouldn't be alone and within the week I figured you will all be headed out to take care of Mark's affairs.

"Here is the safest, no matter what, he always made sure she was completely shielded. Nothing ever happened in this house, near his kids. She knows everything full well, but that was nothing more than the rantings of a crazy guy. He made sure nothing will ever lead here or to her and it shouldn't because other than being married to him she isn't involved in any way." he looked around. "Where is the closest meeting place?" suddenly another knock at the door.

Teresa went to look it was a gentleman in a County Sheriff's uniform. She opened the door slightly, Bobby stood behind it. "Hello m'am is Marilyn at home?"

"She is laying down can I help you?"

"Can I speak with Teresa Caber then?"

"I am Teresa."

"We got a call from your husband Paul asking us to do something about the press. I wanted to apologize to Marilyn that we had to get that call at all we should have been on it. We have made them move to the land across the street. We have warned them not to be on the property at all and to allow vehicles through. We are a small community, but local police departments are offering man hours to ensure a man 24/7 until this blows over. Well, until something else happens to take the worlds eyes off of the tragedy. Please tell Marilyn again we are so sorry, and I myself am sorry her kids are in class with mine I know her pretty well. If she needs anything please just ask. She doesn't realize how many friends she has here in the county" then the officer winked at her and started to step off the porch. He hesitated and then turned back and handed Teresa his card, tipped his hat and headed back down the driveway.

Teresa was a little shocked by the whole thing and it took a minute for her to realize that, she looked down at the card, George Wentz was part of the movement and apparently many in the county were. She closed the door and looked at Bobby.

"Call Paul, tell him what was said and thank him for reaching out. I need to check on her."

She was still in the tub when he knocked again, she told him she wasn't asleep and she wasn't ready to come out yet. The warm water felt so good, it was soothing her aching

muscles and the quiet was helping her relax. So he headed back to the kitchen. "OK again closest meeting place?"

"Dover Pond" Thomas answered. "I looked it up before we even left the house."

He looked at Thomas "Ok tonight 10 pm, Dover Pond get the word out representatives only, not general population, it will look to suspicious. It is a drive for any who are coming from a distance. It will be the ONLY meeting tonight, tell local chapters to stand down and go about their business as usual they will get word soon, but right now the call to stand down remains." Thomas nodded and headed out to the truck. Bobby headed back into the bedroom, as he entered Marilyn was coming out of the bathroom in a clean pair of over sized sweats and a tank top. He folded the bed down and pointed. She looked like she was going to argue but thought better about it, she only won an argument with him if he didn't feel like arguing. She knew with him here the girls were safe and that she should rest. She got in the bed and he laid next to her in less than 5 minutes she was asleep, he turned off the light and headed back to the kitchen once again. He looked at Teresa and she knew that Marilyn was asleep and she felt relieved. He saw that Thomas was back and with a quick nod Bobby knew everything was arranged. Reggie was headed up from the basement. "Everything OK?"

"yeah, there was a request for snacks and the movie was almost over so I watched the end and changed the DVD."

"OK if they are settled lets turn on the news. I want to see what is new if anything in the way this is being reported." Maggie turned on the TV in the Den and they all went in to watch. It was the major news on every news channel. it was looping everywhere. They could see the crowd protesting. What were they protesting the fact that once again our corrupt government had hurt innocent people and would not take responsibility for it; would Mark have been a supporter of this protest? Possibly, would the cause have been absolutely, but would any of them be in attendance? Absolutely NOT! The cause knew protesting was useless, all it did was get your name and photo added to watch lists, there were tons of watch lists and the one thing you didn't want was your name on one. Mark wanted this to be a quiet, private group that wouldn't be "known" until it was necessary and then it would be too late, the uprising would have begun and no one could stop it. That was his dream and now the question was will the cause die or would it ignite the revolution? They watched as Mark stepped around the barricade on his way to work. Officers yelling at him to stay behind the barricade. He calmly explaining he was not part of the protest and was late for work. Again officers screaming and making derogatory statements. Mark continuing to walk on the edge of the road almost at the curb, not in the middle of the street, he would not have made others late either. He continued to walk and explain they had no reason to keep him behind the barricade and it was his right to walk here where he was and he continued to walk. Then suddenly a cop that he had just passed by, not close enough for either to have exchanged any dialog took out his gun and yelled. Mark put up his hands and turned to face the officer and as he turned the officer fired and fired and fired until his gun was empty and Mark was a bloody pile on the street. There was nothing the City Police Department could do to try to pretend this was anything other than an execution. They were currently blaming a rookie who was overwhelmed by what was going on they were claiming many factors all rolled into the perfect storm. First he was a rookie, just less than a year on the force. Add in the heat, it was the hottest June on record, May had been hot enough, but since June started the temperatures had climbed into the double digits daily. The humidity compounded the uncomfortable heat, we were well north of Florida, but the daily weather was the same, hot and humid, when the air couldn't hold any more we would get a brief rain storm, but with no relief. The chaos created by the the protest itself, people yelling, crowds pushing against the barricade. Finally Mark walking outside the barrier, they were attempting to put the blame on him, but the video clearly showed what happened and there was audio so they couldn't even claim he said something that he didn't. What made it worse for the department was it was streamed live across the net so people saw it go down in real time, no time to claim doctored photo, video or audio. They were stuck with the mess and everyone was hoping it would not stick to them. Not even the Liberal media was buying what the department was selling. The only question that remained was this: was it an accidental execution or an intentional one? Many in the cause felt it was too staged, it looked like they were going to shoot him in the back until he raised his hands and turned around, then the officer looks like well that was not suppose to happen and shoots him anyway. Others felt it was wrong place wrong time, it could have easily been anyone and simply happened to be Mark. If it was intentional and Mark was the target then someone had ratted him out, because no one was better at staying under the radar. So now they had to worry, was there a rat? Were they all compromised? Bobby wanted to believe that it was a wrong place type scenario, but he couldn't completely rule out the set up. In fact he knew Mark would not. He would consider the set up long before the coincidence. So, he needed to figure it out and fast. On video it did look like the officers were trying to get reaction out of him, but how could they know he would step into the street on that day in that area? So many things he needed to sort out.

He only had about 5 hours before he had to speak at the meeting and they would want answers and actions, they would want blood and he knew most would want to go to war. They would see this as the sign they had been waiting for, all they had planned and trained for. Marilyn came out from the bedroom. She looked groggy, but rested. "I am going to have some tea, anyone else want some?"

His thoughts were interrupted "I'll have more coffee and one of those brownies that were baking when I came in, they smelled amazing!" he smiled at her. He was trying not to let on the weight that was on his shoulders with Mark gone. He wanted to simply care for his sister and her beautiful girls, but he couldn't. He had a nation to care for.

The Rising

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