Читать книгу The Rising - Stephanie Doyle-Cocchi - Страница 3

Chapter 3


Toby headed away from the meeting with a knot of excitement in his stomach and a pinch of worry. He had expected the green light to be lit, but the reality of it was now hitting home. His group was responsible for taking down two targets. The first was the Governor of his state, that had always been their target. However, about a year ago Mark had visited and added a target in anticipation of the election. He actually expected the election to spark the fire. People were tired and angry, candidates were coming out of the woodwork. Violence and hate speech were already at an all time high and Mark felt that was only going to get worse as the country got closer to the conventions and the actual election. So, the second target for his group was a potential presidential candidate. When they were given the target they really didn't see him as a threat. They believed he would be out before the race even got started. Mark however thought differently. He saw them all as potential threats until they proved other wise. Some had been proven to be one of us and removed from the potential target list. Our target had not. He often spoke in public and sounded like he was a supporter of our cause, but after some digging it was just pandering for votes. So, now he was headed back to his group to tell them that both targets were a go for July 5th. He also was slotted to fly west and meet with a group in California. He had no idea who or what their target was, but he was to arrange a meeting and then check in once they were informed. He had to do this all within the week and without raising any suspicion. He could feel the pinch getting larger. Why had that guy Frank pushed for an earlier date? Why didn't anyone else say no we are not ready? Were they the only group that wasn't prepared to go? They couldn't be the piece that didn't work, they had to get organized and get it done. He suddenly felt the urge to puke. He pulled over, jumped from the car and threw up in some bushes. After several minutes he got back in the car. Maybe he could not light the green light, tell the groups to stand down until further notice. Would it work? Sure it could...right? He looked at himself in the review mirror. He knew that was not an option, this is what he signed up for. This is what he wanted, but the time line scared him. The most important thing was where would Linda and the boys be safest? He pulled back onto the road and stopped at the next rest stop he passed. He entered the restroom and washed his face. Then he sat down at the counter to grab a bite before he got back on the road. After ordering he pulled out his phone to see what was going on. There were several messages from his fellow club members asking about a meeting that would discuss the the change in regulations on raising chickens. His was a group of farmers concerned with the direction the country was headed in. He posted a meeting regarding chicken legislation and restrictions then went over to the internet hot spot, paid to borrow a computer and ordered a ticket to the west coast. Then he got back in the car and headed home without stopping.

When he arrived home there was a note on the fridge. "Running errands, be back soon" he fixed himself a sandwich and headed to bed. He need a nap and a chance to clear his head. What would he tell Linda and where would they be safest. They lived in a home in a quiet suburb of the city, but if people started to evacuate the city it would be the first place people would try to move into. It might be the first place the Army or National Guard would create their base camp. He had to get them out, he would have to call Walter even though it was the last thing he wanted to do. He fell asleep quickly, it had been a long night and an even longer drive both ways. He woke up to noise in the kitchen. He came down the stairs expecting Linda and or the boys depending on what time it was. Camp should be out and they should all be home. What he found was Walter sitting at the breakfast bar with a sandwich, beer and an open bag of chips. Had he called Walter before he laid down? He didn't think he had, but now he was sitting there and Toby was confused. "Hey Walter, how are you?"

"Don't hey Walter me. When were you going to tell me?" Walter was red in the face, but not yelling.

"Tell you what?" Toby wasn't sure what he was talking about, even if he had called him it would be to meet face to face not go over any plan on the phone.

"You are part of group 217!"

This startled him, how could he know that? How could he even know what that was? Walter is Linda's father and the one person he expected to not agree with anything he was doing or any of the beliefs of the movement. "What?" he tried his best to play stupid.

"Don't play stupid with me, I am 206 and I guess I know why you didn't tell me. I am not upset that I didn't know, because that is the way this works isn't it. We never know who and where because it helps us protect ourselves, our group and our families. The question now is what are you going to tell Linda and how are you keeping them safe? How dare you involve her and my grandkids?" He had the look of a worried father in his eyes, she would always be his little girl time had not changed that.

"She knows nothing and I was going to call you and ask about the lake house. Set it up as a family vacation and then after it started tell her to stay there because it will be safer. I didn't think you knew and I was trying to figure out how to ask without telling you."

Walter stared off into the distance and didn't say anything when the door opened and Linda and the boys came in. Linda gave a kiss to Toby then walked over to her father. "Hey Daddy, everything OK? Mom OK? I didn't know you were coming."

Walter smiled at his daughter as the four boys surrounded him with hugs and high fives. He had not liked the idea of his daughter marrying her high school sweetheart. A farmer's boy. He had wanted her to go to college, chose a career, maybe even join his law firm. He didn't care what, but he didn't want her to marry that boy. It had been almost 16 years. Their oldest son would be turning 15 and driving soon. He always thought Toby was an uneducated buffoon who played football in high school. He did know he worked hard, running a farm was no easy task and he didn't rely on Linda or the boys. School was the priority for the boys, well and football but he never stopped them from doing what they wanted. He always made sure they were provided for and they were growing up to be fine young men. He always wanted to give all the credit to Linda for that, but today he realized that he didn't know his son in law at all, he has misjudged him and he wouldn't make that mistake again. "Nothing is wrong sweetie, I was at the club having lunch with some buddies of mine and thought I would drop off a personal invitation from your mother and me. We want you all to join us at the lake house for 4th of July weekend. We would love to see the boys and they love being at the lake. I know Toby is busy with the farm, but maybe he could spare the day and come up for a BBQ on the 4th?" he looked at Toby.

Toby looked surprised, not just because he needed to, but he truly was. First Walter had not skipped a beat when he went into the invite. Then that he actually liked his idea and it sounded like a genuine invitation to the 4th BBQ not just "oh yeah, you should come". he took a deep breath. "He that sounds like a great weekend doesn't it?"

Linda hesitated, never had her dad stopped by with an invite, usually her mom called to invite her and the boys and Toby was an after thought. This sounded like a real invitation that included all of them. "Honey do you think you can get there for the 4th?" She looked at Toby. The ball was in his court, her dad seemed to be trying to make amends for all the years of poor treatment. She hoped he wasn't sick or something, that this was truly just an answered prayer.

"Um yes, definitely. I'll take care of things around here early morning, head out there and spend the day and be back for the evening chores it will be great."

Her father stood up "It is settled then, come up on Friday after the boys get out of camp and BBQ on Monday. We can eat early so Toby can get back with no issues."

"Why do we all come back Sunday after the BBQ?"

Both men looked at each other for a reason trying to not look suspicious. "Um well I wanted to be a surprise but your sister is coming in and she won't be there until late Saturday. Why don't you stay Monday and visit with her? Maybe stay the whole week, the boys don't have camp right?"

Linda looked at Toby who was nodding "That sounds great you haven't seen Mary in months! You and the boys go and have fun. I will be fine here." he didn't want to sound too pushy. In the past he would have been annoyed that Walter was taking the them and not including him in the plans.

"OK, great! We will see you and Mom after camp on Friday! I am so excited!" she kissed Walter on the cheek and headed outside to tell the boys.

"I'll walk you out." Walter stood up and the two men went out to the driveway together.

"Now I have to get her sister up to the house too!" he almost chuckled. "It is a good plan. when you come bring some extra supplies clothes and food, pack it into bins so they can't see what it is. That way they have no reason to come back here for at least a month. I am hoping by then the chaos will settle and they will be able to go home. I don't think the fight will be over, but I think it should be more settled. Do you have your target?"

"Yes, and I fly out tomorrow to inform another group."

"Good job son!" he placed his hand on Toby's shoulder. "We will see you on the 4th" with that he got in his car and drove away. Toby stood on the driveway a little longer thinking about the events that had unfolded over the last 24 hours. Thinking about what the next week, month and year would hold. He still didn't know if he was ready, but he had to be he couldn't let Walter see him fail. He went back into the house and Linda had started dinner. The boys were in the back throwing a football around. He picked up the keys from the counter and headed out to take care of the nightly chores. As he collected eggs and fed livestock he started to go over the plan, well his piece of the plan in his head.

He would get up Monday morning and do his morning farm work. He would to drive down to the city and park in the garage nearest the candidate's office building. He had many different places he could be, but on Monday he was always at the main office. He would meet the many members of his team in the parking garage.Each team had a different rendezvous point and a specific job. First a loan operative Mike from his group would go in dressed as a delivery guy from a local deli. He would present himself at the desk with a breakfast that needs to be delivered to the 36th floor. The 36th floor houses the three man security team for the building. They issue photo ID and monitor the cameras throughout the building. The security team cannot leave the 36th floor and they have their own single use bathroom on the floor so they never have to leave. They have all their meals delivered and no one would question the delivery. Once upstairs Mike will eliminate all three security team members with a silenced gun. This had to happen or they would observe Team A in the lobby. They worked it through with Mark several times., There was simply no way for 1 person to take the three armed security officers hostage and there was no way to get more than one person up with the delivery. He knew this part of the plan had bothered Mark. It some times surprised him how nonviolent her could be for a revolutionary and then at other times he would say eliminate like we were dumping spoiled foods from a refrigerator. Toby knew it was because Mark would prefer to only eliminate people he felt had done the people of this country wrong. Those who had caused this miserable state we were in 65% unemployment, but they were reporting numbers like Job market gained 10,000 jobs. What they failed to report was how many people stopped looking for jobs, how many people were so desperate they simply gave up. They didn't count those people. They only counted who they wanted to count to make the numbers look good. They included unpaid internships in the number of jobs created, how did that help a mother of 3 who needed to put food on the table? It didn't. Mean while these government officials were living an enormous life of luxury and who was paying for it? Us, the citizens of this country. They were taxing us at an exorbitant rate. We were paying for their luxuries and for programs and policies that helped a very small portion of the population. The general good of the country was NOT their main concern and they made no attempt to hide what they were doing, they just lied and were allowed to get away with it. We were Then Team A would then enter the building dressed as business people and secure the lobby replacing themselves with the staff on the ground floor. Team B would then enter the lobby and be allowed through by team A. Team A would remain in the lobby and keep it clear of anyone not involved in the cause. Team B would then enter the main floor where his office was again securing the floor without causing a scene, He had his own security detail and they were really the only ones who were going to be any problem. They were all large, well trained and armed. Team C which was Toby's group was to go in and enter the board room suddenly taking them by surprise. The hope was there would be no blood shed and they would simply disarm his security detail and take the candidate hostage. They had not been instructed to eliminate the target simply disengage it. However, if he was or any member of his team was killed as a result of the maneuvers that was fine too. If they successfully disengaged the target and his security team Team D would arrive with a series of containers and a box truck. The hostages were to be placed in the cargo containers and moved onto the truck where they would be taken to an undisclosed location. The building would be evacuated and the rest of the people inside sent home for the day, due to a gas leak. A sign would be placed on the door of the building stating the same thing and all the teams would exit and go back to where ever they were told to meet. A very similar plan would be acted out at the governor's mansion. The one exception was that the Governor's mansion would be occupied by Team C after Team D left with the hostages. The leader of our group would stay at the Governor's office and await instructions. The instructions were suppose to come from Mark, but I guess now they would come from Bobby. These two major targets being removed from the game made it easier for the cause to take over the state government and it stopped the candidate from trying to monopolize on their cause. He knew this was not the plan for every official, some were part of the cause and others would be dealt with differently. Once the mission was completed successfully there would be a signal, but no one knew what it was, at least not yet. He was hoping his next meeting with Bobby would give him a clue. That was the only missing piece of his puzzle.

Once they had met back at the parking garage each of them was to drive in a different direction, stopping for gas, eating in different places and chatting with people. They were to blend in by being a regular person. Then he would head back to the farm and do his regular nighttime chores. Assuming he wasn't dead. In theory it all seemed pretty simple, but in reality the death toll and blood shed would be high. Mark had not wanted that, but this was a revolution and with a revolution blood is spilled. He finished up his chores and went back up to the house. Linda had dinner ready when he got back in. They ate and he listened to the boys talk about football and camp or was it football camp. After dinner he had many messages about the chicken meeting, people were in a frenzy, they wanted to have the meeting tonight,he answered each one as best he could and kept the meeting day and time the same. People would have to wait, they had waited this long they could wait a little longer. Then he confirmed with California that he would be arriving Friday to see his brother Joe and then headed off to bed. He checked on the boys as he headed down the hall. He tucked the littlest back in, he was asleep on the floor. Linda was already in bed when he got there. "So, what is going on?" she had a tone in her voice that she already knew the answer to her question.

"With what?" he asked innocently.

"You and my dad being all buddy buddy?"

"Weird right, I have no idea. I got home around 1 had a sandwich and took a nap. When I got up I heard him in the kitchen. I thought it was you and the boys. I was as surprised as you were to see him. He told me he had been to lunch and was stopping buy to invite for the 4th. I don't know anything more than you do. You think he is OK? Maybe he had been drinking. I'm not his favorite person you know." he looked at her sideways. He wasn't sure if she was buying it. Technically it was the truth up until the invite part.

"I don't know, but whatever it is let's hope it lasts. It was so nice to see you guys talking to each other." she kissed him on the cheek and rolled over on the bed.

He placed his head on the pillow and closed his eyes. His mind was racing between Walter, the plan, extra supplies and more. Round and round it was giving him a headache. Finally his exhaustion won and he fell off to sleep. He would deal with the rest of it in the morning.

The Rising

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