Читать книгу A Comfortable Wife - Stephanie Laurens, Stephanie Laurens - Страница 5


The first romances Stephanie Laurens ever read were those of Georgette Heyer, and romances set in Regency England continue to be her favorites. After escaping from the dry world of professional science, Stephanie took up writing such romances for her own pleasure. A Comfortable Wife was her eighth historical romance set in the British Regency era. Now residing in a leafy suburb of Melbourne, Australia, Stephanie divides her free time between her husband, two teenage daughters and two cats—Shakespeare and Marlowe. The cats, needless to say, are the most demanding. Stephanie’s Web site can be found at www.stephanielaurens.com, or you can e-mail Stephanie directly at slaurens@vicnet.net.au.

A Comfortable Wife

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