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Principal Characters:

Frobisher, Captain Royd – Hero, oldest Frobisher brother and captain of The Corsair

Carmichael, Isobel Carmody – Heroine, only child of James Carmichael and Anne Carmody, and heiress of the Carmichael Shipyards, Aberdeen

In Aberdeen:

Frobisher, Captain Fergus – Royd’s father

Frobisher, Mrs. Elaine – Royd’s mother

Carmody, Mrs. Iona – Isobel’s maternal grandmother and matriarch of the Carmody clan

Carmichael, Mr. James – Isobel’s father and owner of Carmichael Shipyards

Carmichael, Mrs. Anne Carmody – Isobel’s mother

Carmichael, Mrs. Elise – James’s mother, Isobel’s paternal grandmother

Featherstone, Miss Gladys – Royd’s secretary at the Frobisher Shipping Company office

Jeb – head groom at Carmody Place

On board The Corsair:

Stewart, Lieutenant Liam – first mate

Kelly, Mr. William – master

Williams – quartermaster

Jolley – bosun

Bellamy, Mr. – steward

Various other sailors

In London:


Frobisher, Captain Declan – Royd’s brother and captain of The Cormorant

Frobisher, Lady Edwina – Declan’s wife, Royd’s sister-in-law

Frobisher, Captain Robert – Royd’s brother and captain of The Trident

Hopkins, Miss Aileen – Robert’s intended and sister of Lieutenant William Hopkins, West Africa Squadron

Staff in Declan & Edwina’s town house:

Humphrey – butler


Wolverstone, Duke of, Royce aka Dalziel – ex-commander of British secret operatives outside England

Melville, Lord – First Lord of the Admiralty


Wolverstone, Duchess of, Minerva – Royce’s wife, society grande dame, major ton hostess

St. Ives, Duke of, Devil (Sylvester)

St. Ives, Duchess of, Honoria – Devil’s wife, society grande dame, major ton hostess

Cynster, Mr. Harry – Devil’s cousin

Cynster, Mr. Rupert (Gabriel) – Devil’s cousin

Dearne, Marquess of, Christian – ex-member of the Bastion Club, ex-operative of Dalziel’s

Dearne, Marchioness of, Letitia – Christian’s wife

Warnefleet, Jack, Lord – ex-member of the Bastion Club, ex-operative of Dalziel’s

Warnefleet, Lady Clarice – Jack, Lord Warnefleet’s wife

Trentham, Earl of – ex-member of the Bastion Club, ex-operative of Dalziel’s

Hendon, Jack, Lord – owner of Hendon Shipping, ex-operative, ex-army

Hendon, Kit (Katherine), Lady – Jack, Lord Hendon’s wife

Carstairs, Major Rafe – army officer, covert liaison, involved in Black Cobra incident

Delborough, Colonel – ex-army officer, involved in Black Cobra incident

Clunes-Forsythe, Mr. – power broker, wealthy member of the haut ton

Deveny, Lord Hugh – indolent member of the haut ton

Risdale, Marquis of – wealthy member of the haut ton

Cummins, Sir Reginald – wealthy member of the haut ton

Rundell, Mr. Phillip – jeweler, part owner of Rundell, Bridge, and Rundell

Bridge, Mr. – jeweler, part owner of Rundell, Bridge, and Rundell

In Southampton:

Higginson – head clerk, Frobisher Shipping Company office

At Sea:

Frobisher, Captain Lachlan – captain of Sea Dragon

Frobisher, Captain Catrina (Kit) – captain of Consort

In Freetown:

Holbrook, Governor – Governor-in-Chief of British West Africa

Satterly, Mr. Arnold – governor’s principal aide

Eldridge, Major – Commander, Fort Thornton

Decker, Vice-Admiral Ralph – Commander, West Africa Squadron

Winton, Major – Commissar of Fort Thornton

Babington, Mr. Charles – partner, Macauley & Babington Trading Company

Macauley, Mr. – senior partner, Macauley & Babington Trading Company

Ross-Courtney, Lord Peter – wealthy and influential visitor

Neill, Mr. Frederick – well-born and wealthy associate of Ross-Courtney’s

Undoto, Obo – local priest

Muldoon, Mr. Silas – the Naval Attaché

Winton, Mr. William – Assistant Commissar at Fort Thornton

Hardwicke, Reverend – minister of Church of England

Hardwicke, Mrs. – minister’s wife

Sherbrook, Mrs. – lady-employer of Katherine Fortescue

Dave – Cockney coachman

In the Mining Compound:


Dubois – leader of the mercenaries, presumed French

Arsene – Dubois’s lieutenant, second-in-command, presumed French

Cripps – Dubois’s second lieutenant, English

Plus twenty-eight other mercenaries – of various ages and extractions


Frobisher, Captain Caleb – youngest Frobisher brother and captain of The Prince

Fortescue, Miss Kate (Katherine) – ex-governess of the Sherbrooks and Caleb’s intended

Quilley – quartermaster of The Prince

Foster, Martin, Ellis, Quick, Mallard, Collins, Biggs, Norton, and Olsen – experienced seamen from The Prince

Lascelle, Captain Phillipe – longtime friend of Caleb’s, privateer captain of The Raven

Ducasse – quartermaster of The Raven

Fullard, Collmer, Gerard, and Vineron – experienced seamen from The Raven

Dixon, Captain John – army engineer

Hopkins, Lieutenant William – navy, West Africa Squadron

Fanshawe, Lieutenant – navy, West Africa Squadron

Hillsythe, Mr. – ex-Wolverstone agent, governor’s aide

Frazier, Miss Harriet – gently bred young woman, Dixon’s sweetheart

Wilson, Miss Mary – shop owner/assistant, Babington’s sweetheart

McKenzie, Miss Ellen – young woman recently arrived in the settlement

Halliday, Miss Gemma – young woman from the slums

Mellows, Miss Annie – young woman from the slums

Mathers, Jed – carpenter

Watson, Wattie – navvy

Plus eighteen other men – all British of various backgrounds and trades

Diccon – young boy, eight years old

Amy – young girl, six years old

Gerry – boy, eleven years old

Tilly – girl, fourteen years old

Simon Finn – boy, twelve years old

Plus sixteen other children – all British, ranging from six to ten years old

Plus three other boys – all British, ranging from eleven to fourteen years old

On board The Trident:

Latimer, Mr. Jordan – first mate

Hurley, Mr. – master

Wilcox – bosun

Miller – quartermaster

Foxby, Mr. – steward

Various other sailors

On board The Cormorant:

Caldwell, Mr. Joshua – first mate

Johnson, Mr. – master

Grimsby – bosun

Elliot – quartermaster

Henry, Mr. – steward

Various other sailors

On board The Prince:

Fitzpatrick, Lieutenant Frederick – first mate

Wallace, Mr. – master

Carter – bosun

Hornby, Mr. – steward, carries information to London and returns on The Corsair

Various other sailors

On board The Raven:

Reynaud – bosun, on ship, but returns to the jungle compound

Plus four other seamen – on ship, but return to the jungle compound

Various other sailors

Lord Of The Privateers

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