Читать книгу Risking It All - Stephanie Tyler - Страница 2


“I never get involved with bad boys like you.”

His hand closed around hers. She liked the power of his grip, decided that she might want to feel his hands on other parts of her body, too.

“Well, that’s good,” Cash replied, “because I don’t get involved with good girls.”

“How do you know I’m a good girl?” Rina asked.

“Trust me. I know.” He grabbed her arm when she pitched forward. “Let’s get you to your room safe and in one piece.”

“I’m not inviting you inside,” she said as she fumbled in her bag for the key.

“I think I should walk you back to your friend at the bar.”

“Why? So you can prove to everyone how uptight I am?”

“Now, that doesn’t even make sense,” he said.

“And neither does this.” Rina took Cash’s face in her hands and planted a bold kiss on his lips. His arms snaked around her waist and he deepened the kiss. She didn’t want him to stop. Ever.

Risking It All

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