Читать книгу How to Control Your Finances: Save Money, Increase Income, Invest, & Grow your Networth - Stephen Berkley - Страница 6

Introduction How to Successfully Live Within Your Means


Having a sense of financial responsibility will do a lot for you like promoting your financial health life. Living within your income simply means you only spend what is below or equal to what you earn in a period of one month. For several people, this is easier on paper.

Loans, credit cards, and emergency funds let you spend more than your monthly income. Sadly, that lifestyle is not going to sustain you for a long time, and sooner or later you are going to suffer the consequences. All your savings as well as access to credit would be exhausted and at that point, you’d have to ensure some adjustments or man up to financial ruin.

How to Control Your Finances: Save Money, Increase Income, Invest, & Grow your Networth

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