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Table of Contents

b. = born.
c. (before dates) = approximately.
d. = died, daughter.
ed. = edition, edited, editor, educated.
q.v. = which may be referred to.
n.d. = no date printed in the book referred to.
sqq. = and following (years or pages).
C.B.N. = Catholic Book Notes.
D.R. = The Dublin Review.
I.B.L. = The Irish Book Lover.
I.E.R. = The Irish Ecclesiastical Record.
I.M. = The Irish Monthly.
N.I.R. = The New Ireland Review.
T. Lit. Suppl. = The Times Literary Supplement.
C.T.S.I. = Catholic Truth Society of Ireland.
S.P.C.K. = Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge.
R.T.S. = Religious Tract Society.
Allibone = Allibone’s Critical Dictionary of English Literature.
Baker = Baker’s Guides (see Appendix A) a 2 indicates that the new ed. has been used.
Krans = Krans’s Irish Life in Irish fiction. (Appendix A).
Read = The Cabinet of Irish Literature. (Appendix A).
I. Lit. = Irish Literature in twelve Vols. (Appendix A).
N.Y. = New York.

The place of publication has been mentioned in the case of books not published in Dublin or in London. A list of the Irish publishers will be found in Appendix B.

The price of most new novels on first publication is 6s., not net. When new fiction is issued at a lower price than that this price is usually net. I have not thought it useful to insert the prices of books no longer to be had otherwise than from second-hand booksellers: second-hand prices are constantly varying. The publication Book-Prices Current might be usefully consulted in some reference library. The price I have given is usually the latest price mentioned in the Publishers’ catalogue.

Dates in square brackets, thus [1829], indicate dates of first publication. Besides these I have mentioned the date of the latest edition I am aware of.

The names of an Author placed within square brackets is an indication that the name in question did not appear on the title page of the book to which it is now affixed, the book having been published anonymously, or under a pen-name.

Inverted commas are used thus “M. E. Francis” to indicate a pen-name. The writers’ works are entered under the name most familiar to the public, under Katharine Tynan and Rosa Mulholland rather than under Mrs. Hinkson and Lady Gilbert. However, in the case of old books I have not thought it useful to place the book under the literary disguise. I have entered them under the real name, with a cross-reference. I fear that perfect uniformity and consistency has not been secured, but hope that the book’s usefulness—utility, and not scientific precision, has been the aim—is not thus impaired.

The publishers mentioned are, so far as I have succeeded in discovering them, the publishers not of the first, but of the latest edition.

Books published under a pseudonym which obviously could not be a real name, I have entered as anonymous, except where I have come to know the real name, in which case it will be found under the real name, with a cross reference from the pseudonym.

When the note depends mainly or exclusively on a single already published authority or source, this authority or source is indicated at the end of the note.

Ireland in Fiction

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