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This book is the result of the contributions of numerous people, from those who cut the trees, milled them into paper, drove the paper to our offices, designed our computers, filled our libraries with books (or at least electronic links to books!), fed us and our children, and heated our offices, to those who printed and delivered the book to your hands. Our intellectual efforts stand on the shoulders of the giants in the field, individuals who introduced the ideas we tried to advance and to whom our thoughts are indebted. We also relied on the efforts of the numerous researchers and officials who collected and organized the data we use to outline changes in work and opportunity. Here, we can only express our appreciation to those with whom we formed close interpersonal ties.

Our colleagues and mentors—including Cynthia Duncan, Phyllis Moen, Marcie Pitt-Catsouphes, and Peter Whalley—offered valuable guidance by directing our attention to the issues that need to be addressed and what to look for. Reviewers Judith Barker, Elizabeth Callaghan, William Canak, Carol Caronna, Marc Dixon, Linda Geller-Schwartz, Heidi Gottfried, Judith Hennessy, Martin Hughes, Arne Kalleberg, Charles Koeber, Kevin Leicht, Joya Misra, Cynthia Negrey, Vincent Roscigno, Gay Seidman, and Patrick Withen provided the sharp criticism that the book needed in its formation. Marissa Cardwell, Hillary Gozigian, and Stacy Sauppe offered insightful students’ eye views of the manuscript and helped us bring the manuscript together. Students in our graduate and undergraduate classes at Ithaca College and Cleveland State University, many of whom also are experienced workers in the new economy, raised questions that stimulated our thinking for this book. We also thank the incredibly supportive team at SAGE, including our editor, Joshua Perigo. Additional thanks to production editor Bennie Clark Allen and to copy editor Lana Arndt.

The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation provided support for the study of job insecurities (B2001–50, Stephen Sweet and Phyllis Moen, co-principal investigators). In addition to Kathleen Christensen at the Sloan Foundation, we extend thanks to Yasamin Diciccio-Miller, Akshay Gupta, and the staff of the Cornell Careers Institute for their contributions to the Couples Managing Change Study.

Finally, we express gratitude to our spouses, Jai and Joyce, who gave us much-appreciated time to devote to this project, listened to our struggles, and offered their perspectives and guidance throughout.

SAGE also wishes to thank the following reviewers for their kind assistance:

 John Castella, Rutgers University

 Hinda Seif, University of Illinois at Springfield

 Paula B. Voos, Rutgers University

Changing Contours of Work

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