Читать книгу Improving Maintenance and Reliability Through Cultural Change - Stephen Thomas G. - Страница 5


Table of Contents


Title Page





Chapter 1 The Beginning


1.2Why I Wrote This Book

1.3Who Can Benefit

1.4Why Is This Book Different?

1.5What Is included?

1.6Navigating Through The Book

1.7Getting Started

Chapter 2 Culture Defined

2.1What Is Organizational Culture Anyway?

2.2Culture Defined

2.3Why Is This Definition Important?

2.4Types of Organizational Culture

2.5The Elements of Culture


2.7The Eight Elements of Change

Chapter 3 Vision and the Goal Achievement Model

3.1The Need for Vision and Goals

3.2What Is Vision?

3.3Why Is a Vision Required?

3.4The Goal Achievement Model

3.5How the Goal Achievement Model Works

3.6A Reliability – Based Example

3.7Goal Achievement Model Measures

3.8Final Thoughts

Chapter 4 Organizational Values

4.1An Introduction to Organizational Values

4.2What Are Organizational Values?

4.3Written vs. Actual Values

4.4Values Gone Astray

4.5Vision and Values

4.6When Values Are Out of Alignment with the Vision (Quadrant 3)

4.7New Values and an Old Vision (Quadrant 2)

4.8How to Change

4.9Success Looks Like

Chapter 5 Role Models

5.1What Is a Role Model?

5.2Role Models Defined

5.3Strategic or Tactical Alignment

5.4Cultural Alignment

5.5Bad Role Models Have Value

5.6Role Models Are Created NOT Born

5.7How Role Models Can Change a Culture

5.8Can Consultants Be Role Models?

Chapter 6 Rites and Rituals

6.1Introduction to Rites and Rituals

6.2What Is a Ritual?

6.3What Is a Rite?

6.4How Rites and Rituals Are Tied Together

6.5Determining a Rite from a Ritual

6.6Values, Behavior and the Rites and Rituals They Create

6.7From Reactive to Proactive Maintenance

Chapter 7 The Cultural Infrastructure

7.1The Cultural Infrastructure Identified

7.2Cultural Infrastructure – Definition and Component Parts

7.3Story Tellers

7.4Keepers of the Faith






7.10Why Is the Cultural Infrastructure so Important?

Chapter 8 The Elements of Change

8.1The Four Elements of Cultural Change

8.2Examples Where the Elements were Missed

8.3The Eight Elements of Change

8.4Group Learning – The Connection

8.5An Example – Reviewing the Four Elements of Culture

8.6Addressing the Eight Elements of Change

Chapter 9 Leadership Part 1: The Basics

9.1Introduction to Leadership

9.2Why Leadership Is The Most Important Element of Change

9.3Some of the Basics

9.4Why Is Leadership Needed?

9.5Managers Are Not Always Leaders and Leaders Are Not Always the Managers

9.6Expectations of Our Leaders

9.7Leadership Mismatches and Overcoming Mismatch Problems

9.8What Happens When Leaders Don’t Measure Up

Chapter 9 Part 2: Leadership and Change Management

9.9Leadership and the Elements

9.10Leadership and Change

9.11The Four Elements of Culture

Chapter 10 Work Process

10.1What is Work Process?

10.2What Is a Work Flow Process?

10.3Efficient and Effective Work Flows

10.4What is Information Flow?

10.5Integrating Work Flow and Information Flow

10.6What is Communication Flow?

10.7Repair and Reliability-Based Work Process Characteristics

10.8Work Flow and Information Flow Processes and Culture

10.9Process Analysis

10.10How Do You Change the Process?

10.11Steps in a Process Change

10.12Tools To Help with the Change

10.13Process Change Results

Chapter 11 Structure

11.1Introduction to Structure

11.2What Is Organizational Structure?

11.3Reliability-Based Structures

11.4Reliability-Based Structural Components

11.5Creation of the Hybrid Structure

11.6Organizational Geography

11.7Structural Pitfalls

11.8The “How To Do It” of Structural Change


Chapter 12 Group Learning

12.1Introduction to Learning

12.2Group Learning Defined

12.3Levels of Learning and Alignment

12.4How We Acquire Knowledge

12.5How We Employ This Knowledge

12.6Spiral Learning

12.7Learning and Blame

12.8Learning and the Eight Elements of Change

12.9Learning and Culture

12.10Learning – A Keystone of The Process of Change

Chapter 13 Technology

13.1Introduction to Technology

13.2Technology – The Systems That We Use

13.3Technology – The Information That We Create

13.4Technology in Support of the Elements of Change

13.5Technology and the Four Elements of Culture


Chapter 14 Communication

14.1How Does Communication Affect Change?

14.2The Communication Diagram

14.3Important Things to Remember from the Model

14.4The Compounding Problems of Miscommunication

14.5How to Increase Effectiveness

14.6Moments of High Influence (MoHi)

14.7Communications and its Impact as One of the Eight Elements of Change

14.8The Impact of Communication on Cultural Change

Chapter 15 Interrelationships

15.1Introduction to Interrelationships

15.2Definition – Positive Interrelationships

15.3Interrelationships and Reciprocity

15.4Types of Interrelationships

15.5Trust – Interrelationship Cement


15.7Interrelationship Forces and the Other Elements of Change

15.8Interrelationships and the Four Elements of Culture

15.9One Last Thought

Chapter 16 Rewards

16.1Why Consider Rewards?

16.2Short-Term and Long-Term Rewards

16.3Rewards and the Hierarchy of Needs

16.4Negative and Neutral Rewards

16.5How We Reward

16.6Rewards and the Other Seven Elements of Change

16.7Rewards and the Four Elements of Culture

16.8Onward to the Web of Cultural Change

Chapter 17 The Web of Cultural Change

17.1Introduction to the Web

17.2How the Web of Cultural Change was Built

17.3The Charts

17.4How the Web of Cultural Change Works

17.5An Example

17.6Introduction to Reassessment

17.7Large Group or Small Group Surveys

Chapter 18 Assessment and Corrective Action


18.2The Technique for Analysis

18.3How is C-RCFA Accomplished?

18.4An Example Using the Web of Cultural Change


Chapter 19 Moving Forward

19.1Change Is Not Really a Project

19.2You Can’t Start Unless You Are Ready

19.3You Can’t Progress Without Sustainability

19.4Sustainability Tools


19.6Final Thoughts

Appendix 1 The Web of Cultural Change Survey

Appendix 2 A Blank Web of Cultural Change Diagram

Appendix 3 Clarification of Some of the Web Survey Questions

Appendix 4 Individual Web Survey Scores from Chapter 18


Figure Index


Improving Maintenance and Reliability Through Cultural Change

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