Читать книгу Raising Girls in the 21st Century - Steve Biddulph - Страница 40

In a Nutshell


 Little Lucy discovers that the world is a good place because her parents can be trusted.

 Babies seek reassurance from us to manage their natural anxiety. We need to organise our lives so we can be calm and emotionally present, especially in those first six months.

 The second six months of life is when your daughter acquires the basis of all her people skills – the rhythm of interaction and how to be peaceful.

 Babies also need to be excited, played with and awakened to the fun of life. Luckily that’s not so hard.

 Baby-stimulation products and programmes are usually a waste of money and may even just add stress to your relationship. Don’t educate, just enjoy.

 Babies don’t fit into your lifestyle, you have to fit into theirs. Prepare to have your life turned on its head. Accept this and you will have a lot more fun and joy.

Raising Girls in the 21st Century

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