Читать книгу THE FUTURE OF DEMOCRACY - Steve Zolno - Страница 13
Оглавление1“Everywhere that the word democracy has fought its way forward across time and space, you can hear both these themes: the purposeful struggle to improve the practical circumstances of life, and to escape from arbitrary and often brutal coercion, but also the determination and longing to be treated with respect and some degree of consideration.” Democracy: A History, Page 19
2“It can be (and has been) adopted with some success on every continent, in societies with long and cruel experiences of arbitrary rule, cultures of great historic depth . . . in East and South and Southeast Asia, in Latin America . . . in Sub-Saharan Africa and even the Middle East.” Democracy: A History, Page 181
3“For . . . institutions to be morally acceptable, they must rest both on humane beliefs and substantial mutual trust.” Power and Governance in a Partially Globalized World, Page 261
4“Democracy is a way of personal life controlled not merely by faith in human nature in general but by faith in the capacity of human beings for intelligent judgment and action if proper conditions are furnished.” From “Creative Democracy – The Task Before Us,” by John Dewey. First Published in John Dewey and the Promise of America. Progressive Education Booklet No. 14, 1939, Page 230
5“We are all the same, that is, human, in such a way that nobody is ever the same as anyone else who ever lived, lives or will live.” The Human Condition, Page 8