Читать книгу Orchids For Dummies - The Editors of the National Gardening Association, Steven A. Frowine - Страница 49

Growing Tropical Orchids Outdoors


If you live in an area where you never experience freezing weather, you can enjoy growing your orchids year-round outdoors. Although some orchids can withstand and even prefer sun and can be grown directly in the ground, most of the orchids in this book are ones that prefer at least some shade and are usually grown in pots or on slabs of bark or wood. Hence, building an outdoor structure that has some type of benching and provides a diffused light of about 50 percent shade is a good idea (see Chapter 5).

Such a structure is also a buffer against high winds. Wooden lath or a saran shade cloth can provide the shade. Make sure you have a water faucet close to this structure so you can water the plants by hand or set up an automatic watering system. A water faucet is also handy in a dry hot climate, and you need to install a humidification system.

Orchids For Dummies

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