Читать книгу People Must Live by Work - Steven Attewell - Страница 7



AAAAgricultural Adjustment Administration
ACAAdvisory Committee on Allotments
AFDCAid to Families with Dependent Children
AFL-CIOAmerican Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations
APDAmerican political development
ARRAAmerican Recovery and Relief Act
CAPCommunity Action Program
CCCCivilian Conservation Corps
CEACouncil of Economic Advisers
CESCommittee on Economic Security
CETAComprehensive Employment and Training Act
CWACivil Works Administration
EITCEarned Income Tax Credit
ELRemployer of last resort
ERAEmergency Relief Appropriation Act
FAPFamily Assistance Plan
FEBFull Employment Bill
FERAFederal Emergency Relief Administration
GMIguaranteed minimum income
HEWDepartment of Health, Education, and Welfare
HHAHumphrey-Hawkins Act
NAIRUnon-accelerating-inflation rate of unemployment
NECNational Emergency Council
NITNegative Income Tax
NRANational Recovery Administration
NRPBNational Resources Planning Board
NWRONational Welfare Rights Organization
NYANational Youth Authority
OEOOffice of Economic Opportunity
OMBOffice of Management and Budget
OPAOffice of Price Administration
PBJIProgram for Better Jobs and Income
PECEPresident’s Committee for Employment
POURPresident’s Organization on Unemployment Relief
PSEpublic service employment
PWAPublic Works Administration
TERATemporary Emergency Relief Administration
UIUnemployment Insurance
USESU.S. Employment Service
WPAWorks Progress Administration
People Must Live by Work

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