C. S. Lewis and the Craft of Communication

C. S. Lewis and the Craft of Communication
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C. S. Lewis, based on the popularity of his books and essays, is one of the best communicators of the twentieth century. During his lifetime he was hailed for his talents as author, speaker, educator, and broadcaster; he continues to be a best-selling author more than a half-century after his death. C. S. Lewis and the Craft of Communication analyzes Lewis’s communication skill. A comprehensive review of Lewis’s work reveals five communication principles that explain his success as a communicator. Based on Lewis’s own advice about communication in his books, essays, and letters, as well as his communication practice, being a skilled communicator is to be holistic, intentional, transpositional, evocative, and audience-centered. These five principles are memorably summarized by the acronym HI TEA. Dr. Steven Beebe, past president of the National Communication Association and an internationally-recognized communication author and educator, uses Lewis’s own words to examine these five principles in a most engaging style.


Steven Beebe. C. S. Lewis and the Craft of Communication

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A Popular Communicator

A Professional Communicator

A Professor of Communication

HI TEA: A Preview of Lewis’s Communication Lessons

Effective Communicators Are Holistic

Effective Communicators Are Intentional

Effective Communicators Are Transpositional

Effective Communicators Are Evocative

Effective Communicators Are Audience Centered


His Family: Flora, Albert, and Warnie

The Education of a Master Communicator

Boarding Schools

Arthur Greeves: First Friend and Intimate Confidant

The Great Knock

Oxford and the Dreaming Spires

The Great War

Mrs. Moore and Lewis’s Audience

J. R. R. Tolkien: Oxford Friend and Colleague

A Most Reluctant Conversion

Surprised by Marriage: Finding Joy and Observing Grief

A Well-Read Mind Awake


Longing: The Quest to Find Home

The Tao: Universal Truth

Christianity: Lewis’s Primary Sense-Making Lens

Language: Metaphorical Shaper of Thought and Meaning

Summary: Lewis’s Big Ideas


The Tao




Principle One: Effective Communicators Are Holistic

One Style: Communicating for Both the Eye and the Ear

Two Lewises: The Integration of Reason and Imagination

Three Methods: The Integration of Rhetoric, Dialectic, and the Poetic




Summary: The “H” of HI TEA: The Principle of Being Holistic


Principle Two: Effective Communicators Are Intentional

The Meaning of Meaning

Evidential Meaning

Psychological Meaning

Empirical (Symbolic) Meaning

Master of Invention



Summary: The “I” of “HI TEA”: The Principle of Being Intentional


Principle Three: Effective Communicators Are Transpositional

Translation: A Prelude to Transposition

Transposition: Communicating from Higher to Lower, Richer to Poorer

Visual Metaphor: The Technique of Transposition

Summary: The “T” of “HI TEA”: The Principle of Transposition


Principle Four: Effective Communicators Evoke Emotions

Evoke by Selecting the Right Word

Evoke by Using Comparison

Evoke by Placing Us in the Middle of Things

Evoke by Telling Stories

Evoke by Using Myth

Summary: The “E” of “HI TEA”: The Principle of Evoking Emotions


Principle Five: Effective Communicators Are Audience Centered

Misanalysing His Audience: Learning from Communication Failures

Editing for the Audience

Relating to the Audience

Speaking to an Audience

Being a Good Audience Member

Summary: The “A” of “HI TEA”: The Principle of Being Audience Centered


How to Be Holistic

Communicate for the Eye and the Ear

Use Interesting and Varied Supporting Material

Communicate to the Whole Mind

How to Be Intentional

Have Something to Say

Develop a Clear Communication Objective

Use Language Precisely

How to Be Transpositional

Use Comparisons Skillfully

Communicate for the “Mind’s Eye”

Craft Effective Visual Metaphors

How to Be Evocative

Tell Stories

Get Messages Out of People

Master Nonverbal Communication Skills

Maximize Eye Contact

Use Appropriate Gestures and Movement

Maintain Effective Posture

Use Appropriate Facial Expressions

How to Be an Audience-Centered Communicator

Enhance Your Credibility

Select the Appropriate Communication Channel

Analyze and Adapt to Your Audience

For Receptive Audiences,

For Neutral or Apathetic Audiences,

For an Unreceptive Audience,

Remember HI TEA

Be a Holistic Communicator

Be an Intentional Communicator

Be a Transpositional Communicator

Be an Evocative Communicator

Be an Audience-Centered Communicator



Отрывок из книги


C. S. Lewis and the


20. Christianity Today, “Books of the Century.”

21. Charles W. Colson, Born Again (Grand Rapids, MI: Chosen Books, 1976), 130.


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