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Psalm 5


Give ear to my words, O Lord;consider my lamentation.

‘Lead me, Lord, in your righteousness’ (v.8)

When Jesus calls his disciples he says ‘Follow me’. In doing this he indicates that the life of faith is not static but dynamic; it involves walking in his footsteps. As Jesus’ ministry unfolds, it becomes clear that the footsteps are leading somewhere. This is a journey to a destination, not an aimless ramble.

The way that we set out on this journey is therefore important. The psalmist’s reference to the morning – the start of the day (v.3) – is significant here. We need to orient, and daily to re-orient, ourselves in God’s direction, to align ourselves with his nature.

In this psalm we are offered a helpful model of how to do this. First, we can call out to God (v.1). This very act expresses the belief, made explicit in verse 4, that this is the sort of divine being on whom it is worth calling, because he orders the universe with justice. Second, we can draw physically or metaphorically close to God in worship (v.7). We may not always feel like it; indeed we may feel that God is far off. Nevertheless, we can make an active decision to set our compass Godwards (the Hebrew of verse 7 indicates a wilful intentional act), trying to discern the right way to live and then taking the first few halting steps along the path. This is what the Bible means by ‘faith’. Here we can be greatly encouraged by joining with others (vv.12-14), for when his people gather God is in their midst to bless (Jeremiah 14.9).

Reflection by Joanna Collicutt


You, O Lord, will bless the righteous.


Lord, protect us from the deceit

of flattering tongues and lying lips;

give us words of life which speak your truth

and bless your name;

through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Reflections on the Psalms

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