AMA | American Medical Association |
BLPES | British Library of Political and Economic Science |
BMJ | British Medical Journal |
BPP | British Parliamentary Papers |
BSA | British Sociological Association |
CBE | Commander of the British Empire |
CPAG | Child Poverty Action Group |
DHSS | Department of Health and Social Security |
GP | General Practitioner |
IEA | Institute of Economic Affairs |
ISSA | International Social Security Association |
LCC | London County Council |
LSE | London School of Economics and Political Science |
LSHTM | London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine |
MOH | Medical Officer of Health |
MP | Member of Parliament |
MRC | Medical Research Council |
NAB | National Assistance Board |
NAMH | National Association for Mental Health |
NEC | Labour Party National Executive Committee |
NHS | National Health Service |
PEP | Political and Economic Planning |
PIC | Population Investigation Committee |
RAMC | Royal Army Medical Corps |
SBC | Supplementary Benefits Commission |
SMA | Socialist Medical Association |
TUC | Trades Union Congress |
WEA | Workers’ Educational Association |
WVS | Women’s Voluntary Services |