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AMA American Medical Association
BLPES British Library of Political and Economic Science
BMJ British Medical Journal
BPP British Parliamentary Papers
BSA British Sociological Association
CBE Commander of the British Empire
CPAG Child Poverty Action Group
DHSS Department of Health and Social Security
GP General Practitioner
IEA Institute of Economic Affairs
ISSA International Social Security Association
LCC London County Council
LSE London School of Economics and Political Science
LSHTM London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
MOH Medical Officer of Health
MP Member of Parliament
MRC Medical Research Council
NAB National Assistance Board
NAMH National Association for Mental Health
NEC Labour Party National Executive Committee
NHS National Health Service
PEP Political and Economic Planning
PIC Population Investigation Committee
RAMC Royal Army Medical Corps
SBC Supplementary Benefits Commission
SMA Socialist Medical Association
TUC Trades Union Congress
WEA Workers’ Educational Association
WVS Women’s Voluntary Services
Richard Titmuss

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