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O great Thoth, lord of the mind and guardian of learning, you are the bringer of knowledge to mankind.

From a first-century papyrus discovered in Alexandria.

The Ibis-headed god Thoth was the lord of the moon, and his name in Ancient Egyptian was Tehuti. He was the lord of time and the god of learning and imagination, presiding over scribes and knowledge. Accordingly, those born in this sign share an unusual combination of both the materialistic and the imaginative. One of the chief characteristics of the Thoth personality is to constantly question the world about them. They are both analytical and self-critical, sometimes to the extent of impeding progress. However, the Thoth can achieve remarkable results in a very short time.

In social circumstances the Thoth is often the one to initiate, plan and organize events. However, they can sometimes be a problem to others. Their interests can be so varied that they will change horses in mid stream and those who may have dropped everything to follow them can be left high and dry. This is not because they are insensitive: they naturally assume that others will be like themselves and update their interests if something more appropriate comes along. However, when they are working professionally on behalf of others, the Thoth’s altruism means that they will see a task through to its conclusion to the very best of their ability.

Although the Thoth may express a keen interest in the arts, they rarely enjoy concerts or theatre, becoming restless when forced to remain seated for any length of time. Their own interests being original, they enjoy mental rather than physical pastimes. Thoth people seldom join societies, preferring to create their own amusement. Thoths are reluctant leaders, usually preferring to go it alone. Blessed with an abundance of mental energy, they are capable of handling most tasks that befall them. They also have the enviable capacity to land on their feet should a crisis occur.

Egyptian Birth Signs: The Secrets of the Ancient Egyptian Horoscope

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