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It is through the will of the great serpent goddess that all kings shall rule.

From the Pyramid Texts.

Wadjet, known also as Uatchat, was the royal cobra goddess of Ancient Egypt, who was supposed to have created the papyrus swamps of the Delta. As a deity of kingship, her image adorned the front of pharaoh’s crown, when it was called the Uraeus. Depicted as a cobra poised to strike, Wadjet was a symbol of knowledge and those born in this sign often exude an aura of wisdom. Wadjet people have logical and calculating minds, formulating plans and waiting patiently for the precise moment to act. Although they enjoy the virtue of patience, they live constantly in a state of readiness. Like the snake, they strike instantly when the time is right. Wadjets are dedicated and conscientious workers. They are eager to learn and quick to find practical applications for their knowledge. So often it is the Wadjet who is called upon to deal with the problems others have failed to solve.

Egyptian Birth Signs: The Secrets of the Ancient Egyptian Horoscope

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