Читать книгу UnMarketing - Stratten Alison - Страница 5



Dear UnMarketers,

We bet you never even thought we could write one book, did you? And yet, here we sit four books later5 writing the second edition of UnMarketing. Back in 2009, when we put together the first version we never imagined where it would take us. Stages and college classrooms around the world, opportunities to travel and meet countless entrepreneurs and business people, both virtually and in person, who we've come to call friends and colleagues.

Everything has changed. In 2009, we could complete a social media conversation by looking at Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. We called into tele-seminars, checked in on Foursquare, and seemed obsessed with everyone and every business being on social media. QR codes were found on stock boxes and inside toilet tanks, not websites, and we could write 40,000 words without the word app being one of them. Oreo had never dunked in the dark during the Super Bowl and no one had ever dumped an ice bucket on their head. At least not for charity, anyway. Our moms weren't on Facebook and our kids weren't on Snapchat.

Nothing is different. Today, great content has value and stealing someone else's is not only illegal, it's unethical. We share the things that move us. We trust honest reviews from people we know more than any ad. Our favorite videos are still those we can't help but share, like a woman who loves Star Wars like us and has a laugh that can't be missed. We still watch TV shows, read books, and listen to songs – no matter where we bought them – and we still struggle to understand the generations before us and after us, no matter what we call them. We love whatever is new, in social media and at the Apple Store.

Everything has changed and nothing is different.

There is never going to be a lack of tools and choices for your business online or off; that's why in the following chapters we've kept most of the original content of UnMarketing intact, while adding new content and commentary to reflect the rapidly changing landscape. You'll find these additions in text boxes throughout and notes to let you know when chapters are new or have been mostly rewritten. The principles have never changed. Create great products and services because without that, no amount of marketing will ever be able to help.

Scott and Alison

P.S. from Scott:

You may have noticed Alison Stratten is the coauthor of this edition of UnMarketing. In reality, without her the original version would never have been completed. With two weeks to go before submission, I had less than 40,000 words of the required 60,000 – and a poor 40,000 at that. Alison took the garbled mess and made it into the best-selling book that's been read by tens of thousands and used in over 50 curriculums in universities and colleges around the world. She is the co-creator of Awesome at UnMarketing Inc., the cohost of our UnPodcast, my cohost in life, and now officially the coauthor of UnMarketing.


Sure, one is a picture book. But still.


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