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Table of Contents

The four Gospels, each telling in its own way the story of the Life of Jesus, are the rich heritage of Christians. No one of the Gospels could be spared. But in reading any one of the four we miss some of the familiar words and incidents we love. Almost from the days of the Apostles there have been attempts to unite the Gospels in a single narrative. The first of these efforts, so far as we know, was undertaken by the devout scholar Tatian, soon after 173 A.D. His book served a useful purpose in his own and later generations, and is now a valuable witness to the antiquity and early acceptance of our four Gospels.

There have been many harmonies of the Gospel from the second century to the present; and they are all but indispensable to the scholar. Almost every minister keeps one at his elbow. But these, for the most part, are made for purposes of scholarly comparison, and not for general reading. Moreover, they are expensive.

The editors of this little book have undertaken to prepare an interwoven story of the Life of Jesus from the four Gospels for popular reading. A booklet that may be carried in the pocket, and may be sold, in paper binding, for ten cents, has been their ambition. They have been led to this undertaking by the large demand for copies of their booklet, "His Last Week," which comprises the last third of this volume, whose use at Easter time has brought them many requests for the complete Gospel story, interwoven in the same manner.

The work of preparation has been done by three ministers of Oak Park, in suburban Chicago, who have shared equally the labor, but the undertaking has the support and co-operation of the entire group of fifteen local pastors, representing six different denominations. To this larger group of brethren is due a grateful acknowledgment of sympathy and assistance. The book has at least the value of an illustration in practical interdenominational co-operation. In the spirit of this fine fellowship it is commended to Christians of every name.


His Life

Table of Contents

  I. His Birth and Boyhood


 1. THE DIVINE ANNOUNCINGSThe Word made Flesh.13The Promised Birth of John the Baptist.14The Angel's Visit to Mary.15Mary's Visit to Her Cousin.16Mary's Song.17The Birth of John the Baptist.17The Song of Zacharias.18


 2. THE BIRTH AND INFANCY OF JESUSJoseph and Mary.20The Birth of Jesus.20The Angels and the Shepherds.21The Circumcision.22The Presentation in the Temple.22The Visit of the Wise Men.23The Flight into Egypt.24


 3. THE LIFE IN NAZARETHThe Return to Nazareth.26The Boyhood Visit to Jerusalem.26The Eighteen Silent Years.27


  II. The Beginnings of His Ministry


 1. JESUS AND JOHN THE BAPTISTThe Voice in the Wilderness.28The Baptism of Jesus.30The Temptation in the Wilderness.30John's Testimony to Jesus.31


 2. THE BEGINNINGS OF FAITHThe First Disciples by the Jordan.33The First Miracle.34


 3. JESUS IN JERUSALEMCleansing His Father's House.36The Visit of Nicodemus.36


 4. PREPARATORY PREACHINGJesus Baptizing and Preaching.39John's Tribute to Jesus.39At Jacob's Well.40Preaching to the Samaritans.41


  III. His Year of Popularity


 1. JESUS IN GALILEEJohn the Baptist Imprisoned.43Reception of Jesus by the Galilæans.43Healing the Nobleman's Son.43The Recall of the Fishermen.44A Day of Good Deeds in Capernaum.45The First Leper Healed.47


 2. BEGINNINGS OF CONTROVERSYThe Healing of a Paralytic.48The Publican Disciple.49The Old and the New.49A Sabbath Healing in Jerusalem.50Plucking Grain on the Sabbath.53


 3. MANY CALLED AND FEW CHOSENA Multitude of Disciples.54The Selection of the Twelve.55


 4. THE TEACHING OF THE KINGDOMThe Citizens of the Kingdom.56The Righteousness of the Kingdom.57The Danger of Hypocrisy.59Simple Trust in God.61Charitable Judgment.62Prayer.63Sincerity.64


 5. A TOUR IN GALILEEThe Worthy Centurion.66Raising the Widow's Son.67A Question from John the Baptist.67Jesus' Estimate of John the Baptist.68The Death of John the Baptist.69Forgiveness of the Repentant Woman.70The Ministering Women.71


 6. GROWING POPULARITY AND RISING OPPOSITIONThe Concern of Jesus' Friends.72Warning of Eternal Sin.72The Demand for a Sign.74


 7. THE PARABLES OF THE KINGDOMThe Sower.75The Tares.77The Growing Grain.77The Mustard Seed.77The Leaven.78The Understanding of Parables.78The Hid Treasure.79The Pearl of Great Price.79The Drag Net.79


 8. A DAY OF MIRACLES BY THE LAKEJesus Stills the Storm.80The Legion of Demons.80The Dying Child and the Suffering Woman.82Healings by the Way.84


 9. WIDER EVANGELIZATION OF GALILEEA Visit to His Home.85Preaching in the Villages.86The Twelve Sent Forth.87


 10. THE CRISIS IN CAPERNAUMThe Five Thousand Fed.91Jesus Walking on the Water.92The Disappointment of the People.93Rejection of the Tradition of the Elders.97The Plot of the Pharisees.99


  IV. His Withdrawal with the Twelve


 1. THE MINISTRY BEYOND GALILEEThe Phoenician Retirement and the Gentile Cure.100Miracles and Multitudes Again.101The Four Thousand Fed.101The Pharisees and Sadducees Demand a Sign.102The Blind Man Healed.103


 2. JESUS THE MESSIAHPeter's Confession.105The Passion and Resurrection Foretold.105The Transfiguration.106The Epileptic Boy.108


 3. THE TRAINING OF THE TWELVEThe Passion and Resurrection Again Foretold.110The Greatest Disciple.110Forgiveness.112The Shekel for the Temple.113


  V. His Face Toward Jerusalem


 1. THE FINAL DEPARTURE FROM GALILEEThe Beginning of the End.114The Grateful Samaritan Leper.114New Disciples.115


 2. IN JERUSALEM—THE ATTEMPT TO STONE HIMJesus at the Feast of Tabernacles.116Jesus and the Accused Woman.118The Light of the World.119The Freedom of the Soul.121


 3. THE MINISTRY IN PEREAThe Mission of the Seventy.123The Return of the Seventy.124The Meek and Lowly.124The Unrepentant Cities.125The Good Samaritan.125


 4. IN JERUSALEM—THE ATTEMPT TO ARREST HIM.The Friends at Bethany.127A Miracle in Jerusalem.127The Good Shepherd.130Jesus at the Feast of Dedication.131


 5. RENEWED MINISTRY IN PEREAJesus and the Pharisees.133Warning Against Covetousness.134The Fall of the Tower.134The Uses of the Sabbath.135A Question of Salvation.136A Message to Herod.136The Ox in the Pit.137The Chief Places at the Feast.137The Slighted Invitation.138Counting the Cost.139The Ninety and Nine.139The Lost Coin.140The Prodigal Son.140The Unjust Steward.142A Parable to the Lovers of Money.143"Increase Our Faith."144


 6. NEAR JERUSALEM—THE PLOT TO KILL HIM.The Raising of Lazarus.145The Decision of the Council.148


 7. HIS WITHDRAWAL TO EPHRAIMThe Coming of the Kingdom.149The Unjust Judge.149The Pharisee and the Publican.150Concerning Divorce.150Jesus and the Children.151The Rich Young Ruler.151The Parable of the Vineyard.153


 8. THE LAST JOURNEY TO JERUSALEMThe Shadow of the Cross.155The Sons of Thunder.155The Blind Man of Jericho.156The Visit to Zacchæus.157The Parable of the Pounds.157Going up to Jerusalem.159The Feast at Bethany.159


  VI. His Last Week


 1. PALM SUNDAY—THE DAY OF TRIUMPHThe Triumphal Entry.161


 2. MONDAY—THE DAY OF AUTHORITYThe Cursing of the Fig Tree.163The Cleansing of the Temple.163


 3. TUESDAY—THE DAY OF CONTROVERSYThe Lesson from the Withered Fig Tree.164The Challenge of Christ's Authority.164Three Warning Parables.165(a) the two sons.165(b) the wicked husbandmen.165(c) the marriage of the king's son.167Three Hostile Questions asked of Jesus.167(a) tribute to Cæsar.167(b) the question of the resurrection.168(c) the greatest commandment.169The Unanswerable Question of Jesus.170Discourse of Jesus Against the Scribes and Pharisees.170The Widow's Two Mites.173The Gentiles Seek Jesus.173The Jews Reject Jesus.174Discourse Concerning the Future.175Three Lessons to the Disciples.179(a) the parable of the ten virgins.179(b) the parable of the talents.180(c) the judgment scene.181The Conspiracy Against Jesus.183




 5. THURSDAY—THE DAY OF FELLOWSHIPPreparation for the Passover.185Strife among the Disciples.185Jesus Washing the Disciples' Feet.186The Betrayer Pointed Out.187The Lord's Supper.188The Farewell Conversation.189The Intercessory Prayer.196


 6. FRIDAY—THE DAY OF SUFFERINGThe Agony in Gethsemane.199The Betrayal and Arrest.200The Trial before the Jewish Authorities.201The Denial of Peter.203The Remorse of Judas.204The Trial before Pilate.205Jesus before Herod.206The Trial before Pilate Resumed.207The Sorrowful Way.210The Crucifixion.210The Burial.214




  VII. His Resurrection


 1. SUNDAY—THE DAY OF RESURRECTIONThe Earthquake.216The Empty Tomb.216The Appearance to Mary.217The Appearance to the Women.217Report of the Watch.218The Appearance at Emmaus.218The Appearance to the Disciples.220


 2. AFTER THE RESURRECTION DAYThe Appearance to the Disciples and to Thomas.222The Appearance to the Seven by the Sea.222The Appearance to the Eleven on the Mountain.225The Last Appearance and Ascension.225

His Life

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