Читать книгу The Taxable Investor's Manifesto - Stuart E. Lucas - Страница 16



 A successful career converts the intangible asset of future promise into the tangible assets of income and, sometimes, business ownership.

 Regardless of career path, saving money early and consistently, and investing it in a disciplined, diversified manner is the most predictable method of building to a secure retirement.

 Business owners have a few ways to diversify: 1) they can do so within their business; 2) they can reinvest excess cash flow, including dividends or refinancing proceeds outside their business into diversifying assets, including financial assets; or 3) they can diversify by selling all or a portion of the business, paying capital gains taxes and reinvesting the net proceeds.

 Think twice before selling your business. Before deciding, carefully consider not only your current circumstances but also what will likely happen in the months and years after selling – across business, financial, and cultural dimensions.

The Taxable Investor's Manifesto

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