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Hello, it’s me again – that’s Felicity Diana Sidebotham if you didn’t know. You can call me Fliss, though – everyone else does. Some of the boys in our class sometimes call me other things – usually stupid versions of my surname, but we won’t go into that now.
Anyway, everyone thought I’d done such a good job writing about when we were detectives, I decided to tell you about this story too. In case you don’t know, I’d better explain about the Sleepover Club, otherwise you might not want to finish the story – and believe me, it’s a good one, so you should.
Let me start at the beginning. We’re the Sleepover Club – me, Frankie, Kenny, Lyndz and Rosie. Once a week we sleep over at each other’s houses which is always brill – apart from when Kenny tries to scare me with her horrible ghost stories, that is.
I’m Fliss, like I said, and the oldest of the club – in fact I’m the oldest in our class at school. I’m quite tall so sometimes people think I’m even older. People have told me I’m pretty too, but that’s not really something I like to go on about. Hopefully I’ll take after my mum though. She used to be a model, you know!
If you haven’t met the others, I’ll give you a quick catch-up on them. Frankie and Kenny are the maddest ones of the club – and the loudest too, my mum says. Frankie is always having these wild ideas that we usually end up getting tangled up in somehow – and which end up going wrong most of the time. Life’s never boring when you’re with Frankie! Just so you’ll recognise her, Frankie’s tall and quite skinny. She’s always wearing something a bit weird like silver nail varnish, or fluffy slippers, or – you know The sort of thing my mum would go bonkers about if I came home wearing!
Kenny – real name Laura McKenzie, although don’t ever call her that or she’ll karate-chop you – is about as different from me as you can get, but I still like her (most of the time…). First of all, she’s mad about sport – especially boring old Leicester City Football Club, which she just lurves – and she’s always trying to get us to run about and get all hot and sweaty playing some stoo-pid game or other.
I don’t mind netball or proper games like that (I’m in the netball first team at school, if you didn’t know) but some of Kenny’s games get really reeeeeally wild, with loads of wrestling around on the ground and getting covered in mud! So if she ever asks you if you want a game of McKenzie Football with her – I seriously advise you to say no, quick!
Second, she’s got this real thing about blood and guts. Ugh!! Kenny can make me feel sick sometimes, talking about bodies and all the yucky things inside them. She wants to be a doctor so she can poke about with people’s intestines all day, she says. I just can’t think of anything more gross though, getting your hands covered in bits of people’s bodies and… Yee-uck, pass me the bucket, per-lease!
Ooh, excuse me.
Just came over all funny. I hate the sight of blood and even thinking about it… Let’s change the subject.
Kenny’s a good friend though, because she’s the type of person who’ll stick up for you in a flash if you’re ever getting picked on or anything. Like last week, she helped me out when I had a bit of a bust-up with the M&Ms. Oh – you might not know our big enemies at school, the M&Ms (also known as Emma Hughes and Emily Berryman – ugh! ugh! ugh!!!! VILE!) – but I bet there’s people like them in your class at school. They’re always being mean and trying to play tricks on us – you know the sort. Pigs in school uniform, that’s what Frankie calls them.
You see, last week they started teasing me about Ryan Scott, this boy in our class. I mean, I can’t help it if he likes me, can I? But they just went on and on about it, thinking they were dead funny by saying stupid rhymes, like: “Felicity and Ryan, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” and giggling whenever I said anything, or calling me “Mrs Scott” across the classroom, and – oh, you know the sort of thing.
Anyway, I was getting a bit sick of it but I was also feeling reeeeeeally embarrassed after a while – because Ryan could hear all of it too. It was awful!
But suddenly, I heard Kenny’s voice, loud and clear as always.
“Oh, because it’s such a shame that no boys will ever fancy you two – Emma with that massive conk sticking out of her face, and Emily with her mouth like a cat’s bum!”
Kenny’s voice is so loud that I think the whole classroom heard. There was this moment of silence – like everyone in the room gasping at once – and then we all just burst out laughing. I mean, everyone. Even Mrs Weaver, our teacher, sort of spluttered a bit. You could see her trying not to smile too. It was awesome! Kenny gave me this dead cheeky wink, and the M&Ms shut up for the rest of the day.
Anyway. That’s Kenny for you.
Then there’s Lyndz. What can I tell you about her? She’s mad about animals, especially horses and dogs. I’m a bit scared of her dog, Buster, if you must know. I don’t trust him because he sometimes jumps up at you and barks really loudly. But Buster’s just as barmy about Lyndz as she is about him, so if we’re round at her house, Buster’s usually with us – worse luck (don’t tell Lyndz I said that!).
As well as Buster and the three cats, Lyndz also has four – yes, FOUR! – brothers, which I reckon must be a nightmare. One brother’s bad enough for me, thanks! Sometimes boys are so stupid and annoying – girls are much better, I think. My little brother Callum is nice sometimes but most of the time I think he’s a big pain in the you-know-what. I don’t know how Lyndz puts up with it.
There’s only one boy who I think is remotely OK, and that’s Ryan Scott at school. I’m not going to go on about him though, especially after all the stick I had from those horrible M&Ms, and also because the others will all just take the mickey out of me too. They’re just jealous ’cos he likes me best, I reckon. He’s nice anyway, you’ve got my word for it. And good-looking. And he wears nice clothes. But that’s enough about him for now!
Last is Rosie who’s the newest member of the club. Well, I say ‘new’ but it feels like she’s been hanging around with us for ages and ages now. Rosie’s nice, when she’s not being grumpy. You’ll like her.
Right, come on, let’s go and see if Mum’s finished vacuuming upstairs. I want to show you my bedroom, but we won’t be able to have a good old chin-wag if she’s in there. Hang on… oh, ace, the coast’s clear. She’s gone to clean Callum’s room, which will take her the rest of the day I should think! Now we can get cosy and I can tell you all about the day us five went on the catwalk. Seriously!
Oh – but would you mind taking your shoes off first? That rug cost a fortune, you know. That’s better. Thanks.
Anyway, on with the story. It all started with my brilliant idea at Brownies. No, wait, I suppose it started before that. Oh, help! This is more difficult than you think!
Do you know what? I think I’m going to start a new chapter. It feels a bit late in this one to launch into the main story. I promise I’ll get on with it in Chapter Two. Honest!