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List of Acronyms of Cancer Organizations


AACR:American Association for Cancer ResearchABPI:Association of the British Pharmaceutical IndustryABTA:American Brain Tumor AssociationACDM:Association for Clinical Data ManagementACRPI:Association of Clinical Research for the Pharmaceutical IndustryACS:American Cancer SocietyACS:American Chemical SocietyAIOM:Italian Association for Medical OncologyAJCC:American Joint Committee on CancerASCO:American Society of Clinical OncologyASH:American Society for HematologyASTRO:American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and OncologyBACR:British Association for Cancer ResearchBASO:British Association of Surgical OncologistsBMA:British Medical AssociationBNLI:British National Lymphoma InvestigationBOA:British Oncology AssociationBODMA:British Oncology Data Managers Association (UK)CALGB:Cancer and Leukemia Group B (USA)CCG:Children's Cancer Group (USA)CCRG:Children's Cancer Research Group (Oxford, UK)CCS:Canadian Cancer SocietyCOG:Children's Oncology Group (USA)COS:Canadian Oncology SocietyCRC:Cancer Research Campaign (UK)CSM:Committee on Safety of Medicines (UK)EACR:European Association for Cancer ResearchEANO:European Association for Neuro‐OncologyEBMT:European Group for Blood and Marrow TransplantationECOG:Eastern Cooperative Group (USA)EOI:European Osteosarcoma IntergroupEORTC:European Organization for Research and Treatment of CancerESO:European School of OncologyESTRO:European Society for Therapeutic Radiation and OncologyFDA:Food and Drug Administration (USA)FECS:Federation of European Cancer SocietiesGMC:General Medical Council (UK)GPOH:Gesellschaft fur Padiatrische Onkologie und Hamatologie (German Paed. Onc Group)IACR:International Association of Cancer RegistriesIARC:International Agency for Research on CancerIASLC:International Association for the Study of Lung CancerICARE:International Cancer Alliance for Research and Education (ICARE)ICCCPO:International Confederation of Childhood Cancer Parent OrganizationsICCG:International Collaborative Cancer GroupICCPO:Icelandic Childhood Cancer Parent OrganizationICH:International Conference on Harmonization (GCP)ICRF:Imperial Cancer Research Fund (UK)IESS:Intergroup Ewing's Sarcoma Study (USA)IMF:International Myeloma FoundationINFA:International Neurofibromatosis AssociationIPSO:International Society of Pediatric Surgical OncologyISNCC:International Society of Nurses in Cancer CareIWMF:International Waldenstrom's Maroglubulinemia FoundationLREC:Local Research Ethics Committee (UK)LRF:Leukemia Research Fund (UK)LRFA:Lymphoma Research Foundation of AmericaMCA:Medicines Control Agency (UK)MRC:Medical Research Council (UK)MREC:Multi‐center Research Ethics Committee (UK)NCCN:National Comprehensive Cancer NetworkNAACCR:North American Association of Central Cancer RegistriesNABCO:National Alliance of Breast Cancer OrganizationsNCCF:National Childhood Cancer Foundation (USA)NCI:National Cancer Institute (USA)NCIC:National Cancer Institute of CanadaNCRA:National Cancer Registrars Association (USA)NECCR:North of England Children's Cancer Research UnitNKCA:National Kidney Cancer Association (USA)NNFF:National Neurofibromatosis Foundation (USA)NORD:National Organization for Rare Disorders (USA)NRCT:National Registry of Childhood Tumors (UK)OECI:Organization of European Cancer InstitutesONS:Oncology Nursing Society (USA)PONF:Pediatric Oncology Nurses Forum (UK)SCTN:Scottish Cancer Therapy NetworkSEER:Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (USA)SFOP:French Pediatric Oncology SocietySGDM:Study Group on Data Management (EORTC)SGO:Society of Gynecologic OncologistsSIOP:International Society of Paediatric OncologySNLG:Scottish and Newcastle Lymphoma GroupSPOHNC:Support for People with Oral and Head and Neck CancerSWOG:Southwest Oncology Group (USA)UKCCCR:UK Coordinating Committee for Cancer ResearchUKCCRG:UK Children's Cancer Research Group (Oxford)WHO:World Health Organization

Common Medical and Prescription Abbreviations (Rx Terms)

Abbreviation Greek, Latin, or New Latin Meaning in English
ā Ante Before (a with a bar over it)
aa Ana of each
AAA apply to the affected area or abdominal aortic aneurysm
a.c. ante cibum before meals
a.c.h.s., ac & hs ante cibum et hora somni before meals and at bedtime
a.d. auris dextra right ear
ad., add. adde addatur Add let there be added, upto
ad. to; up to
ad lib. ad libitum Freely, as much as desired
ad sat. to saturation
admov. admove admoveatur apply [or] add add; let there be added
ad us. ad usum according to custom
æq. æquales equal
agit. agita agitate (stir or shake)
alt. d., alt. dieb. alternis diebus every other day; on alternate days
alt. h., alt. hor. alternis horis every other hour; at alternate hours
a.m. (A.M.) ante meridiem morning, before noon
amp. ampulla ampule
amt amount
aq. aqua water
aq. bull. aqua bulliens boiling water
aq. com. aqua communis common water
aq. dest. aqua destillata distilled water
aq. ferv. aqua fervens hot water
a.l., a.s. auris laeva, auris sinistra left ear
ALT alanine aminotransferase
alt. alternis alternate
ant. anterior
ante before
ap before dinner
APAP acetaminophen
aPTT activated partial thromboplastin
ASA aspirin
AST aspartate aminotransferase
ATC around the clock
a.u. (A.U.) auris utraque each ear; both ears
BCP birth control pills
BDS, b.d.s. bis die sumendum twice daily
bib. bibe drink
bis bis twice
bid, BID, b.d. bis in die twice daily
bis ind. bis indies twice a day
bis in 7 d. bis in septem diebus twice a week
BM bowel movement
BMI body mass index
bol bolus, short‐time infusion
BP blood pressure
BS blood sugar
BSA body surface area
BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy
b.t. bedtime
bucc. bucca buccal, inside check
cap., caps. capsula capsule
cap. capiat let the patient take
C.C. chief complaint
c/o complaints of
C&S culture and sensitivity
c.m. cras mane tomorrow morning
c.m.s. cras mane sumendus to be taken tomorrow morning
c&c.macr;, c. cum with (usually written with a bar on top of the “c”)
c.c. cum cibo with food [or] cubic centimeter
cf. confer compare
c.n. cras nocte tomorrow night
CABG coronary artery bypass graft
CAD coronary artery disease
cochl. cochleare spoonful
cochl. ampl. cochleare amplum an ample spoonful (a tablespoonful)
cochl. infant. cochleare infantis a small spoonful (a teaspoonful)
cochl. mag. cochleare magnum a large spoonful (a tablespoonful)
cochl. mod. cochleare modicum a modest spoonful (a dessert‐spoonful)
cochl. parv. cochleare parvum a scant spoonful (a teaspoonful)
colet. coletur let it be strained
comp. compositus compound
contin. continuetur let it be continued
cpt. capiat let the patient take
cr., crm cream
CST continue same treatment
cuj. cujus of which
c.v. cras vespere tomorrow evening
cyath. cyathus a glassful
cyath. vinos. cyathus vinosus a wine‐glassful
CBC complete blood count
CD controlled delivery
CF cystic fibrosis
CR controlled‐release
CV cardiovascular
CXR chest X‐ray
D, d. die [or] dosis days [or] doses
D5LR dextrose 5% in lactated Ringer's solution (intravenous sugar solution)
D5W, D5W dextrose 5% in water (intravenous sugar solution)
D5/0.9 NaCl 5% dextrose and normal saline solution (0.9% NaCl)
D5 1/2/NS 5% dextrose and half normal saline solution (0.45% NaCl)
D5NS dextrose 5% in normal saline (0.9%) (intravenous sugar solution)
D10W, D10W dextrose 10% in water (intravenous sugar solution)
da da give
DAW dispense as written (i.e. no generic substitution)
D/C, dc, disc. discontinue or discharge
decoct. decoctum decoction
det. detur let it be given
dieb. alt. diebus alternis every other day; on alternate days
dil. dilute
dim. dimidius one‐half
d. in p. æ. divide in partes æquales divide into equal parts
div. divide divide
d.t.d. dentur tales doses give of such doses
dL deciliter
DS double strength
DBP diastolic blood pressure
DKA diabetic ketoacidosis
DM diabetes mellitus
DO Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
DOB date of birth
DPT diphtheria‐pertussis‐tetanus
DR delayed‐release
DVT deep vein thrombosis
DTO deodorized tincture of opium
DW distilled water or dextrose in water
elix. elixir elixir
e.m.p. ex modo prescripto as directed (in the manner prescribed)
emuls. emulsum emulsion
et et and
EOD every other day
ex aq. ex aqua in water; with water
exhib. exhibiatur let it be given
EC enteric‐coated
EENT eye, ear, nose, and throat
emuls. emulsion
ER extended‐release
ER emergency room
f. fiat make; let it be made
F Fahrenheit
f or F female
f.h. fiat haustus make a draught
fl., fld. fluidus fluid (liquid)
f.m. fiat mistura make a mixture
f. pil. fiat pilula make a pill
f.s.a. fiat secundum artem make according to art
ft. fiat make; let it be made
FBS fasting blood sugar
Fe iron
FFP fresh frozen plasma
ft foot
g, gm gram
garg. gargarisma gargle
gr. granum grain
gtt(s) gutta(e) drop(s)
gutt. gutta(e) drop(s)
guttat. drop by drop
GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease
GI gastrointestinal
GTT glucose tolerance test
GU genitourinary
H hypodermic
h, hr, hor. hora hour
habt. habeat let him have
h/o history of
hor. alt. hora alternis every other hour
hor. decub. hora decubitus at bedtime
hor. intermed. horis intermediis at intermediate hours
hor. tert. horis tertiis every third hour
h.s. hora somni at bedtime or half‐strength
H&H hematocrit and hemoglobin
H2 histamine 2
HAART highly active antiretroviral therapy
HCT, or Hct hematocrit
HCT hydrocortisone
HCTZ hydrochlorothiazide
HR heart rate
HS half‐strength
HTN hypertension
hx history
IBW ideal body weight
ID intradermal
IJ, inj. injectio injection
i.m., IM intramuscular
IN intranasal
ind. indies daily
inf. infusum infusion (extraction)/intravenous infusion
i unus tabuletta one tablet
ii duo tabuletta two tablets
iii tres tabuletta three tablets
IO intraosseous
IP intraperitoneal
IR immediate‐release
IT intrathecal
IU international unit
IUD intrauterine device
i.v., IV intravenous
i.v.p., IVP intravenous push
IVPB intravenous piggyback
kg kilogram
L liter
LA long‐acting
lab laboratory
lb. libra pound
LAS label as such
lat. dol. lateri dolenti to the painful side
l.c.d. liquor carbonis detergens coal tar solution
lin linimentum liniment
lot. lotio lotion
liq. liquor liquid (solution)
LMP last menstrual period
LPN licensed practical nurse
LR lactated ringer (solution)
M., m. misce mix
mane mane in the morning
max. maximum maximum
mcg microgram
MD medical doctor
mdi metered‐dose inhaler
m.d.u. more dicto utendus to be used as directed
mEq milliequivalent
mEq/L milliequivalent per liter
mg milligram
mg/dl milligrams per deciliter
MgSO4 magnesium sulfate
mL milliliter
mm millimeter
MM or M million
mm of Hg millimeters of mercury
mMol millimole
MMR measle‐mumps‐rubella (vaccine)
mol wt molecular weight
MR modified‐release
MS morphine sulfate or magnesium sulfate
MSO4 morphine sulfate
midi at midday
min. minimum [or] minim [or] minutum minimum [or] minim [or] minute
mist. mistura mixture
mit., mitt. mitte number of tablets provided
mod. præscript. modo præscripto in the manner directed
nebul, neb. nebula a spray
NMT not more than
n or noct. nocte at night
non rep. non repetatur no repeats (no refills)
NPO, n.p.o. nil per os nothing by mouth
N/A not applicable
NAS intranasal
NDC National Drug Code
NGT nasogastric tube
NKA no known allergies
NKDA no known drug allergies
noct. maneq. night and morning
NP nurse practitioner
NS normal saline (0.9%)
1/2NS half‐normal saline (0.45%)
NTE not to exceed
NSAID nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drug
o 2, o2 both eyes
O2 oxygen
OC oral contraceptive
o.d. omni die every day (once daily)
o.d. oculus dexter right eye
OJ orange juice
o.m. omni mane every morning
OM otitis media
omn. bih omni bihora every two hours
omn. hor. omni hora every hour
o.n. omni nocte every night
OPD once per day
o.s. oculus sinister left eye
o.u. oculus uterque both eyes
OTC over‐the‐counter
oz ounce
p. perstetur continue
part. æq. partes æquales equal parts
per per by or through
p.c. post cibum after meals
p.c.h.s., pc & hs post cibum et hora somni after meals and at bedtime
Ph.Br., BP Pharmacopoeia Britannica British Pharmacopoeia
Ph.Eur. Pharmacopoeia Europaea European Pharmacopoeia
Ph.Int. Pharmacopoeia Internationalis International Pharmacopoeia
pig./pigm. pigmentum paint
p.m. post meridiem evening or afternoon
p.o. per os by mouth or orally
ppt. præparata prepared
p.r., PR per rectum rectally
p.r.n., PRN pro re nata as needed
pt. perstetur continue
pulv. pulvis powder
p. v., PV per vaginam vaginally
PA physician assistant
PCA patient‐controlled analgesia
PE physical exam, pulmonary embolism
per neb by nebulizer
PFT pulmonary function tests
PharmD Doctor of Pharmacy
PMH past medical history
PT prothrombin time
PTT partial thromboplastin time
q quaque every, per
q.1 h, q.1° quaque 1 hora every one hour
q12h every 12 hours
q2h every two hours
q3h every three hours
q4h every four hours
q6h every six hours
q4PM at 4 pm (can replace “4” with other numbers)
q.a.d. quaque alternis die every other day
q.a.m. quaque die ante meridiem every morning (every day before noon)
q.d./q.1.d. quaque die every day
q.d.a.m. quaque die ante meridiem once daily in the morning
q.d.p.m. quaque die post meridiem once daily in the evening
q.d.s. quater die sumendus four times a day
q.p.m. quaque die post meridiem every evening (every day after noon)
q.h. quaque hora every hour
q.h.s. quaque hora somni every night at bedtime
q.i.d. quater in die four times a day
q.l. quantum libet as much as is requisite
q.q. quaque each
q.q.h. quater quaque hora every four hours
q.s. quantum sufficiat a sufficient quantity
q.s.a.d. add up to
qn nightly or at bedtime
q.v. quantum volueris at will
QWK every week
qod, QOD, q.o.d. every other day
RA rheumatoid arthritis
RDA recommended daily allowances
rep., rept. repetatur repeats
RE right eye
RN registered nurse
RL, R/L Ringer's lactate
Rx, Rx, RX, ℞, Rp recipe medical prescription or prescription drug
RPh registered pharmacist
s. signa write
sine without
s.a. secundum artem according to the art (best practice)
SC subcutaneous
sem. semen seed
s.i.d. semel in die once a day
sig. signa, signetur write (write on the label)
sing. singulorum of each
sig codes medical or prescription abbreviations
SL, s.l. sub lingua sublingually, under the tongue
SOB shortness of breath
sol. solutio solution
s.o.s., si op. sit si opus sit if there is a need
s.s., SS semisse one‐half [or] sliding scale
SSI sliding scale insulin
SSRI selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor [or] sliding scale regular insulin
st. stet let it stand
stat statim immediately
SBP systolic blood pressure
sum. sumat [or] sumendum let him take [or] let it be taken
supf. superficial
supp. suppositorium suppository
susp. suspensio suspension
syr. syrupus syrup
sp gr specific gravity
SR sustained release
STD sexually transmitted diseases
T temperature
tab. Tabella tablet
tal., t. talus such
tbsp. tablespoon
t.d.s., TDS ter die sumendum three times a day
t.i.d., t.d. ter in die three times a day
TIA transient ischemic attack
tid ac three times a day before meals
TIN, t.i.n. three times a night
t.i.w. three times a week
top. topical
TPN total parenteral nutrition
tr, tinc., tinct. tinctura tincture
trit. triturate grind to a powder
troch. trochiscus lozenge
tsp teaspoon
TO telephone order
TR timed‐release
TSH thyroid‐stimulating hormone
Tx treatment
U or u unit
UA urinalysis
u.d., ut. dict. as directed
ung. unguentum ointment
USP United States Pharmacopeia
UTI urinary tract infection
vag. vagine vaginally
vag, p. v. via the vagina
VLDL very low‐density lipoprotein
vol % volume percent
vol. volume
w with
w/a while awake
w/f with food (with meals)
w/o without
w/v weight in volume
WBC white blood cell
WNL within normal limits
wt. weight
x multiplied by
XL extended‐release
YO, y.o. years old
yr year
μEq microequivalent
μg, mcg microgram
μL microliter
@ at
> greater than
< less than
libra pound
uncia ounce
&ip.ezh; drachma dram (drachm)
scrupulus scruple
° hour

The list is for educational purposes only, currently discouraging practices.

Fundamentals of Cancer Detection, Treatment, and Prevention

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