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List of Acronyms of Cancer Organizations
Оглавление AACR:American Association for Cancer ResearchABPI:Association of the British Pharmaceutical IndustryABTA:American Brain Tumor AssociationACDM:Association for Clinical Data ManagementACRPI:Association of Clinical Research for the Pharmaceutical IndustryACS:American Cancer SocietyACS:American Chemical SocietyAIOM:Italian Association for Medical OncologyAJCC:American Joint Committee on CancerASCO:American Society of Clinical OncologyASH:American Society for HematologyASTRO:American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and OncologyBACR:British Association for Cancer ResearchBASO:British Association of Surgical OncologistsBMA:British Medical AssociationBNLI:British National Lymphoma InvestigationBOA:British Oncology AssociationBODMA:British Oncology Data Managers Association (UK)CALGB:Cancer and Leukemia Group B (USA)CCG:Children's Cancer Group (USA)CCRG:Children's Cancer Research Group (Oxford, UK)CCS:Canadian Cancer SocietyCOG:Children's Oncology Group (USA)COS:Canadian Oncology SocietyCRC:Cancer Research Campaign (UK)CSM:Committee on Safety of Medicines (UK)EACR:European Association for Cancer ResearchEANO:European Association for Neuro‐OncologyEBMT:European Group for Blood and Marrow TransplantationECOG:Eastern Cooperative Group (USA)EOI:European Osteosarcoma IntergroupEORTC:European Organization for Research and Treatment of CancerESO:European School of OncologyESTRO:European Society for Therapeutic Radiation and OncologyFDA:Food and Drug Administration (USA)FECS:Federation of European Cancer SocietiesGMC:General Medical Council (UK)GPOH:Gesellschaft fur Padiatrische Onkologie und Hamatologie (German Paed. Onc Group)IACR:International Association of Cancer RegistriesIARC:International Agency for Research on CancerIASLC:International Association for the Study of Lung CancerICARE:International Cancer Alliance for Research and Education (ICARE)ICCCPO:International Confederation of Childhood Cancer Parent OrganizationsICCG:International Collaborative Cancer GroupICCPO:Icelandic Childhood Cancer Parent OrganizationICH:International Conference on Harmonization (GCP)ICRF:Imperial Cancer Research Fund (UK)IESS:Intergroup Ewing's Sarcoma Study (USA)IMF:International Myeloma FoundationINFA:International Neurofibromatosis AssociationIPSO:International Society of Pediatric Surgical OncologyISNCC:International Society of Nurses in Cancer CareIWMF:International Waldenstrom's Maroglubulinemia FoundationLREC:Local Research Ethics Committee (UK)LRF:Leukemia Research Fund (UK)LRFA:Lymphoma Research Foundation of AmericaMCA:Medicines Control Agency (UK)MRC:Medical Research Council (UK)MREC:Multi‐center Research Ethics Committee (UK)NCCN:National Comprehensive Cancer NetworkNAACCR:North American Association of Central Cancer RegistriesNABCO:National Alliance of Breast Cancer OrganizationsNCCF:National Childhood Cancer Foundation (USA)NCI:National Cancer Institute (USA)NCIC:National Cancer Institute of CanadaNCRA:National Cancer Registrars Association (USA)NECCR:North of England Children's Cancer Research UnitNKCA:National Kidney Cancer Association (USA)NNFF:National Neurofibromatosis Foundation (USA)NORD:National Organization for Rare Disorders (USA)NRCT:National Registry of Childhood Tumors (UK)OECI:Organization of European Cancer InstitutesONS:Oncology Nursing Society (USA)PONF:Pediatric Oncology Nurses Forum (UK)SCTN:Scottish Cancer Therapy NetworkSEER:Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (USA)SFOP:French Pediatric Oncology SocietySGDM:Study Group on Data Management (EORTC)SGO:Society of Gynecologic OncologistsSIOP:International Society of Paediatric OncologySNLG:Scottish and Newcastle Lymphoma GroupSPOHNC:Support for People with Oral and Head and Neck CancerSWOG:Southwest Oncology Group (USA)UKCCCR:UK Coordinating Committee for Cancer ResearchUKCCRG:UK Children's Cancer Research Group (Oxford)WHO:World Health Organization
Common Medical and Prescription Abbreviations (Rx Terms)
Abbreviation | Greek, Latin, or New Latin | Meaning in English |
ā | Ante | Before (a with a bar over it) |
aa | Ana | of each |
AAA | | apply to the affected area or abdominal aortic aneurysm |
a.c. | ante cibum | before meals |
a.c.h.s., ac & hs | ante cibum et hora somni | before meals and at bedtime |
a.d. | auris dextra | right ear |
ad., add. | adde addatur | Add let there be added, upto |
ad. | | to; up to |
ad lib. | ad libitum | Freely, as much as desired |
ad sat. | | to saturation |
admov. | admove admoveatur | apply [or] add add; let there be added |
ad us. | ad usum | according to custom |
æq. | æquales | equal |
agit. | agita | agitate (stir or shake) |
alt. d., alt. dieb. | alternis diebus | every other day; on alternate days |
alt. h., alt. hor. | alternis horis | every other hour; at alternate hours |
a.m. (A.M.) | ante meridiem | morning, before noon |
amp. | ampulla | ampule |
amt | | amount |
aq. | aqua | water |
aq. bull. | aqua bulliens | boiling water |
aq. com. | aqua communis | common water |
aq. dest. | aqua destillata | distilled water |
aq. ferv. | aqua fervens | hot water |
a.l., a.s. | auris laeva, auris sinistra | left ear |
ALT | | alanine aminotransferase |
alt. | alternis | alternate |
ant. | | anterior |
ante | | before |
ap | | before dinner |
APAP | | acetaminophen |
aPTT | | activated partial thromboplastin |
ASA | | aspirin |
AST | | aspartate aminotransferase |
ATC | | around the clock |
a.u. (A.U.) | auris utraque | each ear; both ears |
BCP | | birth control pills |
BDS, b.d.s. | bis die sumendum | twice daily |
bib. | bibe | drink |
bis | bis | twice |
bid, BID, b.d. | bis in die | twice daily |
bis ind. | bis indies | twice a day |
bis in 7 d. | bis in septem diebus | twice a week |
BM | | bowel movement |
BMI | | body mass index |
bol | | bolus, short‐time infusion |
BP | | blood pressure |
BS | | blood sugar |
BSA | | body surface area |
BPH | | benign prostatic hypertrophy |
b.t. | | bedtime |
bucc. | bucca | buccal, inside check |
cap., caps. | capsula | capsule |
cap. | capiat | let the patient take |
C.C. | | chief complaint |
c/o | | complaints of |
C&S | | culture and sensitivity |
c.m. | cras mane | tomorrow morning |
c.m.s. | cras mane sumendus | to be taken tomorrow morning |
c&c.macr;, c. | cum | with (usually written with a bar on top of the “c”) |
c.c. | cum cibo | with food [or] cubic centimeter |
cf. | confer | compare |
c.n. | cras nocte | tomorrow night |
CABG | | coronary artery bypass graft |
CAD | | coronary artery disease |
cochl. | cochleare | spoonful |
cochl. ampl. | cochleare amplum | an ample spoonful (a tablespoonful) |
cochl. infant. | cochleare infantis | a small spoonful (a teaspoonful) |
cochl. mag. | cochleare magnum | a large spoonful (a tablespoonful) |
cochl. mod. | cochleare modicum | a modest spoonful (a dessert‐spoonful) |
cochl. parv. | cochleare parvum | a scant spoonful (a teaspoonful) |
colet. | coletur | let it be strained |
comp. | compositus | compound |
contin. | continuetur | let it be continued |
cpt. | capiat | let the patient take |
cr., crm | | cream |
CST | | continue same treatment |
cuj. | cujus | of which |
c.v. | cras vespere | tomorrow evening |
cyath. | cyathus | a glassful |
cyath. vinos. | cyathus vinosus | a wine‐glassful |
CBC | | complete blood count |
CD | | controlled delivery |
CF | | cystic fibrosis |
CR | | controlled‐release |
CV | | cardiovascular |
CXR | | chest X‐ray |
D, d. | die [or] dosis | days [or] doses |
D5LR | | dextrose 5% in lactated Ringer's solution (intravenous sugar solution) |
D5W, D5W | | dextrose 5% in water (intravenous sugar solution) |
D5/0.9 NaCl | | 5% dextrose and normal saline solution (0.9% NaCl) |
D5 1/2/NS | | 5% dextrose and half normal saline solution (0.45% NaCl) |
D5NS | | dextrose 5% in normal saline (0.9%) (intravenous sugar solution) |
D10W, D10W | | dextrose 10% in water (intravenous sugar solution) |
da | da | give |
DAW | | dispense as written (i.e. no generic substitution) |
D/C, dc, disc. | | discontinue or discharge |
decoct. | decoctum | decoction |
det. | detur | let it be given |
dieb. alt. | diebus alternis | every other day; on alternate days |
dil. | | dilute |
dim. | dimidius | one‐half |
d. in p. æ. | divide in partes æquales | divide into equal parts |
div. | divide | divide |
d.t.d. | dentur tales doses | give of such doses |
dL | | deciliter |
DS | | double strength |
DBP | | diastolic blood pressure |
DKA | | diabetic ketoacidosis |
DM | | diabetes mellitus |
DO | | Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine |
DOB | | date of birth |
DPT | | diphtheria‐pertussis‐tetanus |
DR | | delayed‐release |
DVT | | deep vein thrombosis |
DTO | | deodorized tincture of opium |
DW | | distilled water or dextrose in water |
elix. | elixir | elixir |
e.m.p. | ex modo prescripto | as directed (in the manner prescribed) |
emuls. | emulsum | emulsion |
et | et | and |
EOD | | every other day |
ex aq. | ex aqua | in water; with water |
exhib. | exhibiatur | let it be given |
EC | | enteric‐coated |
EENT | | eye, ear, nose, and throat |
emuls. | | emulsion |
ER | | extended‐release |
ER | | emergency room |
f. | fiat | make; let it be made |
F | | Fahrenheit |
f or F | | female |
f.h. | fiat haustus | make a draught |
fl., fld. | fluidus | fluid (liquid) |
f.m. | fiat mistura | make a mixture |
f. pil. | fiat pilula | make a pill |
f.s.a. | fiat secundum artem | make according to art |
ft. | fiat | make; let it be made |
FBS | | fasting blood sugar |
Fe | | iron |
FFP | | fresh frozen plasma |
ft | | foot |
g, gm | | gram |
garg. | gargarisma | gargle |
gr. | granum | grain |
gtt(s) | gutta(e) | drop(s) |
gutt. | gutta(e) | drop(s) |
guttat. | | drop by drop |
GERD | | gastroesophageal reflux disease |
GI | | gastrointestinal |
GTT | | glucose tolerance test |
GU | | genitourinary |
H | | hypodermic |
h, hr, hor. | hora | hour |
habt. | habeat | let him have |
h/o | | history of |
hor. alt. | hora alternis | every other hour |
hor. decub. | hora decubitus | at bedtime |
hor. intermed. | horis intermediis | at intermediate hours |
hor. tert. | horis tertiis | every third hour |
h.s. | hora somni | at bedtime or half‐strength |
H&H | | hematocrit and hemoglobin |
H2 | | histamine 2 |
HAART | | highly active antiretroviral therapy |
HCT, or Hct | | hematocrit |
HCT | | hydrocortisone |
HCTZ | | hydrochlorothiazide |
HR | | heart rate |
HS | | half‐strength |
HTN | | hypertension |
hx | | history |
IBW | | ideal body weight |
ID | | intradermal |
IJ, inj. | injectio | injection |
i.m., IM | | intramuscular |
IN | | intranasal |
ind. | indies | daily |
inf. | infusum | infusion (extraction)/intravenous infusion |
i | unus tabuletta | one tablet |
ii | duo tabuletta | two tablets |
iii | tres tabuletta | three tablets |
IO | | intraosseous |
IP | | intraperitoneal |
IR | | immediate‐release |
IT | | intrathecal |
IU | | international unit |
IUD | | intrauterine device |
i.v., IV | | intravenous |
i.v.p., IVP | | intravenous push |
IVPB | | intravenous piggyback |
kg | | kilogram |
L | | liter |
LA | | long‐acting |
lab | | laboratory |
lb. | libra | pound |
LAS | | label as such |
lat. dol. | lateri dolenti | to the painful side |
l.c.d. | liquor carbonis detergens | coal tar solution |
lin | linimentum | liniment |
lot. | lotio | lotion |
liq. | liquor | liquid (solution) |
LMP | | last menstrual period |
LPN | | licensed practical nurse |
LR | | lactated ringer (solution) |
M., m. | misce | mix |
mane | mane | in the morning |
max. | maximum | maximum |
mcg | | microgram |
MD | | medical doctor |
mdi | | metered‐dose inhaler |
m.d.u. | more dicto utendus | to be used as directed |
mEq | | milliequivalent |
mEq/L | | milliequivalent per liter |
mg | | milligram |
mg/dl | | milligrams per deciliter |
MgSO4 | | magnesium sulfate |
mL | | milliliter |
mm | | millimeter |
MM or M | | million |
mm of Hg | | millimeters of mercury |
mMol | | millimole |
MMR | | measle‐mumps‐rubella (vaccine) |
mol wt | | molecular weight |
MR | | modified‐release |
MS | | morphine sulfate or magnesium sulfate |
MSO4 | | morphine sulfate |
midi | | at midday |
min. | minimum [or] minim [or] minutum | minimum [or] minim [or] minute |
mist. | mistura | mixture |
mit., mitt. | mitte | number of tablets provided |
mod. præscript. | modo præscripto | in the manner directed |
nebul, neb. | nebula | a spray |
NMT | | not more than |
n or noct. | nocte | at night |
non rep. | non repetatur | no repeats (no refills) |
NPO, n.p.o. | nil per os | nothing by mouth |
N/A | | not applicable |
NAS | | intranasal |
NDC | | National Drug Code |
NGT | | nasogastric tube |
NKA | | no known allergies |
NKDA | | no known drug allergies |
noct. maneq. | | night and morning |
NP | | nurse practitioner |
NS | | normal saline (0.9%) |
1/2NS | | half‐normal saline (0.45%) |
NTE | | not to exceed |
NSAID | | nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drug |
o 2, o2 | | both eyes |
O2 | | oxygen |
OC | | oral contraceptive |
o.d. | omni die | every day (once daily) |
o.d. | oculus dexter | right eye |
OJ | | orange juice |
o.m. | omni mane | every morning |
OM | | otitis media |
omn. bih | omni bihora | every two hours |
omn. hor. | omni hora | every hour |
o.n. | omni nocte | every night |
OPD | | once per day |
o.s. | oculus sinister | left eye |
o.u. | oculus uterque | both eyes |
OTC | | over‐the‐counter |
oz | | ounce |
p. | perstetur | continue |
| | after |
part. æq. | partes æquales | equal parts |
per | per | by or through |
p.c. | post cibum | after meals |
p.c.h.s., pc & hs | post cibum et hora somni | after meals and at bedtime |
Ph.Br., BP | Pharmacopoeia Britannica | British Pharmacopoeia |
Ph.Eur. | Pharmacopoeia Europaea | European Pharmacopoeia |
Ph.Int. | Pharmacopoeia Internationalis | International Pharmacopoeia |
pig./pigm. | pigmentum | paint |
p.m. | post meridiem | evening or afternoon |
p.o. | per os | by mouth or orally |
ppt. | præparata | prepared |
p.r., PR | per rectum | rectally |
p.r.n., PRN | pro re nata | as needed |
pt. | perstetur | continue |
pulv. | pulvis | powder |
p. v., PV | per vaginam | vaginally |
PA | | physician assistant |
PCA | | patient‐controlled analgesia |
PE | | physical exam, pulmonary embolism |
per neb | | by nebulizer |
PFT | | pulmonary function tests |
PharmD | | Doctor of Pharmacy |
PMH | | past medical history |
PT | | prothrombin time |
PTT | | partial thromboplastin time |
q | quaque | every, per |
q.1 h, q.1° | quaque 1 hora | every one hour |
q12h | | every 12 hours |
q2h | | every two hours |
q3h | | every three hours |
q4h | | every four hours |
q6h | | every six hours |
q4PM | | at 4 pm (can replace “4” with other numbers) |
q.a.d. | quaque alternis die | every other day |
q.a.m. | quaque die ante meridiem | every morning (every day before noon) |
q.d./q.1.d. | quaque die | every day |
q.d.a.m. | quaque die ante meridiem | once daily in the morning |
q.d.p.m. | quaque die post meridiem | once daily in the evening |
q.d.s. | quater die sumendus | four times a day |
q.p.m. | quaque die post meridiem | every evening (every day after noon) |
q.h. | quaque hora | every hour |
q.h.s. | quaque hora somni | every night at bedtime |
q.i.d. | quater in die | four times a day |
q.l. | quantum libet | as much as is requisite |
q.q. | quaque | each |
q.q.h. | quater quaque hora | every four hours |
q.s. | quantum sufficiat | a sufficient quantity |
q.s.a.d. | | add up to |
qn | | nightly or at bedtime |
q.v. | quantum volueris | at will |
QWK | | every week |
qod, QOD, q.o.d. | | every other day |
RA | | rheumatoid arthritis |
RDA | | recommended daily allowances |
rep., rept. | repetatur | repeats |
RE | | right eye |
RN | | registered nurse |
RL, R/L | | Ringer's lactate |
Rx, Rx, RX, ℞, Rp | recipe | medical prescription or prescription drug |
RPh | | registered pharmacist |
s. | signa | write |
| sine | without |
s.a. | secundum artem | according to the art (best practice) |
SC | | subcutaneous |
sem. | semen | seed |
s.i.d. | semel in die | once a day |
sig. | signa, signetur | write (write on the label) |
sing. | singulorum | of each |
sig codes | | medical or prescription abbreviations |
SL, s.l. | sub lingua | sublingually, under the tongue |
SOB | | shortness of breath |
sol. | solutio | solution |
s.o.s., si op. sit | si opus sit | if there is a need |
s.s., SS | semisse | one‐half [or] sliding scale |
SSI | | sliding scale insulin |
SSRI | | selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor [or] sliding scale regular insulin |
st. | stet | let it stand |
stat | statim | immediately |
SBP | | systolic blood pressure |
sum. | sumat [or] sumendum | let him take [or] let it be taken |
supf. | | superficial |
supp. | suppositorium | suppository |
susp. | suspensio | suspension |
syr. | syrupus | syrup |
sp gr | | specific gravity |
SR | | sustained release |
STD | | sexually transmitted diseases |
T | | temperature |
tab. | Tabella | tablet |
tal., t. | talus | such |
tbsp. | | tablespoon |
t.d.s., TDS | ter die sumendum | three times a day |
t.i.d., t.d. | ter in die | three times a day |
TIA | | transient ischemic attack |
tid ac | | three times a day before meals |
TIN, t.i.n. | | three times a night |
t.i.w. | | three times a week |
top. | | topical |
TPN | | total parenteral nutrition |
tr, tinc., tinct. | tinctura | tincture |
trit. | triturate | grind to a powder |
troch. | trochiscus | lozenge |
tsp | | teaspoon |
TO | | telephone order |
TR | | timed‐release |
TSH | | thyroid‐stimulating hormone |
Tx | | treatment |
U or u | | unit |
UA | | urinalysis |
u.d., ut. dict. | | as directed |
ung. | unguentum | ointment |
USP | | United States Pharmacopeia |
UTI | | urinary tract infection |
vag. | vagine | vaginally |
vag, p. v. | | via the vagina |
VLDL | | very low‐density lipoprotein |
vol % | | volume percent |
vol. | | volume |
w | | with |
w/a | | while awake |
w/f | | with food (with meals) |
w/o | | without |
w/v | | weight in volume |
WBC | | white blood cell |
WNL | | within normal limits |
wt. | | weight |
x | | multiplied by |
XL | | extended‐release |
YO, y.o. | | years old |
yr | | year |
μEq | | microequivalent |
μg, mcg | | microgram |
μL | | microliter |
@ | | at |
> | | greater than |
< | | less than |
℔ | libra | pound |
℥ | uncia | ounce |
&ip.ezh; | drachma | dram (drachm) |
℈ | scrupulus | scruple |
° | | hour |
The list is for educational purposes only, currently discouraging practices.