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Conception and Pregnancy

The readings tell us that the act of conception is the beginning of the invitation to a soul to join a family. Thus, the thoughts and environment surrounding the conception of a temple have great influence on the nature of the soul that chooses to inhabit it.

What type of person would you, meaning both parents, wish to attract? What are the personality traits? You can make these desires clear—through your conscious actions, thoughts, and intents—to the soul who is choosing a body for its temple.

The act of conception is a sacred time, a time of creating life. The circumstances and atmosphere of this act are crucial to the attraction of a soul. It is an act of oneness, physically reflecting the oneness of our minds with the Mind. It is an act resulting in a kind of bliss that physically parallels the bliss of the divine. Perhaps this explains why so many seek it out, oftentimes in desperation, only to feel shortchanged when it doesn’t occur.

During the temple’s development within the mother, the spirit of the actions done and of the thoughts held by both parents is important. To help us keep focused during this important time, the readings give us a prayer to be said:

… create in my mind, my body, that purpose that thou would have; that there may be the demonstration, the manifestation of thy spirit, of thy purpose with thy servant.

Let my body, my mind be such as to keep attuned to the best that may come as a channel of blessings to others.


Activities and Attitudes

As a practical application of this prayer, the readings explain that should the parents want a child who is skilled in mechanical things, for example, then they need to be working with tools, building and repairing things. Should they wish to attract a child who is philosophical in nature, they should pore over philosophical writings and engage in deep discussions on the meanings of life. By these actions, they are signaling a clear intent as to the kinds of interests they will assist the child in developing.

(Q) What mental attitude should I keep always before me during the coming months?

(A) Depends upon what character of individual entity is desired. More beauty, music—if that is desired to be a part of the entity; art, and the like. Or is it to be purely mechanical? If purely mechanical, then think about mechanics—work with those things. And don’t think that they won’t have their effect, as the impressions give that opportunity.

Here is something that each and every mother should know.

The manner in which the attitude is kept has much to do with the character of the soul that would choose to enter through those channels at the particular period. This has been indicated as the attitude, “If ye love me and keep my commandments, I will love you—as ye do unto others, ye do unto me—.” Does this seem strange, or isn’t it consistent with God’s plan of creation? That attitude held, then, during these periods, presents the opportunity for the type or character of soul seeking expression.

Ever present is the concern as to how much time the mother should spend at work or at home. Below is yet another indication as to how important intent is. It is not so much that one is working but rather what attitude is held toward the job. Is the job solely for material gain? Or is it a place where one enjoys the companionship of co-workers, the sense of accomplishment, and the desire to serve? These are the factors that will affect the nature of the incoming soul. The reading continues:

(Q) Would my working outside the home now be injurious to the child?

(A) This is the formative period. Hence it depends upon what character of individual you hope to have! One that will be a workaday, material-minded, one looking for the making of money, the making of position, the making of this or that? Not that this would necessarily be the outward attitude, but the real innate attitude deep within the soul of the entity attracted.


And a further explanation is given as to how this works:

Then as the mind of the bearer binds those forces that are its natures in itself, its purposes, its desires, its hopes, its fears, these begin gradually to extend themselves through the nucleus; so that as the shape or form begins to find expression, there are also the channels through which the growth of the spiritual being gives its expression.


Thus the mother’s purposes, fears, intents, and hopes are expressed in the formation of the temple.

The relationship between the parents is also crucial in the attraction of a soul—and the need to be of loving support is stressed:

(Q) Any other advice to each in making themselves channels?

(A) Keep that attitude of constructiveness throughout, not only in thy relationships one to another but to the problems of each.

For, remember, each: There are temperaments and there are temperaments, and you each have your share.

Then, keep in an attitude ever of constructiveness, hopefulness one toward the other, as well as in relationships to others.

Oft analyze self to self. But let each say little of detrimental nature to the other. Remember: You are to be a helpmeet one for the other; to encourage, not discourage.


The aspect of sexual relations during pregnancy was addressed in the following reading:

(Q) Does intercourse while carrying child interfere with the physical or spiritual development of the child?

(A) After three months, yes.


The Entering of the Soul

Many people, including the authors, hold the belief that we choose our bodies, parents, and circumstances surrounding our birth. However, our wills do not create the situation; rather, we use our wills to choose the one that fits our needs, similar to our shopping for readymade clothes. During the next reading, questions were asked along these lines. It is during this reading, also, that the Source stated that it was not until the first breath that the soul inhabits the temple. This reading also explains how a soul can be attracted and then repelled by the circumstances, thus dying at a young age.

God breathed into man the breath of life and he became a living soul.

Then, with the first breath of the infant there comes into being in the flesh a soul—that has been attracted, that has been called for, by all the influences and activities that have gone to make up the process through the period of gestation, see?

Many souls are seeking to enter, but not all are attracted. Some may be repelled. Some are attracted and then suddenly repelled, so that the life in the earth is only a few days. Oft the passing of such a soul is accredited to, and is because of disease, neglect or the like, but still there was the attraction, was there not?

Hence to say that the body is in any way builded by an entity from the other side is incorrect. But those mental and physical forces that are builded are those influences needed for that soul that does enter!

(Q) The entity desiring to enter governs the change in sex, which may occur as late as the third month.

(A) It may occur even nineteen years after the body is born! …

(Q) The physical development of the child is wholly dependent upon the mother from whom it draws physical sustenance, but its purpose, desire and hope are built up or influenced by the minds of all concerned.

(A) That’s the first question you’ve asked correctly. Correct!



In pondering the above reading, it appears that the nature of the temple seems to be determined by the body’s genetic makeup and the physical care of the mother’s temple. Yet the sex of the temple seems to be determined by both the desire of the parents and the soul that chooses it. In one series of readings, the Source stated that the infant was one sex, when it was clearly physically the opposite sex. This gives cause to wonder if the Source was not referring to sexual orientation rather than the physical sex.

Other readings regarding the sex of a child also refer to how intent will shape this turn of events. First, there is the question of past gender choices:

(Q) Does spirit action ever change the sex of an entity from one incarnation to another?

(A) At times. Depending upon that builded in the entity in the earth’s plane, for as seen, will’s force (of earth, see?) is the ruling factor. That builded in the earth’s plane, then, is that upon which the soul and spirit feeds. Truly has it been said, “As a tree falls so shall it lie.” Then, that builded in that as the desire becoming that action in the incarnation. For, as we find in this entity here, from which the reasoning forces have been given, the two may build into same through that as has been given, that entity which the spirit force has given, see?

Thus we are given the understanding that the soul’s desire and previous experiences on the earth plane are part of what determines the gender of the temple. More information on the physical aspect of this is explained as the reading continues:

(Q) Names in both cases of boy or girl given. When and how do the sex forces operate—i.e. how does ‘Spirit Action’ determine sex and at what stage?

(A) The sex is determined at the period of the first movement of the embryo, and occurs in the first three weeks of conception, and the spirit action in same is as same takes life in the form of the union of the portions that grow to the physical being, see?


While this reading seems straightforward on this topic, at other times, the information given is confusing. As can be seen in the following readings, electrons, the parents’ desire, the spiritual nature of the desire, the activities in the life of the soul, and more seem to affect the gender of the body.

(Q) May sex of child be now given?

(A) Best be prepared for both! [GD’s note: Or either? Her Life Rdg., 578-2, had predicted a son and this was to be a daughter, born 7/16/39, seven months baby? 7/18/39 Life Rdg. 1958-1, Par. 56-A said it was not the same soul as predicted in 578-2.]


(Q) We understand this body is pregnant. Will you please tell us what sex the child will be?

(A) As given, see, this may be either as yet, with the desire of the parents, see? See, the formation as is given to the stage wherein the change, the sex forces as are manifested, reach that stage or development wherein the mind forces build that in the system—boy we will see here—[Baby boy was born 12/4/25. Homosexual tendencies were evident in early manhood. See [318] series.]


(Q) Is the suggestion which may be made towards the sex of the child mental or physical?

(A) It is rather of a spiritual nature, but remember the mental or the mind is ever the builder.

(Q) Would the greater positivity of the woman attract a child of the male sex?

(A) To be sure. These vary according to the number of the electrons about any given center.


(Q) When is the sex of a child determined?

(A) In the activities of the life projected.

(Q) Has the sex already been determined of this being?

(A) Soon will be.


(Q) Can the sex of the child be changed after it is once determined?

(A) Why consider those conditions that have been set? These are determined in many various ways and manners.


If there is kept that same attitude of expectancy, of desire for the fulfilling of those purposes of self as related to the coming son, this should be a most satisfactory experience; and bring to the body of self and of the companion a joy that comes to those filling their place in the associations of, in the dealings with, the fellow man.

(Q) Do I understand that the sex of the child is a boy?

(A) As has been given; desire, look for, a son.


(Q) Is it indicated what the sex will be?

(A) This has not been determined as yet. Hold to what the body would desire.


Thus the readings give information that the sex of a temple is determined by three weeks into gestation but also possibly nineteen years after birth! The parents’ desire (which is to be spiritual, but then we are reminded that mind is the builder) and also their activities can form the sex; the past-life experiences can determine gender. Again, is the gender issue one of a mental perspective or the actual physical manifestation? From the readings, it appears that there is a mental perspective, which may or may not be in accord with the physical appearance. Perhaps it is best to attempt to manifest whatever may be best for the soul’s development and leave the actual choices to Spirit and the soul.

Physical Development

In the following reading, a detailed account is given on each of the developing aspects of the physical temple. Yet again, the importance of the parents’ attitude, particularly the mother, in the development and nature of the development is stressed at the very end of the reading:

It is centered first, then about that known as the cranial center; next the 9th dorsal, or that which is the motivative force to other portions through the umbilical cord, that begins then in the third week to give material manifestations in physical development.

Then the centers of the heart, liver and kidney areas begin their expression.

Thus we have first the pineal, the aerial [See 281-53, Par. 8-A & 281-55, Par. 5-A, 6-A], the adrenals, the thymus—or the pump gland of the heart itself.

Each organ as it materializes in its development forms its own nucleus for the production of that which enables it in itself, from its own glandular system, to reproduce itself.

With the production of itself, the blood system begins its flow—then—in the second month of conception.

Then there begins the growth of the glands that forms eyes, ears, nasal passages; and those areas begin their formations.

The seeking here is for that area, that center, in which the system makes its relative relationships or associations with spiritual, mental and physical being.

These areas indicated, that have come through growth into being in relation to the mental, spiritual and physical attitude of the mother, are constantly dependent upon that one from which the body draws its physical sustenance; but purpose, desire and hope are through the mental. Thus these centers are opposite the umbilical cord, or those areas through which all messages of desire, or of the mental nature, pass; not only to the brain in its reflexes but along the cords to the pineal—that has been and is the extenuation of is first cause.

In those glands that are eventually known as the genital, or in the lyden, and the inner centers of the thyroid through and from which the exterior forces are indicated in their activity, there begins then the formation of the superficial circulation; that leads or connects between its spiritual import, its mental purpose, and its physical development—for their coordination…

These follow through, throughout the periods of gestation, and are dependent still upon the environs, the mental attributes and activities, the purposes and aims of that individual bearing the entity.

Thus it comes into the material world with that held to by that parent, with the characteristics that are the sum of spiritual, mental and material purposes of the first cause, as combined with its age and era or period of development.


We are again reminded that the force of the mind, which is linked to the Source, is what causes the development of the functioning of the bodily systems:

(Q) What is the condition of the heart, liver, kidneys, spleen, stomach, organs?

(A) As indicated, these show changes coming about; that is, the age, the activities, the desires, the hopes and the fears affect the body-physical, each bringing about changes. For, in a body—the formation of a body from the first concept—there is first the formation of brain, heart, and liver, then the kidneys. These then become the organs of the central system—as to the blood supply, as to nerve energies. Then as the mind forces function, or those activities governed by the creating of glandular centers that control functioning, these change according to the natural developments of a physical organism.


Thus, even when expounding on the physical development, the Source returns to the purposes of the parent and the physical, mental, and spiritual manifestations of those purposes.

Over and over we are reminded that thoughts are things. It cannot be emphasized enough how much the Source of the readings stresses having a positive attitude, particularly in the time of pregnancy: “Keep that attitude of hopeful expectancy, and we should find better influences and forces for the body.” (578-9)

Physical Care of the Mother

Overview. Even though mind is the builder, because the temple is physical, certain physical practices need to be followed by the mother. Nutrition and exercise are very important during pregnancy. The readings also called for adjustments by an osteopath and the use of Atomidine during pregnancy to assist the body with its changes. The readings consistently cautioned against using the usual medications for nausea, as the nausea is normal and part of the process. Drinking limeade was recommended, along with getting up later and being quieter in the morning.

Exercise. While exercise is consistently advised, it was not to be strenuous or with the use of weights and such.

There should not be any hindrance towards full, normal development, if there is plenty of exercise taken—not of the nature where there is too much pulling, lifting or hauling things about, but such as walking, riding—and:

We would occasionally—once in two weeks—have a thorough relaxing of the system osteopathically, for the bodily forces to adjust themselves to the development of those conditions with the body.

As should be understood, of course, these should not be for corrections, other than assisting the body in correcting its new positions—especially through those areas from the first of the dorsals to the pelvic portions, of course, and the coccyx area.1


Diet and Supplements. Following the dietary recommendations of the readings is probably the hallmark of a student of the A.R.E. material. At the A.R.E. Family Camp, there is even a song with the refrain “I’ve gone A.R.E.,” referring to the lack of soda, and the like, in one’s diet. The readings for the mother’s well-being during pregnancy are also full of dietary advice as well as the recommended use of supplements. Calcios and Atomidine are frequently cited as good for the development of the bone structure and glandular systems, respectively:

Occasionally we would add the iodine as found in Atomidine; not oftener than once a week, and only two drops in water before the morning meal is taken. After it has been taken once a week for at least two or three months, leave off for a month to six weeks—then take it again about two weeks, and then leave off. This is a purifier for the glandular system, and will work with this body especially in aiding the kidneys, and for the foetal body strengthening the eyes.

Also we would take Calcios about five to six months, beginning at least by the first of January. This, to be sure, is for bone and teeth, and is needed for the body itself as it is drawn upon in the development of the foetus.


The nausea that occurs is a normal condition and should not be attempted to be handled with or by taking of conditions or properties that would interfere with the normal nervous system.

Rather be mindful of the activities, the quality or quantity of waters as are taken, and the manner in which the diets are followed to keep a normal amount of calcium, chlorines, iodines, and such as will keep a normalcy—not only for the mother body but of the body developing also. These will then bring about a normal condition as to this respect, as well as for the developing body itself.

Be mindful that the kidneys are kept normal, and that there is not too much standing on feet—but walking is the best exercise, though do not overdo same, especially not overdoing same in running up or running down flights of stairs, lifting things nor in pushing things about with body, with arms, or with limbs—see?


The readings also acknowledge the mother-to-be’s quirky dietary desires. These are not to be denied. Thus, those late night requests for the desired foods are to be honored with the real thing! Wild game is also recommended, as it supplies essentials of the earth not supplied by domesticated animals. Yet, even in the commentary on diet is the admonition to be mindful of the purpose of the pregnancy: To bring in a soul who will bring light and blessings to the world.

As to the diet of the body: In the early morning there should not be a great quantity of foods, to be sure, but those of the cereals that carry a great deal of the whole wheat, or barley and wheat combined. These are most helpful, for they carry, to be sure, a quantity of iron. But with these properties being taken of the lime, with these, will assist in eliminating much of those disturbances of the excess of irons as produce blemishes or spots over various portions of the body. But do not be in such a way and manner as to try to get rid of these. For these should be rather the indications of how the body is balancing itself.

In the noons we would have rather the raw vegetables as much as possible, with—of course—vegetable soups or with a little meat. But whatever the body desires! And we will find one day it’ll want one thing and the next another, and it’ll be as strange as may be! But not over-quantities of this. But these become as necessary influences. For remember, the body is awakened to the needs of what is in reality creation taking place in the physical reactions! And these should not be denied; though at times they may be “put to” to find the things just as needed. And oft when they are obtained it isn’t just what it wants! But the fruits, the small fruits—for soon there will be the desire for strawberries when there aren’t any! There will be the desire for cherries when there aren’t any! There’ll be the desire for this, that or the other; but supply these. Not with synthetic applications or productions, but as near to the proper foods in those directions as possible.

Meats—adhere closer to lamb, fowl, fish, goose, duck and the like. Wild game, especially, if there are the possibilities of these—these will supply elements that are not obtained from those where there are too great precautions taken in their foods. For nature is the greater physician than all the learned! For as there is given into the keeping of each body the ability to bring forth that channel through which a soul may manifest, there is given into the keeping of the mental forces that which makes for the demands that may bring these into that way and manner in which the greater channel may come. For ever is there being sought those channels through which the spirit of truth and life may be brought to a waiting, a seeking, a sin-ridden world; for those expressions where the greater blessings may be given to man in every estate.

Then as has been indicated, add those that are so helpful; and those combinations in the food values follow rather in those lines. Not too much, to be sure, of the citrus fruit juices of mornings for a body in these developing or changing periods, but these may be taken during the day if desired after food has been taken, for it tends to then supply those elements for the body itself as well as for the body-building that becomes more and more of a constructive and building force.


Any Other Advice?

At the end of many readings on pregnancy, the question was asked if the Source had any other advice. In answer, the readings invariably encourage a positive outlook for its benefits to both mother and expected child, again focusing the seekers’ attention on the spiritual opportunity at hand to bring forth a soul who would walk with Spirit to bring light to others.

(Q) Any other advice for the body at this time?

(A) Keep the proper mental attitudes, with the proper physical development, and we will find a great deal may be accomplished in keeping cheerful, and in keeping those conditions about self in the developments that may be most helpful.


(Q) Any other advice for the body?

(A) Know that the body in its meditations, in its prayers, in its supplications, may make for the creating of those environs through which greater expectations or greater souls may manifest. For in those periods of gestation the attitude of those responsible, those that will take upon themselves the activities, brings to themselves the greater souls that become the blessings to themselves, to others, to the world. For as has been given, blessed are they that bring forth a man-child.


(Q) Any other advice for the body at this time?

(A) Keep in as cheery and as active a mood as possible. Always see the funny side. Laugh at every condition that comes. For this will make for a great deal better environment for the whole of these changing influences and forces. Do not look upon any conditions or experiences as may arise other than as those that will bring, if used in their proper sense, those influences in the experience of the body that there may be the greater blessings to self, to others, in the activity of the soul that may manifest through those changes that are coming to the body.

For no greater office is there for an entity to fill than to be a channel through which a soul may find the way of experience into the material plane.


(Q) Any other counsel or advice at this time that will be of benefit?

(A) Keep the attitudes for the mother in the manner in which there may be known that those who bring a soul into activity in the material world have those privileges, opportunities, for the giving of an expression of creative forces in an activative way and manner, that with the development of that soul in the material world may not only make for joy and peace and harmony in the experience of that soul but be an added condition for manifestations of God’s love to the sons of men.


Personal Experiences

During my pregnancy, I meditated daily, practiced yoga until it was not considered safe according to the sources I was using, and talked to the baby every day. I spent a lot of time outside, showing him the magical qualities of nature. I told him I wanted him to be a boy. He talked to me as well, hovering about. After his birth, I realized he had been around me all my life, as I missed that presence I had felt since a child! My child was a wonderfully intuitive person who could commune with the animals and trees, and do amazing energy work, which manifested itself in actions from starting a car to bringing someone back from the dead. He also had a fierce temper, no patience, and was completely self-centered when young! It has been a journey for us both, working around that temper and self-centeredness. However, it has been a successful one.

—Susan Gale

So, just because you meditate, work to have good thoughts and good actions, and live a simple, healthy lifestyle during the growth of the body does not mean that you will have an easy child. Sometimes a child who needs much help may be attracted by the very goodness that is being lived.

But, regardless of the results, in the very beginning, the “It” is having good thoughts and loving actions of service, practicing a healthy lifestyle. Just Live It!

The next chapter is a wondrous example of one woman’s experience and the resulting work she does to help parents give birth in an individually healthy way. Although Asha Ramakrishna has not been a student of the Cayce readings, her work is evidence that while the truth can be found in many ways, the truly important thing is to live what we know.

Soulful Parenting

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