Читать книгу Hot Crossed Buns: Spanking short stories of erotic, play and discipline - Susan Kohler - Страница 8


One Store Bought Pain

The story of what happens to a woman who has fantasized for years about being spanked, about how she felt intrigued by the idea of making her fantasy a reality. She soon learned that sometimes when you hire a faceless stranger to bring your secret fantasies to life, you can get much more than you bargain for.

Sarah didn’t know where the fantasy had first come from or how it had taken such a powerful hold on her, but as far back as she could even remember she had quite often fantasized about being spanked and whipped. She had fantasies about it almost daily. She would get aroused thinking about a man ordering her to lower her panties, commanding her to place herself across his knees. She almost came before she got to the part where she pictured his large hand descending onto her bare bottom with a resounding crack!

It was much more than a fantasy. She had a real desire to be spanked, and had always found literature with spanking scenes very arousing. Even when the spankings they wrote about were very extreme. Far too extreme for her to want in real life.

Mind you, she had never been spanked in real life. In what she thought of as her rational self she thought that anyone who wanted a spanking, a hard spanking, was more than a little sick. Rationally, she thought that a man who enjoyed spanking a woman was abusive. Rationally, she was afraid of the loss of control and of the pain. Emotionally, however, she longed for a good hard spanking.

She did not know why this fantasy turned her on. She was not attracted to the idea of pain. To the contrary, she was terrified at the very thought of the sting that a spanking would bring. She always had been afraid of physical pain.

She was also sure she would die of nerves and embarrassment as she lowered her panties for the spanking. She could not even imagine standing in front of a man and preparing for him to punish her. She told herself that she must be sick or crazy but she desperately wanted the naughty daydreams to become a painful reality.

In her favorite version of the fantasy, she went to a man, a complete stranger, and asked him, no, begged him, to give her a severe spanking. She didn’t want him to degrade her or order her around. He was not supposed to act mean or abusive in any way, except for the very tangible act of spanking her. He would be kind and considerate, but his manner would also be very firm and commanding. The man of her fantasy was nameless, faceless and almost unimportant, except as the means to her punishment.

She would humbly ask the man for the spanking and when she got it, if it wasn’t harsh enough, she would quietly ask to be spanked again. The second time he would do it more severely, sometimes not just with his hand, but with a paddle or a whip.

Once in a while, in her fantasy, there was a form of role reversal as a follow-up. In these fantasies, after punishing her, the man became a sort of sex slave who would do anything she wanted. He would go to any extent possible to give her pleasure.

The fantasy had never happened to her and she was starting to feel an almost desperate urge for it. The spanking fantasy was all she thought about. It had become an obsession. Was she sick? She didn’t think so; she had heard it was a fairly common fantasy. She read a lot of books like The Pearl and The Story of O.

The problem was, how could she get a spanking? The one thing she had never done, couldn’t have done, was tell her lover what she wanted. She didn’t have a lover; in fact, she had never had a lover she trusted enough to share this particular fantasy with. She had never had someone who really cared about what she wanted, her former lovers had only seemed to care about satisfying their own needs.

She was an attractive young woman; lively and good company so she dated often, of course, but there was no one she could allow herself to share her secret desires with. She kept her desire hidden like a shameful secret. Even though as a part of her fantasy she was supposed to be the one to bring up the subject, Sarah was very timid.

She wanted to ask for the spanking, but she was too shy. What she really wanted was for an unknown tormentor who would actually compel her to ask explicitly for a spanking. Still, she couldn’t get up enough nerve to force herself to bring the subject up with any of her dates.

What if she brought it up and the man thought she was sick? Perverted? Even more troubling, what if he agreed to do it? Would she like it? If she did not like it, would he stop at her word?

One day she found a discarded underground paper. She found most of the articles a little sick and disgusting. The personal ads, however, were eye openers. There were pages and pages of ads from men and women offering to spank someone or to be spanked. Sometimes the ads were just a way to meet like-minded partners, and sometimes the ads were placed by people who spanked for money.

Sarah finally decided to hire someone to give her the fantasy. She felt that someone who advertised in the adult personals would understand her desire, or at least not judge her for having that desire. She also had a deep-seated feeling that if she paid for the spanking her tormentor would really be just a faceless stranger, and she would actually be the one in control. The man she hired would do just what she wanted, in the way she wanted it done.

Sarah was in for the surprise of her life.

She got a newer copy of an underground singles’ newspaper that always carried suggestive ads, and then called the ones that mentioned discipline, or correction, or submission. She talked to several people, both men and women. The women were really helpful; they offered her advice and made her realize how prevalent her secret desires were, but for some reason she wanted to be spanked by a man. Several of the women mentioned a name and gave her a phone number. She didn’t see an ad from this man, but made sure she kept his number. After all, he had references for being safe and following the woman’s lead.

Before calling him, she talked to a few more men from the paper. She tried to describe the scene she wanted, but she felt uncomfortable speaking to most of the men. None of them seemed quite right to her until she gave up and called the person whose name and number she got from several women. A man named Mac.

On the phone, Mac sounded friendly, cheerful and surprisingly normal. He seemed very open. He listened to what she said she wanted, how she wanted him to treat her, and how severe she wanted him to be. He had some suggestions but he listened to her desires and his suggestions were designed to enhance her ideal scene, not to change it.

He seemed perfectly understanding and agreeable to everything she said. She felt he would give her the precise fantasy she wanted, and in just the way she wanted it. She knew because of the references that she would be safe, and he would stop if she wanted him to.

He said he had his garage set up just for spanking scenes. It was not a dungeon, just a really comfortable, soundproof room. He quoted her a reasonable price, and gently suggested a date and time. She made an appointment with him.

It was even better for Sarah to realize that he wanted to be paid for spanking her because he would have no personal stake in the fantasy, except to please her.

According to their agreement, there was to be no actual sex involved, just the spanking and the feeling of helplessness and submission that comes from being at the mercy of a stranger who would punish her without feelings, with no sympathy or compunction, but also without degradation.

Sarah stood on the sidewalk with her legs shaking for a long time before she gathered her courage and walked up the gravel driveway at the address she had gotten from the voice on the phone. In her right hand was a riding crop that she had bought just for tonight, just for this still faceless stranger to use on her butt. It felt like it weighed a ton, and it was just too long to hide. She hoped none of his neighbors saw it. She flushed, thinking to herself of how it had felt to go into a saddle shop and buy it. She had been sure everyone in the shop knew why she was buying the crop, knew she wasn’t ever going to use it on a horse.

She walked to the garage as Mac had instructed her to. Mac had been more than willing to go to Sarah, but he knew instinctively that part of her fantasy was to bring herself to him, to request the spanking. She remembered him telling her that the garage had been converted into a special room, just for one purpose: to accommodate women like herself. Women who wanted to be spanked.

She arrived at his door at exactly 8 pm, the appointed time. He had warned her that there would be a penalty if she was late. As much as she wanted a spanking, she wasn’t sure she wanted a penalty, whatever it would be. She rang the doorbell and waited.

As she stood at the door, she felt like her whole body was tingling with fear and anticipation, especially her backside. Her mouth was dry, and she felt shivers running down her spine. She waited, hardly knowing that what was behind the door would change her whole life. Forever.

When he opened the door, the first thing she noticed was that the man she had hired was gorgeous. If she had ordered her ideal man from a catalog, he would look just like the man standing before her. He had dark wavy hair, bright blue eyes, a magnificent body with a muscular build and a great smile. He was dressed in tan slacks and a blue and white knit sweater that set off his eyes perfectly.

“Hi,” he said, in a relaxed and friendly voice. He had the most friendly, open smile Sarah had ever seen. He also had a hint of humor in his face.

“I’m Mac, you must be Sarah?” At her nervous nod, he said, “Come in. I won’t hurt you,” he paused and flashed her another smile, full of the devil and good humor, “much. Trust me. You’re right on time. I’m disappointed.”

Sarah found her voice. “Why?” she asked, entering the room.

He held the door to the room wide open, and looking inside, she could see that it was warm and cozy, furnished like any ordinary bedroom. It had a large four poster bed and a dresser, both in walnut. The room had a closet, a bathroom and even a small refrigerator. The walls were painted a pale blue, and the bedspread was royal blue. He had told her over the phone that the room was completely soundproofed.

“So you can scream all you want.” She remembered that he had laughed with genuine good humor when he told her that, but Sarah still felt another race of shivers run down her spine.

He shut the door behind her and locked it with a loud click, bringing her back to the present and stopping her memories cold in their tracks.

“I promised you a penalty for being late,” he said softly. “Maybe I should give you a penalty for disappointing me,” he whispered in her ear.

“That hardly seems fair!” It was a weak protest.

“Sarah, my sweet, I’ve been known to spank women for just breathing. How is that fair?” He smiled at her, then flashed her a stern look. “So? Why were you not late?”

“I’m sorry, I was too scared to be late,” Sarah whispered.

“Silly girl,” Mac chided, “come here.”

She entered the room and walked right into his arms. His hug was warm and friendly. His large, gentle hands were sliding up and down her back and slowly made their way down to her ass. He raised the dress she was wearing without breaking off the hug, still reaching around her. He gave her several hard, sharp slaps on her behind. He slid his hands inside her underwear taking one cheek in each hand and squeezing it gently. He slid his hands out of her panties and gave her ass a couple of more sharp slaps. To Sarah the slaps were stinging and felt great, but they were not enough. She wanted more. Finally he released her from the hug and stepped away from her.

He looked at her expectantly. “Okay, Sarah, what do you want?” he asked gently with his soft, deep voice.

It was finally happening. Her fantasy was about to begin. Some of the things she had discussed with him on the phone were the Victorian novels she had read. In the books, the girls were always made to ask for their punishment in very explicit and humiliating ways. Now it was her turn. She froze.

“I want you to give me a good hard spanking.” Her voice was a soft shy whisper; her face was warm with a blush.

Mac prodded her, his voice soft but still firm, “Sarah?”

“I’m torn, I want to run and I want to stay,” she admitted in a soft voice.

Mac had an uncanny instinct about these things so he asked her quietly, “How will you feel if you leave now? After coming this far?”

“Very smart,” Sarah smiled, her humor returning, “and painless, and... ”

“Like a coward?” Mac supplied.

“Yes,” she admitted, “like a coward, and still curious, and embarrassed.”

“Never feel embarrassed around me, Sarah dear, I’m not judging you,” Mac smiled. “I think you’re judging yourself. I do think, however, that if you leave you’ll regret it, and you’ll punish yourself for it. I think you’ll be even harder on yourself than I ever could be. So tell me Sarah,” he took on a harder tone, “what do you want?”

She bit at her lip, then shot him a pleading look with her big green eyes. “Please, Mac, give me a spanking.”

Her voice sounded small, her throat was tight and dry.

“A spanking?” he asked gently, seeming to consider the idea. “Hard?”

She nodded, her short red curls bouncing, and then she found her voice, “Hard.”

She moved quickly to do as he requested.

“Bare bottom?” he prodded, drawing her out.

“Yes,” she barely made any sound.

“Yes, what? Say it, girl, and speak up!” He was firmer, more masterful.

“Bare bottom.” It came out louder.

“Please,” he prompted.

“Please,” she nodded, sounding terrified, sounding thrilled.

“Across my lap?” he questioned.

“Yes, please, across your lap,” she replied, with her head hanging down.

“With my hand?” he asked firmly, still leading her. “Say all of it, again.”

She took a deep breath and met his gaze. “Mac, would you please give me a very long, hard spanking with your hand on my bare bottom, while I lay face down across your knees? Please?”

“Of course, my dear. I’ll give you as good a spanking as I ever gave anyone. I’ll set your lovely ass on fire for you. I’ll make it turn a very bright red and I’ll make it sting like the devil. I promise.” Suddenly Mac barked out an order, “Come here, now!”

His tone left no room for hesitation. Sarah did as she was told. Following his orders, she moved the plain wooden chair into the center of the small room.

“I want plenty of room to raise my arm when I spank you,” Mac said watching her carefully, judging her reactions.

She moved the chair into place. He stood there, watching her. “Now, push up the right sleeve of my sweater for me,” he ordered, “and kiss the palm of my right hand. The hand I’m going to use to spank you very hard.”

She reached out and pushed up his sleeve. She slowly slid her hand down to his hand and kissed the rough palm.

After the required kiss, he sat in the straight-backed chair and patted his lap. “Over my knees, now. Sweet Sarah. It’s time.”

Feeling awkward, Sarah draped herself across his knees. Mac spanked her without even raising her skirt. It was not a hard spanking, just playful and teasing. It was just a little harder than the swats he’d given her while hugging her. Sarah was almost disappointed when suddenly Mac began to pick up the pace of the blows. They weren’t really harder, just faster, but they began to sting.

Suddenly, without a word, Mac raised Sarah’s skirt up and began spanking her on her lacy blue panties. He began to put more slap into it, stinging but without real force. Sarah’s bottom began to tingle.

Mac stopped again. He stroked and admired her slightly pink bottom, gently patting it and even bending down to kiss and nip it

“Now Sarah, your spanking will begin,” Mac said. “Stand up, remove your dress and hang it in the closet.”

She quickly removed her floral print summer dress, hanging it neatly in the closet, stepped out of her shoes then pulled off her pantyhose. She produced two long scarves from her purse.

She walked over to face him, wearing only her matching panties and bra, and placed the scarves in his open palm. She gingerly laid herself over his lap. She reached back to lower her lacy blue nylon panties, but Mac stopped her. Mac used one scarf and tied her hands together, and she had an instant feeling of helplessness. With the second scarf he tied both hands to the chair leg.

When she was finally tied in place, she almost fainted from her feelings of excitement and panic. Feelings that only increased when she felt Mac gently lower her lacy panties, so that they hung on her legs, down almost to her knees.

Mac spent a long time fondling her buttocks gently. Rubbing small soft circles over the area that would soon received the punishment. He even planted a kiss and a nip on her firm round butt! Sarah squirmed in an agony of nervous anticipation.

“Stop squirming!” he commanded sternly.

“The suspense is killing me!” Sarah moaned.

“Gee. That’s too bad.” Mac’s sympathy was obviously false. “I’ll have to end the suspense then.”

Without warning, he exploded with a series of hard, fast slaps on her butt. Each of the slaps made a loud sound in the small room. Crack! The blows landed first on one cheek and then the other, turning her delicate pink skin red, very red, and making Sarah yell out loud and squirm.

“Lay still, girl, and relax your ass or it will be all the harder on you!” There was no gentleness now, no soft voice, just a firm, strong command.

Somehow, Sarah forced herself to obey. Crack! The spanking began again, but this time it was not quite so hard, not coming quite so fast. As her bottom warmed up, the speed and intensity of the spanking built up. It went on and on. He built up the force and speed of the spanking, then lowered it only to start building the intensity up again.

Sarah’s ass was on fire, and the pain was excruciating and thrilling. Finally, after what seemed like forever, he quit spanking her.

He did not untie her right away. First, he rubbed some cool lotion on her throbbing bottom, then, judging her reactions, he pulled the cheeks apart and lightly fingered her clit and her anus. He was ready to stop at any sign of resistance to this treatment; after all, it was not part of what they had planned. Sarah seemed to relax and revel in his touch. So he gave her a few moments of gentle teasing.

He untied her hands and had her stand in front of him, facing away from him. He sat there looking at her buttocks, admiring the color he had put on them.

He stood up. “Sarah, put the chair back where you found it, and then stand in the corner with your panties down until I tell you to move.” He watched as she complied. “And do not even think about rubbing your bottom!”

“Now you must thank me for giving you such a good, hard spanking, and turning your lovely ass such a nice, bright red,” he commanded after she had stood in the corner for a few minutes.

“Th… thank you for the good, hard spanking,” she whispered, turning her head and looking over her shoulder at him. She was quite a sight, her face almost as red as her hair, or her butt. “And for turning my ass so red.”

He reached out and carefully pulled her dainty underwear back into place, then gently turned her around and pulled her into his arms and briefly cuddled her before telling her to put her face back in the corner and wait for more orders.

Mac moved away from her and sat in his massive, padded armchair. He watched Sarah and used his instincts, which were incredible, to gauge whether Sarah would want to take this farther.

All his years of experience told him she was a true find. She would take all he could give and enjoy it; she just didn’t know it yet. She was also very sweet and very pretty.

Mac admitted to himself that for the first time in his life he was seriously attracted to a paying customer.

“Sweet Sarah, come over here and sit on my lap,” Mac said softly. As she approached, he pulled her down onto his lap.

He hugged her gently and stroked her hair. She settled into his arms with a contented sigh, her head resting on his chest, just under his chin. They sat like that for a long time, talking softly and just relaxing.

After about half an hour or so, Mac said softly, “Sarah, did I tell you there’s something I never do?”

“No, I can’t think of anything,” she said softly, looking up at him. “Unless it was that you never have sex with your clients, or even kiss them.”

“That’s the thing I was thinking of, the kiss, not the sex,” he said. “I never do either one with a client, but right now I was thinking about how I never kiss a client, ever.”

“And you’re telling me this because?” she asked him, her eyes wide and questioning.

“Because of this.” He kissed her; a long tender kiss, starting soft and romantic and quickly building intensity. The kiss never slid over into the realm of full on passion but it was warm and sweet, with a hint of the fire to come.

Sarah found her voice, “I’m glad you cleared that up.”

She continued to sit, perched precariously on his knee for a very long time. He whispered soft endearments in her ear and comforted her for a very long time. She gloried in the cuddling and the comforting warmth of his arms around her. Eventually he told her to stand in front of him again.

“Now, girl, it’s time to move ahead. Tell me what else you want me to do to you.” His voice was firm and commanding again.

This time she answered him more easily, “I want you to whip me, using the riding crop that I brought along, on my bare butt and make it very, very hard, please.”

She stood quietly in front of him, with her hands folded like a good little girl, feeling more than a little stunned. Surprised at how easily she asked for a whipping. Her buttocks still throbbed from the spanking but the sharp pain had faded.

He had untied her hands from the chair leg, and untied one hand, but there was still a knot around the wrist of the other.

“Okay, Sarah girl, remove your underwear completely and go stand at the end of the bed,” he ordered.

There was a cedar hope chest at the foot of the four-poster bed, so Sarah was really standing about three feet away from the bed. Mac had her stand halfway between the two bedposts, and then he pulled her forward and tied the wrist with the scarf attached to it to one post. He tied the other wrist to the other post the same way. Because of the chest she was bent slightly forward with her buttocks pushed out. It was an uncomfortable and humiliating position. Sarah could move her feet and wiggle her behind, but her tied hands kept her partially immobilized. Mac startled her by tying a blindfold over her face then he told her he was going to relax for a while, and that she would have to wait a few minutes for her whipping!

“You don’t mind waiting, do you little girl?” he asked harshly.

“Please Mac, whip me now. Please don’t make me wait.” Sarah was shaking.

“You’ll regret that remark when I do get around to whipping you,” Mac said sternly. “You’ll wish I’d made the wait longer.”

She was both eager and frightened half out of her mind; the waiting and the blindfold only heightened her tension. Her emotions were heightened, her nerves on a razor’s edge.

That was the point, of course. That, and to let any traces of pain from the spanking settle in a little. Mac decided to make this memorable for Sarah and for himself. For once it wasn’t just business, a way to earn a little extra income. He was entranced by Sarah. She was the most beautiful, sweetest, and least jaded woman he’d seen in a long time. She was very brave too. I’m in trouble, he thought. A client no less, who would have guessed? He decided to take this a lot farther than their original agreement. She had a few surprises in store for her, both before and after the whipping with her new riding crop.

In time Sarah began to fidget and whimper a little, and Mac worried that he’d pushed too hard. After all, this was the first time she’d played any spanking games.

“Too scared to carry on, little one?” he asked being deliberately sarcastic. “Going to chicken out?”

Sarah couldn’t answer, couldn’t even nod, which suited Mac just fine. He picked up the crop and began to swish it through the air, making Sarah flinch before he ever brought it down on her trembling butt. He walked around behind her and Sarah tensed, waiting for the slash of pain. She waited for nothing; he didn’t bring the crop down on her ass right away, but set it on the hope chest beside her, then pulled a chair up behind her and sat down.

Sarah was scared and puzzled.

“What are you doing?” she questioned.

Mac replied, “I just thought I’d have a little extra fun before using the riding crop. This is nothing compared to what I’m planning to do between the riding crop and your third whipping!”

“Third whipping!” she sputtered. “But, but this is all I paid for, it’s as far as I wanted it to go. You can’t!” she protested. “What are you doing now?”

“Hey girl, remember you’re tied up! I can, and I will do whatever I want to you.” He leaned over and gently nipped her still hot pink butt. His voice became gentler as he added in a softly persuading tone, “Relax baby, you’ll love it. I also want you to know that this has nothing to do with money, this is just for fun between us. Trust me, you have so far.”

She gave him a faint nod. He placed his hands on each side of her ass, lowered his head and began to kiss and tease her ass. He took more little nips of her butt, and used his tongue on the tight opening of her anus, sliding the fingers of one hand into her vagina. Sarah squirmed and wiggled as she became more and more aroused. Still he continued, working his magic with his tongue and teeth. Before long, she came.

As soon as she stopped shivering with the force of her orgasm, Mac got on with the original business. He picked up the crop and brought it slashing down on her buttocks. He gave her a harsh whipping, but not so severe that it did any real damage; he didn’t leave any deep bruises or welts. Her butt was even redder now than before and it hurt terribly. When he was done, he untied Sarah’s hands and pushed the blanket chest off to one side. He had Sarah sit on the hard wooden chest, ignoring her sore bottom.

He told her to remove her blindfold. There were traces of tears in her green eyes, making them sparkle like emeralds, and a soft shy smile on her trembling lips.

After a while, Mac told her to remove her bra and then sit on the end of the bed; then to lie back, with her legs hanging off the end of the bed. She blushed as she removed her bra but she complied without protest.

He moved quickly, before Sarah could react. Using the restraints that he kept in place on the bedposts at the front of the bed, he retied Sarah with her arms up over her head. He pulled the chair back to the end of the bed and lowered his mouth almost down to her hot cunt.

He looked up at her with one eyebrow cocked, “Okay?”

When she raised her head up and nodded, speechless, he lowered his mouth. He ate her out with his skillful tongue until she came again, then he moved up to her firm, round breasts. He suckled and kissed her breasts for a long time.

He climbed upon the bed, kneeling with one knee on each side of her hips. Using his hands to push her breasts together, he pushed his large prick in and out of the valley between them. He fucked her cleavage until he was almost to the point of orgasm. He climbed farther up on the bed still straddling her, until he had his erect cock very near her face.

“I thought our plan was for no sex,” she laughed, teasing.

“I came up with a new plan,” he told her seriously.

“Don’t tell me,” she smiled, “let me guess.”

She raised her head again and immediately took his prick into her sweet mouth, sucking and licking, and somehow humming at the same time. Mac caught his breath as he recognized the tune. It was the popular theme from a movie about sharks. He froze for a moment.

Sarah stopped what she was doing just long enough to look up at him with a sly grin and say, “Trust me!”

Mac laughed even as he shot his load of cum deep into her throat. They lay there together as they recovered. Eventually he began to tease her a bit, arousing both of them again.

“Okay. What’s next, fucking or sodomy?” he asked, only half joking, lazily stroking her still red butt.

Her reply was soft and serious. “I’ve never tried, uh, sodomy before.”

“So okay, we’ll fuck and save sodomy for the grand finale,” he said rolling over on top of her. “After the last whipping.”

“There’s going to be more?” she asked amazed.

“There’s going to be lots more,” he replied, solemnly.

“Can I have my hands free?” Sarah requested softly.

“Not yet, love.” He kissed her nose.

At that point as he entered her cunt, she wasn’t about to argue with anything. They rocked and thrashed together in a primal frenzy until the explosive climax came, shocking them both in its intensity. Sarah had never been tied up during sex before, and she discovered that it added an extra spice, an out-of-control feeling to the sensuality of the experience. Especially since her buttocks still ached and throbbed from the harsh punishment they had received at Mac’s hand.

Once again they rested; Mac opened a bottle of champagne and held the glass while Sarah drank. Although her arms were beginning to ache, she did not ask again to be set free.

Mac untied her eventually, though. He held her and stroked her, treating her so gently that she could scarcely believe he had just whipped her mercilessly with a riding crop and spanked her bare ass savagely with his hands.

How it happened, she never really knew, but suddenly she was on her belly again, her hands tied to the headboards again. She was bent over the end of the bed, her feet on the floor. Mac fastened her feet to the legs of the bed. He got out his camera and began to take pictures of her. He photographed her red behind, her welts, her cunt, everything he could focus on. She started to protest then she laughed as she heard the already familiar phrase.

“Trust me!”

He set the camera up on a tripod, then went over to the closet and brought out a big birch rod, shaking it to loosen it up. It whistled as he swished it through the air. Sarah noticed that a few drops of moisture sprinkled off the rod as he flicked it lightly.

He showed it to Sarah. “It’s a real birch rod with all the buds on it, and it has been soaked in brine. It should hurt quite a lot, maybe it’ll even cut you, does that sound okay?”

Sarah felt hypnotized at the sight and sound of the rod, fascinated and slightly sick, but still she nodded and replied quietly, “I trust you.”

“Then ask me to birch you, ask me really nice,” he said.

“Please sir, birch my bare bottom as hard as you can,” she swallowed, “please.”

“Girl, I’ll whip you until the blood runs down your legs and you can’t sit down or lay flat on your back for a week.” By now Sarah knew Mac well enough to be sure that it was a gross exaggeration, meant to titillate her.

Mac focused the camera on Sarah’s ass and used a remote button to snap pictures of the rod hitting her behind. After a few pictures, he put down the remote and concentrated on whipping her.

It wasn’t severe as birchings go but he still used the rod hard enough to raise a few faint welts and even cause a few drops of blood. He finished off with half a dozen cuts, harder than the rest. Then he stopped and took a few more pictures.

“It’s time to thank me, little girl,” Mac said sternly.

“Thank you for the whipping,” Sarah murmured, sounding like she didn’t have much energy left. This time there were more than traces of tears in her lovely eyes. This time she had tears running down her face and she was fighting herself to keep from sobbing openly.

He untied her and ordered her to kiss the rod and put it away. When she had done as ordered, he had her get back into the position, and tied her to the bed again. He took out some lubricating cream which he spread on her anus, on his fingers and on his cock. Then he gently began to finger fuck her anus; taking his time he worked one, then two, and finally three fingers into her asshole.

When she was ready he inserted his prick into her anus, and gently began to move within her as she relaxed and opened herself up, enjoying the sensations that he was giving her. She even enjoyed the feeling of him ramming up against her painful buttocks. He pumped her harder and harder. He managed to grab the button for the camera and snap a few pictures of his cock in her ass before throwing it aside and building up to a frantic climax.

He helped her lay face down on the bed and gently bathed and treated her sore bottom. Before she could ask what he was going to do with the pictures, he gave her the roll of film.

“A souvenir of what I hope is not our only night together, and I don’t mean to say that I want you for a regular client! I really want you in my life, Sarah, love. I think I might even want you in my business too.” He paused, kissing her gently. “Do you think you could give a whipping as well as you can take one?”

Sarah gave him a devilish grin. “I’d be glad to demonstrate any time. You deserve a little payback.”

“Somehow I think I’ll wait until you cool down, and I don’t just mean your behind, before I let you anywhere near my butt.” He kissed her on the end of the nose. “I am a very wise man.”

“Did you say you were a wise man,” she said with a sly grin, “or a wise ass?”

“Just insult me, why don’t you? Just when I was going to be nice and give you your money back.” He handed her the money and became serious. “What we had tonight was more than a just little spanking. It was really great between us, and more than just wild, kinky sex. If I kept your money I’d feel like a prostitute, and even more important, you would think of me as one. The sex we had was something special, not just part of a deal.”

Sarah took the money and the roll of film. She said, “Oh my God! First, I think you’re very special too. We’re special together. I would like to be with you in any way, at any time,” she laughed. “Second, how on earth do I get this film developed? It’s probably just a little too sexy for the drug store.”

“I don’t know what you mean,” he teased. “It’s only sodomy and S & M, what’s so sexy about that?”

“If you don’t know, you’re doing it wrong,” she needled him. “I know I’m not going to hand this to the guy at the Photo counter.”

“Don’t worry, I have a darkroom, but I didn’t want you to have any anxiety about my having the negatives to do anything weird with them.” He grinned, “If you want, we can develop them together.”

“Mac, my dear,” she rolled over, ignoring the pain in her buttocks, and reached up for him, “I’d love to spend time in a dark room, any dark room with you, anytime.” She pulled him down to her, and slid one hand down to gently stroke him. “Are you in any hurry to develop that film?”

“No, Sarah, love,” he entered her, “let’s see what we can develop right here.”

I did all this in one sitting, but I’m a little surprised that I can even sit. My lover beat my butt, good and hard, just for research. Damn good of him, wasn’t it? He also offered to tie me up and sodomize me, again in the name of research. I’ll keep it in mind!

Hot Crossed Buns: Spanking short stories of erotic, play and discipline

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