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Personal Acknowledgments

I’m so grateful to God for putting these amazing people in my life, these friends and colleagues who helped me so much with this book.

To Bert Ghezzi, my editor at Our Sunday Visitor, whose technical expertise and ability to lay out the book was terrific. Bert, you are a man of many talents who followed through on every detail, single-handedly coordinating all the different players (near and far) who were involved in this. Your technical knowledge was most appreciated. I’m so glad you’re part of the “team.”

To my copy editor Bill Dodds, an award-winning novelist and wordsmith par excellence, who gave me award-winning ideas, and the encouragement and hope to move forward. Bill, you truly are amazing.

To Father Dan Cambra, M.I.C., whose deep devotion to St. Faustina and Divine Mercy made this book possible. Without you, Father Dan, there would be no St. Faustina Prayer Book for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, and I just can’t thank you enough.

To Jackie Lindsey, my dear friend through nine books, my support, and the person who gives me great encouragement to keep writing. Thank you!

To Steven Jay Gross, who is beyond words and to whom I’m eternally grateful. Thank you for your unending support, friendship, wisdom, and knowledge. Steve, you’re the most compassionate man I know on this earth (both to all people and animals). You’re unrepeatable and irreplaceable. I would thank you from the bottom of my heart, but for you my heart is limitless.

To George Foster, a man who dots every i and crosses every t. Thank you, George, for the final editing on all my books … in your quiet, positive, professional, and faith-filled way.

To my longtime and dear friend Larry Lesof, who joined me over coffee to discuss Rich in Mercy. Larry, as always, you were there for me and offered wise, helpful, and excellent advice.

To Natalie Raaths, who gave me the opportunity to dig deep into St. Faustina’s life. Natalie, remember to keep me in the pipeline of the books you read!

To Deacon Mike McCloskey. In 1996, long before St. Faustina was a household name, you were out front celebrating Divine Mercy Sunday. Thank you so much for introducing me to the Divine Mercy Stations, St. Faustina’s favorite devotion.

To Father Anthony, Father Miguel, and Father Joseph — Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word — whose love and concern for the holy souls has included promoting my books for many years. Thank you so much, dear Fathers!

To Loyola University Chicago librarians Yolande Wersching and Vanessa Crouther. Once again, your assistance was outstanding!

To Mike Wick, my “creative extraordinaire” friend, who pointed the way to a fantastic iconographer, Vivian Imbruglia, from Rancho Cucamonga, California! I’m most grateful.

To Garrett Fosco, who so generously shares his talents with others, including helping design the cover of this book. You help me “see” through an artist’s eyes, and that’s changed how I see the world.

To my home-team supporters, my sisters Terrie, Angel, and Claudia, a special thank you.

To Jean Studer, who is there for me. You’re a wonderful, radiant woman, and I’m blessed to have you in my life.

To Fran Stortz, a powerhouse of prayer. Thank you for so faithfully keeping me, and my work, in your thoughts and prayers.

To Mary Ward, always giving and ever gracious. Thank you for traveling around the country with The Purgatory Lady.

St. Faustina Prayer Book for the Holy Souls in Purgatory

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