Читать книгу The Theotokis Inheritance - Susanne James - Страница 2


Helena forced herself to concentrate, and tried to ignore the faint, musky drift of Oscar’s aftershave.

Clearing his throat, the solicitor continued, ‘To my beloved great-nephew Oscar Iannis Theotokis I leave one half of the property known as Mulberry Court.’ Adjusting his spectacles, he went on, ‘And I also bequeath one half of the said property to Helena Kingston. All and everything to be shared equally between the two aforesaid parties.’

What had he just said? Immediately shocked beyond belief, Helena gasped and almost stood up. This isn’t right, she thought wildly. Not Mulberry Court! There had to be some mistake!

If she’d been struck by something hurtling from outer space Helena couldn’t have felt more stunned. There was complete silence for a few moments, then Helena pulled herself together and looked across at Oscar’s stern profile, trying to stem the hot tide of feeling that was rippling through every nerve and fibre of her body.

The Theotokis Inheritance

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