With SEX, No Drugs and Rock'n Roll Through Menopause

With SEX, No Drugs and Rock'n Roll Through Menopause
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Описание книги

Fear, dread, and uncertainty often surround menopause. Many women feel as if their best years are behind them – but this is not true! With SEX, No Drugs and Rock N' Roll Through Menopause and Beyond is the book that will change your perception of this transformative turning point into something positive! What's more is that this book will guide you through menopause naturally and offers a range of advice for physical, mental, spiritual, and even sexual health. This book isn't only ideal for women going through menopause, but also those who are near- and post-menopausal. In addition, this book makes a great gift for the men in your life, with chapters tailored just for them and how they can help and support you! Exchange fear for confidence, dread for hopefulness, and uncertainty for excitement as you begin this new, beautiful chapter of your life!


Susanne McAllister. With SEX, No Drugs and Rock'n Roll Through Menopause


Welcome to your new life

What is menopause and how to know if you are in menopause or peri-menopause?

What Is Menopause

Premature Menopause

The Three Stages of Menopause

Symptoms of Perimenopause

Symptoms of Menopause

Tests you need to know about and questions to ask your Doctor

Questions To Ask Your Doctor When Going Through Menopause

What do I do about all of these hot flashes?

Should I take hormone replacement therapy?

What do I do about night sweats?

What can I do about the mood swings I am experiencing?

I have terrible vaginal dryness. What can I do?

I experience pain during intercourse. What can I use for this?

I am suffering from brain fog in menopause. Am I going crazy?

I have urinary incontinence. What can I do?

What do I do about increased bladder infections in menopause?

I cannot sleep now that I am in menopause. What can I do?

What is perimenopause?

How do I know that I have gone through menopause?

Will I have decreased libido during menopause?

Am I still fertile if I have gone through menopause?

What can I do about weight gain during menopause?

How do I get social support around my menopausal symptoms?

I think menopause is making me depressed. What can I do?

I have had anxiety and panic attacks since entering menopause. What should I do?

Can I take herbal supplements for insomnia during menopause?

How long does menopause last?

What does premature menopause mean?

How can I avoid getting osteoporosis because of menopause?

How much calcium should I be taking after menopause?

What is the role of exercise in menopause?

When does menopause usually occur?

What is the major risk of taking hormone replacement therapy?

I had my first period late in life. Does this mean that I will have menopause later in life?

How long can I take oestrogen replacement therapy?

Should I just take oestrogen replacement or should I take progesterone along with it when I take hormone replacement therapy?

These are tests that I would highly recommend for you during peri-menopause and menopause

To HRT or not to HRT?

Types Of HRT

Risks Of HRT

Side Effects Of Hormone Replacement Therapy

Weighing The Pros And Cons Of HRT

Common Challenges and what helps

Your period stops

Lifestyle changes or natural remedies for the management of hot flashes:

Stop Hot Flashes Naturally during Menopause with Phytoestrogens

Research Reports on Phytoestrogens

Phytoestrogen Sources

Nuts and seeds



Soy products


The most common herbs containing phytoestrogens include the following:

The Use of Phytoestrogenic Herbs

How to do Kegel exercises

When to do your Kegels

Do you feel you are not doing them right or it doesn’t feel right?

When to expect results

I love

Warming Lubricants

Vaginal Moisturisers

Increased mood swings

Skin and Hair Changes

Menopause and Joint pain and how to feel better naturally

Let’s look at some things you can do …

Mood Swings and Depression


Itchy Skin


Food that nourishes you through menopause

Let’s eat whole foods

Eating a whole foods diet:

Why ?

Potato vs. Potato Chip


Your YES List

No List

MEAL IDEAS. Breakfast




For your Sweet Tooth (I have one too!)




Sticking to the diet when eating out






Breakfast and Brunch

Order up!

Delis & Sandwich Shops

Coffee Shops

Order up!

Burger Joints

Order up!

Mexican Food

Order up!

Chinese Restaurants

Order up!


Order up!


Order up!

Italian Restaurants

Order up!

Fast Food

Order up!

Cooking at home

When you’re in a Rush and need to eat

How to improve your digestion


Supplements to take and why

General Supplements that keep your body strong and lean

1. Do you need a multivitamin?

An A-Z of possible menopause symptoms and supplements that help. Absent-mindedness, brain fog, poor memory

Anxiety and depression

Blood sugar levels balance

Bones and teeth

Cardiovascular function (heart and blood vessels)



2. How is your Gut feeling?

3. Good Bacteria just for you

4. You need your Sleep or Menopause will be a drag – for SURE

5. Detoxing the Rubbish in your body

6. Omega-3 for your brain WITHOUT killing a fish

7. Omega-7 to stop hot flashes and help for your metabolism / reduces your BAD cholesterol

8. Here is your Anti-Ageing Powerhouse Supplement

CBD Oil helps with hot flashes

9. Maca Powder

10. Phosphatidylserine


12. Vitamin B complex

13. Vitamin D

14. Vitamin C

15. Ashwagandha

Stay safe with supplements

Help yourself with Homeopathy

Please make an appointment straight away, if:

How to take the remedies:

Here we go: Issue: Slow metabolism, and the feeling of toxins clogging your body up

Issue: Food Cravings

Issue: Putting on adipose tissue in the lower half of your body and slow digestion

Issue: Depression, Hot Flashes, Feeling Exhausted

Issue: Mood Swings, slow digestion, weak tissue

Issue: Hot Flashes, Night Sweats, low circulation, feeling nervous in your heart, feeling nervous, and unsettled

Issue: Hot Flashes, Night Sweats, Feeling exhausted, migraines

Hot Flashes, Night sweats and inner restlessness, Migraine

Issue: Hot Flashes paired with redness of the skin, feeling suffocated, heart racing, feeling claustrophobic and restricted, migraines on the left side of the head

Issue: Hot Flashes and Night Sweat, with itchiness and skin feeling like it’s burning, bothered by the smell of sweat, even your own

Issue: Hot Flashes in the face, red cheeks, hot feet, headaches

Issue: Hot Flashes with a very red face that comes in attacks

Issue: Hot Flashes with feeling Pressure in your head and face

Issue: Hot Flashes with skin feeling like pinpricks and burning heatwaves that rise up to the head and the face

Issue: Hot Flashes with pale skin, feeling and down and low

Issue: Hot Flashes that feel like they are pulsing in waves in your face, dark red and blue face, heart beating, most issues are on the left-hand side of the body

Issue: Hot Flashes whilst feeling weak, sweaty, and depressed

Issue: Pulsating, rising hot flashes, the face is bluish or reddened and hot; terrible bursting headache; strong palpitations

Issue: Hot flashes followed by tremors or sweat. Weakness and great haste

Sleeping better with homeopathy. Issue: Sleeps uneasily before menstruation; awakening at 2-3 o'clock in the morning; cannot fall asleep for hours

Issue: Because of unpleasant thoughts, pondering and affected by heat; cannot fall asleep or freezes, shivers, sweats when falling asleep

Issue: Sleep uneasily and awakening at 2-3 o'clock in the morning, cannot fall asleep for hours


Issue: Could sleep all day, but not at night

Issue: Spasmodic yawning, falling asleep listening or talking, waking up at 3am with confused dreams

Issue: Insomnia despite great exhaustion

Issue: Persistent drowsiness with weakness

Issue: Awakes with fear, fright, restlessness, feelings of suffocation, unpleasant dreams (snakes, birds, flies)

Issue: Her sleep is restless as a result of worries, insults, mistrust, dreams of thieves, robbers, erotic dreams, nocturnal bone pain

Issue: Agonising thoughts, tired and tense during the day

Issue: Restless sleep, wakes up in terror as if falling

The SuZen Homeopathics Range. Hot SuZen

Sleep SuZen

M-W-SuZen (Mood – Weight)

Let’s Sleep again and beat Fatigue and Stress

This will help you go to sleep when you are tired and can keep you sleeping longer. Some good sleep habits include the following:

Natural Sleep Remedies For Insomnia

The Importance Of Reducing Stress

Hot flashes are linked to stress and anxiety

Stress Reduction Techniques

Relaxation Therapies




Mind-Body Practices

Where did my Energy go?

The emotional impact of Menopause. Maintaining Emotional Wellness

Mood Swings and Menopause Symptoms

Menopause and Depression: What You Need to Know NOW

What is Major Depression?

How is Depression Identified during Menopause?

Treatments of Depression in Menopause

Positive Thinking

Be Kind To Yourself

Hypnotise – breathe – and mind-control your symptoms away. Hypnosis For Night Sweats And Hot Flashes

Paced Breathing

Wim Hof – The Ice Man Breathing Technique

Mindful Breathing

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Behavioural Interventions

These Interventions Include:

Creating A Home That Is A Wellness Sanctuary during Menopause

A Low Tox Life for your Body and Home

Cleaning your body on the inside

Have you ever considered a colon cleanse?

Colon Hydrotherapy


Natural colon cleansing supplements

Intestinal parasites and probiotics






Cleaning Supplies

Toxins in your kitchen

Grow some food

Essential Oils that Help You Through Menopause

Essential oils to help alleviate menopausal stress:



Top 6 Essential Oils to Boost Your Libido

Essential Oils for Weight Loss during Menopause


Ginger Roots

Castor Seed

Neem Seed



Pomegranate Seed

A word of caution

Your mind through menopause – is this the end?

Memory Loss and Brain Fog

Why Does Brain Fog Occur?

What to do? Treating Brain Fog

One for the boys / how your man can help you get through

Love your body – love your life. How a Sedentary Lifestyle Makes Menopausal Women Suffer Unnecessary Symptoms

What is a sedentary lifestyle?

Why does leading a sedentary lifestyle make menopause worse?

How much movement should I aim for?

Finding your “thing?”

Best Exercises to Manage Menopause

Aerobic/Cardiovascular Exercise

Uses and Benefits

Good Choices In Aerobic Exercise

Anaerobic Exercise/Strength Training

Uses and Benefits

Your Choices In Anaerobic Exercises

Mind-Body Exercises

Mind-body exercises include:



Tai Chi and QiGong


Stability and Balance

Staying Motivated And Being Realistic

Finding Meaning In Life during Menopause

What do you value?

How to get there

What to look for

Score these from zero to five (zero being unimportant and five being incredibly important)

Ways to Create More Meaning in Your Life

Figure Out What Meaningful Means to You

Live an Authentic Life

Practice Gratitude

Be Mindful


Listen More, and Talk Less

Develop a Relationship with the Divine

Follow Through On Your Aspirations

Give In To Passion

Live Compassionately

Offer Kindness

Face Your Fears

Show Up For Life

Give and Receive Love

Question Everything

Set Daily Goals

Have a Sense of Wonderment


Strengthen Your Friendships

Learn Who You Really Are

Write Your Own Eulogy

Writing your eulogy allows you to think about…

Happiness is Not the Same as Meaning

You Make Connections

Build Something Long-Term

Gratitude Can Help Us Find Meaning in Our Lives

Here are some simple practices to get you started on the life-changing path of gratitude:

What Living Meaningfully Means

You Don't Have To Save The World: Finding Meaning In Small Every Day Actions

Find Meaning In Small Actions

Every Day Action

Let’s talk about sex, baby! Tantra is not a dirty word!

Tantra and the breath

You and Your Partner

Do’s and don’ts

About your libido

Your Tribe - Bring on the Rock’n Roll

You Start to Know Who You Are

You're Resilient

You Accept Help

You Don’t Feel Bad Saying No

Goodbye Drama

Are Lonely Women More Prone To Illness?


Additonal Resources: 7-day meal plan that will kick start your weight loss without depriving yourself. Breakfasts: Basic Shake s

Chia Pudding

Breakfast omelettes

Easy Soups: Sweet Potato and Bean Soup

Creamy Cauliflower Soup

Super Big Green Salad

Main affair Quinoa

Greens, Eggs, and Sweet Potatoes

Kale / Quinoa Salad

Pesto Zoodles

Zoodles or Carrot Noodles

Sautéed Greens with Mushrooms

Edamame and ChickPea Salad with Tofu or Salmon

Asian Tofu Broccoli Salad

Home-made easy-peasy kimchi

Menopause Symptoms Checklist


Curious About the Inner Connection Process?

About the Author

Отрывок из книги

Can you relate?

Let me quickly introduce myself, this book is about you so I will keep it brief. My name is Susanne McAllister, and I feel that I am a citizen of the world. I feel most at home in Australia, then Ireland, and then Germany (the country I was actually born in). I lived in many places, and I love to learn new things and have a bunch of degrees. I love studying, especially in relation to people and health, emotional and physical. The pride of my life are my two gorgeous daughters Caroline and Gabriella. My husband passed of cancer, so did my best friend and my mum, and this is why I am so determined for you to have a beautiful, healthy, happy, and meaningful life. Because this is what gives my life meaning, to share what I know and be the guide for women just like you, to go through menopause and beyond naturally and holistically and to truly live your best life, whatever that might look like for you.


Full Blood Panel Ask your doctor to order a full blood panel including:

VAP cholesterol [This is extensive and includes subtypes of LDL and HDL plus lipo (a), VLDL], Iron levels ferritin


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