Читать книгу The Phoenix Of Love - Susan Schonberg - Страница 3

The Earl of Monquefort stood
patiently and waited for an
opening in the conversation.


“Miss Wentworth, I do hope you remember me,” he began.

Olivia was quick to respond. “Of course we do, Lord Monquefort”

“Please, let me introduce you to a friend of mine who is most anxious to make your acquaintance.”

Olivia’s eyes shifted away from the earl to take in the gentleman standing next to him. The sight of the darkly handsome Marquis of Traverston shocked her speechless.

The marquis took Olivia’s hand and held on to it for just a little longer than polite society would dictate as proper, before smiling into her pale blue eyes and making his own introduction.

“Your husband, I believe.”

Olivia’s famed cool gaze gave out with a vengeance. Without a word she crumpled slowly to the floor.

The Phoenix Of Love

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