Читать книгу The Greek's Virgin Temptation - Susan Stephens, Susan Stephens - Страница 10
ОглавлениеDAWN ON THE best day ever! Kimmie dragged deeply on the scent of warm blossom and ozone as she threw open the shutters of her idyllic attic room overlooking the glorious sugar-sand beach.
She could still call it off.
Ridiculous. This was her wedding day! It was far too late to change her mind. Mike, Kimmie’s fiancé, was someone she’d known all her life. Much older than Kimmie and, as he’d told her himself, he’d be a steady hand on the tiller.
Or a control freak.
‘Go to bed early. Stay in your bed until I call you,’ he’d told her last night. ‘You need your sleep. Tomorrow is an important day,’ he’d added as if she didn’t know.
When did I become so biddable?
Tiny bits of her had been chipped away, so small she’d barely noticed them.
Kimmie frowned as she pulled away from the window. All brides got the jitters on their wedding day, didn’t they? A walk on the beach would sort her out. The sun was already warming the tiny Greek island of Kaimos, and Kimmie’s bridesmaid, Janey, was only down the corridor. They could both cool their feet in the sea and, hopefully, loosen up, in Kimmie’s case. But she couldn’t stop the thoughts coming.
Was Mike just a safe option?
He was the only option, and she had wanted to settle on a good man before the past put a stranglehold on her and turned her hard and cynical.
Did she love him?
If love was familiarity and the reassurance of never having to explain herself, then Mike fitted the bill perfectly. No one wanted to be alone. Not really.
Did Mike love her?
Enough questions! It was time to get dressed. Pulling on shorts and a top, she padded down the corridor to knock on Janey’s door.
‘Janey...? Are you awake? Can I come in?’
Hearing something that might have been Janey calling out, ‘Yes!’ she took a chance.
‘Sorry to wake you so early, but—’ Words froze in her mouth. There was no escaping the sight of Mike naked in bed, with Janey on top of him, riding him for all she was worth. Which wasn’t very much, as it turned out, Kimmie reflected numbly as she stumbled backwards out of the room.