Читать книгу Ready for Anything - Suzette Lovely - Страница 6


Table of Contents

About the Author



The Four Touchstones

In This Book

1 Rethinking Education

The Changing Paradigm of Schooling

Vital Skills for a Changing Economy

A Farewell to Average

The Any-Collar Workforce

Future-Ready Teaching and Learning

Constructive Rebellion Against Conformity

Conclusion: There Is No Limit for Better

Touchstone Takeaways

2 Implementing Innovative Practices

Six Characteristics of Innovative Educators

Eight Themes of Practical DREAMING

Strategies to Increase Innovation in the Student Environment

Conclusion: Take a Walk on the Dog Side of Life

Touchstone Takeaways

3 Building a Strengths-Based Culture

Focusing on Strong Versus Wrong

Developing Leadership in Teachers and Students

Encouraging the Zookeeper Effect

Creating Defining Moments

Molding Mindsets—Theirs and Ours

Conclusion: Wise Up

Touchstone Takeaways

4 Designing Personalized Experiences

Seven Questions to Kickstart the Process

Core Components of Personalization

Strategies for Designing Personalized Experiences

Conclusion: Settle or Soar

Touchstone Takeaways

5 Collaborating With the Outside

Education Philanthropy Through the Ages

The Collective Impact Movement

Collaborating With Millennial Parents

Conclusion: Lower the Drawbridge

Touchstone Takeaways


Assess Your Identity

Turn Words Into a Movement

Conclusion: A New Hope


Carlsbad Unified School District Graduate Profile

Lakeside Union School District Graduate Profile

References and Resources


Ready for Anything

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