Читать книгу Grief - Svend Brinkmann - Страница 2




Front Matter


1 Introduction: The Century of Grief Back to the things themselves Structure of the book Science, art and culture Grief’s recent history Notes

2 Grief as a Foundational Emotion What are emotions? Foundational emotions Grief as a foundational emotion Conclusions Notes

3 The Phenomenology of Grief Identifying the phenomenology of grief The deep relationality of the self The limitations of evolutionary theories The normativity of psychological phenomena Conclusions

4 The Body in Grief – Grief in the Body The grieving body Back to the question: What are emotions? What is a body? Digression on the Danish play SAVN Conclusions: The appraising body in grief Notes

5 The Ecology of Grief The extended mind hypothesis Extended emotions Grief’s affective niche Conclusion: What is to be gained by viewing grief as extended? Notes

6 Grief as a Psychiatric Diagnosis? Psychiatric grief categories in a diagnostic culture What is a mental disorder? Discussion Conclusions Notes

10  7 A Homeless Love

11  Bibliography

12  End User License Agreement

List of Illustrations

1 Chapter 1The original Angel of Grief by William Wetmore Story (1894)

2 Chapter 2Masaccio, The Expulsion Of Adam and Eve from Eden (1425)

3 Chapter 4Greek motif from the sixth century BCE, where the deceased is surrounded by fami…Vincent van Gogh, At Eternity’s Gate (1890)Edvard Munch, The Sick Child (1907)Scene from SAVN. Reproduced with permission from Teater Grob’s official website:…



Table of Contents

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