Читать книгу The History of House Six - Svetlana Dobychina - Страница 5

Sleepyhead Sun


The Sun was a late sleeper and loved to nap wrapping itself into cozy white clouds. Clouds loved the Sun very much and always covered and sheltered it from unimportant things. One day, the Sun woke up and looked down on the Earth stretching itself. At first, he thought that he was still asleep: from the skies, people looked like gloomy snowmen wrapped in fur. There were huge snow banks along the roads, all merry rivers were hidden, and the forest stood silent.

The Sun thought for a minute and found out, to its deep shame, that it had been asleep for too long and Winter ran over time. The Winter itself was tired: everyone was eagerly waiting for it on Christmas Eve. After holidays, children were sliding on their sledges while adults admired sparkling show cover. But now everything was different, and no one was happy with frost patterns and severe cold any longer…

The Sun got to work immediately. First, it sent a long beam to melt the frozen lakes and rivers. But the ice was so thick that Sunny had to send a whole beam army to melt it a little bit. When the first pools of melting water appeared, fish started to get warm and swim to the surface, waving their fins joyfully.

The next army was sent to the forest to tickle treetops of frozen firs and pines until the snow mantels covering them turned into dripping water. Soon there came merry streams running into holes and waking animals from their winter sleep.

The Bear had been trying to wake up in his lair for a long time: he tossed from side to side waiting for the warmth to come. His dreams became disturbing, and he started feeling hunger already. When the Bear sensed the first brook, he finally opened his eyes and stretched. He put his nose out of the lair, and suddenly smelled dried apples. It turned out that they were brought by a smart Hedgehog who knew that Bear would be very, very hungry…

Having melted ice in the forest, the Sun began to warm people, slowly forcing them to change their warm fur coats to spring clothing. Merry brooks have already been running across each path. The Sun smiles were shimmering in their waters. Beauty-Spring embracing her girlfriend Winter, was seeing her off to the far North Pole, where she could take a break from the lengthy worries.

The History of House Six

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